Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 299: Food Crisis

"Reporting to the Korean team, the zero-star power station can generate 100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity every day. After upgrading to one-star, the additional reward is a tenfold increase in power production.

"That means producing one million kilowatt-hours of electricity every day?" Han Feng figured out the answer after a little calculation in his mind. At the same time, Han Feng couldn't tell whether he made a profit or a loss from this additional reward.

After a few seconds, Han Feng stopped worrying about this issue and asked casually, "By the way Luna, since the power station has been built, why don't we remove all the magnetic storm infantry that are generating electricity?~"

"Report to the Korean team to withdraw all the magnetic storm infantry. The mines and temporary residences of survivors will lose power supply."

Hearing Luna say these words, Han Feng became a little anxious.

"Why were you so anxious to build a power station in the first place?! Isn't it so that survivors can use electrical appliances with stable voltage as soon as possible?!"

After a pause, Han Feng continued, "At that time, you said that the virtual power station could not power electrical appliances in the real world. I accepted it... Now this power station is really standing there! Why can't it still provide power?! "

"Report to the Korean team... where the survivors temporarily live, there is no underground cable connection. The power from the power station cannot be exported..."

"Uh...ah hi~ I told you earlier~ I was shocked~" Han Feng scratched the back of his head and laughed, trying to cover up his inner embarrassment.

A few seconds later, Han Feng asked, "I'll go to the city to look for underground cables tomorrow... If it doesn't work, I'll throw them out of the ground."

"Report to the Korean team that the Allied base can build accessories for power stations, and underground cables are among them."

"Um..." Hearing what Luna said, Han Feng couldn't help but be "cautious"... and then asked, "How many gold coins are needed to make underground cables?"

"Report to the Korean team that as long as there is enough copper, the Allied base can make cables."


"Yes, Team Korea. To make underground cables, four kilograms of copper are needed for every meter."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng narrowed his eyes and began to calculate silently in his heart...

Tens of seconds later... Han Feng frowned, silently took out his phone and opened the computer service...

"Luna, how long is the total length of cable needed from the power station to the temporary residence of the survivors?"

"Report to the Korean team that the power station is 3.8 kilometers away from the temporary residence of the survivors, but if the underground cable is to be fully extended, a length of four kilometers is needed."

"Oh..." In response, Han Feng muttered to himself and began to calculate, "Four kilometers is four thousand meters... Four thousand times four equals..."

"Sixteen tons...the cost is two thousand gold coins per ton..."

"Thirty-two thousand gold coins..." Reading the amount displayed on the calculator, Han Feng thought it was acceptable~

Immediately, Han Feng issued instructions: "Luna, let the combat laboratory produce sixteen tons of copper~"

"Reporting to the Korean team, it takes 30,000 yuan for the combat laboratory to produce 16 tons of materials..."

"Confirm, confirm~" Knowing Luna's next question, Han Feng interrupted directly to confirm.

"Okay Team Korea, the copper is being produced, please wait..."

Hearing this, Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit it.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Han Feng turned his attention to the system...

"More than two million one hundred and twenty-eight thousand gold coins..." Han Feng smiled softly after reading the amount in the gold coin column. This is all the savings in the past two or three months~

A few minutes later, Han Feng dropped the cigarette butt and stamped it out.

"Luna, build a physical barracks~" Suddenly, Han Feng suddenly said something coldly.

"Report to the Korean team that two hundred thousand gold coins are needed to build the physical building-the barracks. The construction time is twenty-four hours."

"Tsk..." Taking a deep breath, Han Feng tutted, "Why is it so expensive? Do you think I have more gold coins? Are you killing me?!"

"Report to the Korean team that the prices for all summons and construction of the red alert system are clearly marked. There is no such thing as "cheating". Please feel free to build it."


Suddenly, Han Feng felt like a lump in his throat... Hearing what Luna meant, it turned out that he had done something wrong.

Helpless, Han Feng had no choice but to speak and let Lu

Na builds a military camp. Who is the "maker" of the rules?

"Report to the Korean team, please plan the construction location of the physical building-the barracks."

"Note that the building area of ​​the selected physical barracks must not be less than 500 square meters. The building height must not be less than 100 meters."

"Ah Xi... Just, just over there." After hearing this, Han Feng raised his hand, pointed to the other side of the Allied base, and said at the symmetrical position of the power station.

"Okay, Korean team, the physical building, the barracks, is under construction."

"Bah...dong..." As soon as Luna finished speaking, the allied base not far away suddenly made an inflatable sound. Immediately afterwards, a huge springboard was put down.

All the red police soldiers of the Sixth Brigade walked down the gangplank, just like last night, each one had a cleaning tool.

It goes without saying that these soldiers had to clear building foundations before they could build the physical barracks.

After taking a look, Han Feng turned and walked towards the multifunctional infantry vehicle. Since the base has been built, the temporary tents have been canceled by default. So tonight, Han Feng could only go back to stay in the zinc mine.

On the way home, Han Feng was thinking... Building a virtual barracks can summon soldiers anytime and anywhere, but he felt that building a physical barracks was a bit "tasteless".

But when he thought about it, there were additional rewards for building physical buildings, and Han Feng was relieved.

"Luna, the additional reward of the one-star power station is ten times the power. Then the additional reward of the barracks is to pay the price of one person, and ten people come out? Or... the price of summoning personnel is 100% discount? ~ "

"Report to Captain Han, before the physical building - the barracks, is completed, the additional rewards are unknown."

Hearing Luna's answer again, Han Feng became more curious, and then said, "Oh, the gold coins have been deducted, and the barracks have also started to be built. What can't be said in advance?"

After a pause, Han Feng continued to ask, "Do you... know, but just don't tell me?"

"Report to Captain Han, according to the "Red Alert System - Correspondent Code", before the physical building - the barracks is built, I am..."

"Ah, stop, stop, stop!" Han Feng was "heady" when he heard Luna "reciting the law". After interrupting Luna's long speech, Han Feng began to concentrate on driving, while suppressing his curiosity...

Returning to the zinc mine, he parked the car. Han Feng took out his mobile phone and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening...

Going upstairs quietly, Han Feng found his bedroom and entered.

"Wei Yun is sick, and can't even eat a hot canned food..." Touching his "gurgling" stomach, Han Feng could only dig out a few compressed biscuits and bottled water to fill his stomach.

It's not that Han Feng doesn't have the ability to heat canned food himself, but... if he wants to go to the kitchen, he will definitely wake up Wei Yun who is passing by.

When he thinks of Wei Yun dragging his sick body to worry about him... "Forget it~ Let's just eat this..."

Chewing the dry compressed biscuits, Han Feng gulped down a few gulps of water and washed it down his esophagus.

After "eating and drinking enough", Han Feng went into the bathroom to take a shower, and then lay down on the bed...

The next morning...

"Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!"

At 7:30 in the morning, when it was already bright, Han Feng was awakened by the alarm on his mobile phone. Reaching out to turn off the alarm, Han Feng sat up to "wake up".

After washing up in a hurry, Han Feng got dressed and went downstairs.

At the stairs, Han Feng met Wei Peng who was going upstairs. As soon as he saw Han Feng, Wei Peng said, "Brother-in-law?~ Why did you get up so early today? I was just about to wake you up~"

Without any nonsense, Han Feng asked directly, "How is your sister? Is she feeling better?

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