Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 283: The zombies'

But even so, Han Feng still did not change his decision. Driving the "limping" armored vehicle, we approached the location of another supply box.

When the armored vehicle was halfway through the journey, Han Feng turned around and said to the five snipers in the carriage, "Okay, you can get off the vehicle here and find your own sniper point. If a battle breaks out, I allow you to shoot at your own discretion." "

"Yes! Team Han!"

"Yes! Team Han!"


The five snipers took the order, then jumped off the armored vehicle one by one and began to sneak, heading to their chosen sniper points.

Watching the snipers go away, Han Feng was not in a hurry to drive. Instead, he turned around, took out a cigarette, lit it, and continued to recover his mental strength while waiting for the sniper to arrive...

"Report to the Korean team that I have arrived at the sniper point." In less than a minute, the first sniper sent back the information that he was in position.

"Reporting to the Korean team, I have also arrived at the sniper point." In the next three minutes, five snipers sent back arrival information one after another.

"Okay, I understand." With a brief reply, Han Feng threw the cigarette butt out of the car window, then lightly stepped on the accelerator and headed towards the supply box...

Han Feng drove for more than five minutes at a distance of 500 meters. During this period, Han Feng kept observing the surrounding situation, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

Fortunately, nothing happened before reaching the downstairs of the building where the supply box was located.

Opening the car door, Han Feng got out of the car first and watched. Next comes the Terminator Ghost, then the Magnetic Infantry.

This is a movie theater located near a business district. The movie promotion posters hanging on the walls are a bit decayed...but you can vaguely see the faces of the stars on the pictures.

The door of the cinema was covered with promotional posters, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

There is no one around, no zombies... only the sound of the gentle breeze rustling the fallen leaves...


That's right... Jing was Han Feng's first feeling.

There is no shuffling sound of zombies walking, and there is no roaring sound of zombies...

"Hey!!!" Suddenly! Han Feng, who was standing downstairs, yelled! I want to use this to determine whether there are zombies in the building.

In response to the sudden shouts around him, the Terminator ghost remained motionless and showed no reaction. But...the heavy armor of the magnetic blast infantry suddenly trembled. Obviously, he was "scared".

Fortunately, the magnetic blast infantry was summoned by Han Feng. If it were Liu Rui... he would probably summon Han Feng with "one punch".

However, Han Feng's attention was entirely focused on the cinema at this time, so he was unaware of what was happening behind him...

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Five seconds later, Han Feng was dumbfounded... The air was as quiet as ever, as if the previous roar was just for "self-entertainment".

"Hey?~That's weird! What's going on?!" Han Feng scratched his head, feeling a little at a loss...

After thinking for a long time, Han Feng said, "Luna, vision connection, target ghost."

That's right... Han Feng decided to let the Terminator be the vanguard and went into the cinema to investigate. Relying on the hardness of the titanium steel frame, even if it enters the "trap" of zombies, it can at least last for a while.

"Okay Team Han, the vision connection is being connected. Target ghost, please wait..." As Luna spoke, Han Feng closed his eyes...

Two seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team that the vision connection has been completed."

After hearing the instructions, Han Feng opened his eyes. His vision has changed to the Terminator.

"Tap tap... tap tap..." According to Han Feng's instructions, the Terminator raised his legs and walked towards the stairs in front of the cinema...

"Huh..." Han Feng took a deep breath, his fists filled with sweat...

From the outside, this cinema is quite large, with at least a dozen screening rooms. Each screening room can probably be filled with about 150 zombies, plus the hall and the second floor inside...

If it were really a zombie conspiracy, there would be at least two thousand zombies in the cinema.

When the Terminator stood in front of the closed door of the cinema, Han Feng hesitated...

"Return? Let's continue..." Cold sweat... flowed from Han Feng's temples.

After hesitating and struggling for a few seconds, Han Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Damn baby bird in the sky! Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Terminator raised his hand and punched the glass door of the cinema!

"Bang! Bang!" Instantly! The whole glass shattered with the sound! It became a piece of debris!

"Sniper! Everyone on alert!" Han Feng subconsciously ordered before the glass fell completely.

"Roar!!!" Suddenly! In the cinema, a zombie roar came out! Listening to the noise, it should be a level four zombie!

"Damn! Sure enough!!!" Han Feng, who felt that he had been "played", cursed and then rushed towards the Terminator Ghost!

"Psychic power! Activate!" On the way to attack, Han Feng suddenly activated his telekinesis power and drew ten silver wings out, letting them surround him.

"Ho! Ho ho!"

In the cinema, the roars of zombies were louder and louder...

"This time I've poked a hornet's nest..." Gritting his teeth, Han Feng waved his right hand and continued, "Silver Wings!"

"Howl! Howl!!" Ten silver wings came out and rushed into the cinema in a high-speed rotating flight attitude.

Suddenly, a bloody storm broke out in the cinema. Countless zombies have become Silver Wings' living targets...

"Dang! Dang-dang! Ding!" While flying through Silver Wing, he accidentally bumped into a level four zombie. Even the silver wings made of the hardest tungsten steel were a little weak when encountering the defense of level four zombies, making a clanging sound.

"Ghost! Enter attack mode! One of the level 4 zombies is for you!" Rushing to the door of the cinema, Han Feng saw three level 4 zombies in the hall. Time was running out, Han Feng turned to Ghost.

The Terminator took the order, and his posture instantly entered the attack mode, then quickly unloaded the Gatling gun, and began to stride towards a level 4 zombie.

"Magnetic Infantry! Come!" When Ghost attacked, Han Feng ordered the magnetic infantry in his mind, and at the same time he approached another level 4 zombie.

"Dangdang! Ding!"

As he got closer and closer to the level 4 zombie, Han Feng summoned five silver wings to attack it. But... the result didn't seem ideal. The silver wing stopped after inserting six or seven centimeters into the body of the level 4 zombie.

Being clamped by the muscles of the level 4 zombie, Han Feng found it difficult to get the silver wing to move forward... In addition, the special structure of the silver wing meant that the silver wing could not rotate like steel bars.

In desperation, Han Feng had to pull the silver back, and then shouted "Silver Shuttle!"

Every profession has its own specialty! Against the level 4 zombies, the silver shuttle is much more effective than the silver wing!

At the same time, the removed silver wing also returned to Han Feng's belt... There was no other way. In order to fight a "protracted war", Han Feng had to save every bit of his mental power.

According to the system's prediction, using ten customized weapons is within the limit of what he can bear.

"Zheng!!" In the air, the silver shuttle that attacked for the first time made a golden sound! As if celebrating its first attack!

"Go!" Han Feng pointed his sword at the level 4 zombie in front of him and shouted!

"Swoosh! Swoosh!" In the air, the threaded ends of the five silver shuttles shot at various parts of the body of the level 4 zombie!

"Swish! Swish! Swish..." Like large bullets, the five silver shuttles were all nailed to the body of the level 4 zombie.

"Buzz..." Then, the silver shuttle began to spin wildly...

"Roar! Roar!!!"

The level 4 zombie struggled desperately, while pulling the two silver shuttles with both hands, trying to pull them out of the body. But... how can a level 4 zombie catch a silver shuttle that rotates at high speed? !

In less than two seconds! All five silver shuttles drilled in! From the outside, only five blood holes were left on the level 4 zombie!

"Hehe~ Then you are done~" Han Feng said with a chuckle, raising the corner of his mouth.

"Roar... Roar

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