Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 273: To be or not to be

At about 8 o'clock in the morning, there was a rumbling sound in the air. Han Feng stood up and looked at the source of the noise.

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"Report to Captain Han, it's the sound of the mining machine running." Sensing Han Feng's doubts, Luna explained.

"The noise is quite loud~" Han Feng muttered, and continued his movements.

"Dingdangdang..." Suddenly, when the Red Alert soldier's body was being carried, a grenade rolled out of the corpse's arms.

Looking at the grenade on the ground, Han Feng frowned and thought for a while, "Luna, send some soldiers away and let them collect the weapons on the ground."

"Okay, Captain Han." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was still frowning and thinking.

A few seconds later, Han Feng slowly straightened up, turned around and looked around, wondering what he was thinking.

Taking out his mobile phone, Han Feng saw that the current date was September 18, 2030.

"Three months... Three months since the zombie outbreak..." Han Feng muttered, staring at the phone screen with no signal.

At the same time, Han Feng thought to himself that October was coming soon. He was in the north of China, and the temperature would drop in autumn.

Although the weather is still warm now, it might suddenly get cold at any time.

In order to prevent the temperature from dropping in advance, Han Feng thought for a while and ordered, "Luna, collect the leather clothes of the dead mobilized soldiers. In case the temperature drops, we will be prepared.

After Han Feng finished speaking, Luna took over and said, "Report to Captain Han, we have cold-proof cotton clothes, down jackets, etc. in our supplies. Do we still need to collect the clothes of the dead mobilized soldiers?"

"Collect, of course. Although these leather clothes are a bit tattered, they can be worn after mending them~ Even if they can't be worn, it's good to have a quilt in winter." At this point, Han Feng suddenly thought of another thing, and then asked, "Luna, do we have quilts in our supplies?"

"Report to Captain Han, there are quilts, but there are only more than a hundred sets. There are nearly 7,000 survivors living in the settlement, and quilts are in short supply. "

"Look~ let me tell you~!" Han Feng continued, "Collect these leather jackets, wash off the blood stains, and then cut and sew them into quilts and other cold-resistant items. If you see a relatively intact leather jacket, wash it and keep it for wearing."

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Oh, right!" Luna had just finished speaking when Han Feng thought of something else and said, "I saw that the American soldiers who died in the battle still had bulletproof vests on them, so collect them together. Keep the ones that can be worn, and if they are really rotten... see what can be done. At worst... use the tattered bulletproof vests to build a sentry post for protection, right?"

"Okay, Captain Han, I'll go and issue the notice now. "

Luna finished speaking, and Han Feng nodded with satisfaction. He thought that it would be a pity to throw these things away anyway, so it would be better to "utilize the waste."

After giving these instructions, Han Feng continued to move the bodies.

When the survivors had breakfast, they saw the Red Alert soldiers led by Han Feng busy outside the zinc mine, and they also consciously joined in to collect and burn the bodies together.

This took a whole day.

Although they did not go out to collect supplies today, the bodies within a few kilometers around the zinc mine were burned, and the Red Alert soldiers' incendiary bottles were all emptied for this.

At the same time, good news came from the zinc mine. Today, the mining volume of new ore raw stones reached 2,000 tons! This speed is much faster than manual mining. And according to the engineer's report, The zinc content of the raw stones inside the zinc mine is much higher than that of the raw stones outside. This means that the output of zinc will gradually increase.

After working all day, Han Feng, who was limp in bed, thought before going to bed that if you survive a disaster, you will have good fortune in the future!

The next day, Han Feng got up early. After washing up, he went downstairs.

As soon as he left the color steel house, Han Feng stopped and looked up at the sky...

At this time, there was no sunshine in the sky, and thin dark clouds covered the earth. According to visual observation... it should be raining soon.

Looking at the dark clouds, Han Feng was still very happy. I don’t know if it’s because of the zombie virus or the climate in the north. There is very little rain this year. It was not until more than three months after the zombie outbreak that this dark cloud was seen.

"Luna, when will it rain?" Suddenly, Han Feng thought of a super red alarm system "living" in his mind. It should be very accurate for weather forecasts, right?

"Report to Captain Han, according to the preliminary calculation of the system, it will rain in thirty-eight minutes. The rainfall will turn from light rain to moderate rain. The rain lasted for four hours and twenty minutes, and it is expected to stop around 12:30 today. "

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng grinned. Looking at the charred and smelly land, this rain is really "timely rain"!!

Since it is raining, there is basically nothing to do this morning~

Turning around, Han Feng went straight to Wei Yun, Wei Peng and others, ready to have a good time~

After breakfast, while playing games with Hu Hu, Han Feng struggled for a long time and finally asked, "Hu Hu... How did you know that the monster would come?"

This question has been accumulating in Han Feng's heart. He didn't dare to ask, but wanted to know... He was afraid that Hu Hu would think of something and be stimulated. But seeing that Hu Hu was in a good mood these days, Han Feng asked with courage.

When Hu Hu heard this question, his expression was obviously stunned.

Seeing Hu Hu's expression, Han Feng broke out in a cold sweat instantly! At the same time, he secretly cursed himself for "talking about things that are not open"!

After staring at Huhu nervously for a few seconds, Huhu's expression gradually eased and he said, "I... just felt scared. Actually, I didn't know a monster was coming."

"..." Han Feng didn't say anything, but continued to look at Huhu.

"This fear is the same as the fear I had in the classroom... Before the monster came, I seemed to hear the monster's cry while eating, and then this fear has not subsided..."

Counting his fingers, Huhu said word by word.

After listening, Han Feng narrowed his eyes and contacted Luna thoughtfully, "Luna, Huhu... is she a superpower? She couldn't hear the zombies' cries thirty miles away. How did she know that the zombies would explode that day?"

"Report to Captain Han, the system has been following and detecting Huhu's brain waves. Unfortunately, Huhu is not a superpower

... But according to what Huhu said, it should be that Huhu and zombies have been living together for a long time, and there may be some kind of connection between the two. Or Huhu has a natural sixth sense for zombies, but these are only guesses and cannot be counted as data."

"Oh, okay..." In response to Luna, Han Feng changed the topic and continued to play games with Huhu.

Leisure time always passes quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

Looking at the clear sky outside, Han Feng stood up and prepared to go out to collect steel. Because a few hours ago, Luna informed him that the steel in the construction plant was about to be exhausted. If the steel was not replenished, it might affect the manufacturing process of the Allied base vehicle.

"Team 1 and 2! Bring your equipment and all the semi-trailers, let's get ready and set off right away~"

"Brother Han?! Are you leaving right after the rain stops?" Wei Yun stood up and asked Han Feng as he walked out.

"Well, we killed a large number of zombies in the city the day before yesterday. Even if there are still some zombies in the city, they won't cause any trouble. Take advantage of this period of time to collect some supplies."

"Then...then be careful..."

"I know~I may be back a little late today~Remember to save dinner for me~" Han Feng hurriedly said this and walked out of Cai

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