Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 254: Three-star Soldier

After bidding farewell to Tanya, Han Feng contacted Luna and said, "Luna, please count how many soldiers we have now.

"Reporting to the Korean team, we currently have one grizzly tank, one multi-purpose infantry vehicle, one Nightingale helicopter, 209 mobilization troops, 53 American soldiers, six snipers, There are five heavy soldiers, five police dogs, one radiation engineer, one Tanya, fifty-three non-combatants, one spy, and a total of three hundred and thirty-four personnel."

After listening to the report on the current strength of the troops, Han Feng continued, "Let each of the newly promoted soldiers send a representative to see me."

"Okay, Captain Han." After Luna said, Han Feng took out a cigarette, lit it and began to wait quietly...

A few minutes later, Han Feng dropped his cigarette butts and stamped them out. He looked at the individual soldiers in front of him and said, "Tell me one by one about the changes after promotion."

Following Han Feng's question, sniper Simon took the lead and said, "Report to Team Han, after I was promoted to a one-star sniper, the weapon changes were a high-precision sniper rifle. The effective range increased from 800 meters to 1,000 meters." meters, and adds a spare magazine with ten built-in sniper bullets. The sniper time has been shortened from 124 seconds to 11 seconds. The sniper accuracy has been changed to 100% target kill rate within 800 meters and 100% target kill rate within 800 meters. The target kill rate is 99.9%. The equipment update speed has been reduced from the previous 24 hours to 18 hours.”

After saying that, sniper Simon took a step back and returned to his previous position.

After listening to Simon's introduction, Han Feng felt secretly happy. One more magazine means one more sniper! Coupled with better shooting accuracy and distance than before, this kind of remote support is simply not too exciting! ✪

Seeing Wayne standing next to Simon step forward, Han Feng said softly, "The following introduction should be brief.

"Okay, Korean team!" After standing still, American soldier Wayne began to introduce himself, "Reporting to the Korean team, now I am a three-star American soldier. The 60 light machine gun has been increased from the previous 240 rounds to 480 rounds, and 9 pistols are in reserve. The number of magazines has been increased by two. In addition to the existing magazines in the gun, the pistol has a total of six magazines. The attributes of the whole body have been enhanced, and the equipment and self-update time have been reduced to 12 hours.”

After saying that, American Soldier Wayne returned to his original position.

Immediately afterwards, the conscript stepped forward and said, "Report to the Korean team, I am conscript No. 0177, now a three-star soldier. The main weapon AK47 has an additional scope and the number of bullets has been increased from 90 to 120 rounds. Other equipment remains unchanged. Changes. Shooting accuracy and physical strength are increased, and the equipment and self-update time are reduced to every 12 hours.”

The introduction of the mobilized soldiers was very brief, and after that, they went back to their original positions...

The next one is the heavily armed soldier. "Reporting to the Korean team, I am a one-star heavily armed soldier. When advancing, the number of bullets of my 60-mm machine gun increased from 120 to 240 rounds. After deployment, my main weapon is a portable Stinger surface-to-air missile. The number of stinger missiles increased from two to four, and the defensive properties of the defense board were improved.”

Nodding, Han Feng signaled the next person.

"Reporting to the Korean team, I am a one-star radiation engineer. After promotion, the various elements in the main weapon Red radiation gun have been purified. The original attack method and number of attacks remain unchanged, but the attack power is enhanced."

Still nodding, Han Feng signaled the next person.

"..." Seeing the police dog step forward and staring at him, Han Feng smiled bitterly, and then asked Luna, "What has changed since the police dog was promoted?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, after a police dog is promoted, its sense of smell will be sharper, its hearing will be more sensitive, its movements will be faster, and its bite force will be stronger. In addition, the body shape of the police dog will also change accordingly. It will be larger than before it was promoted. About ten points.”

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng looked at the police dog Gale carefully...

"Oh... It seems a little bigger~" Han Feng muttered in a low voice, raised his head, looked at the row of soldiers of various colors in front of him and said, "After being promoted, you have become a lot stronger. When we encounter battle, I will Let’s take a closer look at your performance~ Now, go back to your respective posts.”

"Yes! Team Han!"

"Woof woof!"

After replying, these red alert soldiers turned around and walked towards their respective posts.

Watching their leaving figures, Han Feng asked Luna, "Now that they have advanced, what about the Grizzly tanks and multi-purpose infantry vehicles?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the Grizzly tank and multi-purpose infantry vehicle have also advanced."

"Yes!" After muttering, Han Feng continued, "Tell us about their changes after promotion."

"Good Korean team, after the Grizzly Tank was promoted to one star, its armor became thicker but its weight remained unchanged. This means that the Grizzly Tank has increased its defensive performance while maintaining its consistent cross-country mobility. In terms of weapons, The "Grizzly" self-propelled tank guns of the Grizzly Tank have been increased from the basic five to ten, with a faster rate of fire and stronger firepower."

After talking about the Grizzly Tank, Luna went on to introduce the multifunctional infantry vehicle. "After the multifunctional infantry vehicle was upgraded, its armor was thickened but its weight remained unchanged. In terms of weapons, the number of anti-aircraft missiles increased from nine to eighteen, and the rate of fire was Faster and more powerful."

After speaking, Luna added, "Team Korea, the Nighthawk helicopter is not within the promotion range, so it did not advance."

"Well, I know. The Nightingale is now contaminated by nuclear radiation. Let's... remove it from now on." Just after he finished speaking, Han Feng suddenly thought of something and quickly added, "By the way! Can the Nightingale helicopter be recycled now?! "

"Sorry, Captain Han, except for defense systems and buildings, any summoned individual soldiers or tanks cannot be recovered..."

Hearing Luna's somewhat apologetic voice, Han Feng waved his hand and said indifferently, "Hey~ What's there to be sorry about~ It's okay~"

Little did he know... In Han Feng's heart, it hurt so much...

It takes 2,000 gold coins to summon the Nighthawk helicopter! The price is not cheap... It would be a lie to say that I don't feel sorry. Although Han Feng now has 400,000 "cash", he has also come from "poor days". Not to mention 2,000 gold coins, 200 or 20 gold coins are also painful!

While chatting with Luna, Han Feng thought that when he went to the city tomorrow, he would find a suitable time to harvest a wave of gold coins...

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

At dawn the next day, Han Feng got up early and prepared to start today's plan.

After breakfast, when summoning the Red Alert soldiers, Han Feng thought that he could encounter two level 4 zombies in the city in succession, which meant that the evolution of the zombies had taken a step further.

After much deliberation, Han Feng decided to bring two battalions of troops this time, and then call Tanya to go with him.

The Terminator Ghost was also repaired in the middle of the night. Although the bionic muscle skin tissue and Gatling ammunition have not been refreshed, it is also a powerful combat force.

More than a hundred Red Alert soldiers not only strengthened Han Feng's courage, but also increased the number of semi-trailers accompanying him to five.

However, to Han Feng's surprise, today's operation was surprisingly smooth. There was no interference from zombies, and no survivors robbed supplies.

Since Han Feng was going to the building materials street this time, Han Feng specially vacated a semi-trailer to load color steel. Looking at the five fully loaded large semi-trailer trucks, Han Feng excitedly issued the "return to the city" order.

Back to the zinc mine, Han Feng first went to the temporary residence of the survivors, leaving the color steel semi-trailer to unload the goods. Then he went to the construction plant to unload the steel.

Taking out his mobile phone and calculating, the total tonnage of steel is just over a thousand tons... To put it nicely, it is a quarter of the steel completed.

After putting the phone back, Han Feng drove back to the zinc mine.

After finding Li Baofeng, Han Feng asked directly, "What is inside this zinc mine?"

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