Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 251: Showing off one's talents

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[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐“ฝ๐”€๐“ด๐“ช๐“ท.๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ถ]

โ€”โ€”Dividing lineโ€”โ€”

Just as Han Feng was staring at the ghost and thinking about the metal skeleton, Luna explained, "Reporting to Captain Han, the skeleton in the Terminator is made of titanium steel and weighs about 1.2 tons."

"12 tons... Oh my..." Knowing the real weight of the Terminator, Han Feng was a little surprised. No wonder this guy is so "powerful"...

"The internal skeleton structure of the ghost is made of titanium steel, and the surface is covered with a layer of biological muscle and biological skin, which looks no different from a real person. The ghost has two action modes, one is the accompanying protection mode, and the other is the attack mode. It is the same as the alert posture and attack posture of the Red Alert soldiers."

After listening to Luna, Han Feng learned to give orders and said, "Ghost, accompanying protection mode."

Looking at the silent ghost sitting in the co-pilot, Han Feng thought to himself that he probably has entered this mode...

Next, Han Feng found Simon and asked him to take a lot of team members to prepare for today's plan - looking for steel.

According to the map, the nearest city to the zinc mine is 93 kilometers away. Not too far...

For this operation, Han Feng called seven saber-toothed tiger armored vehicles and two semi-trailer trucks. As for the Grizzly tank, Han Feng hesitated again and again and left it at the zinc mine.

And Tan Ya, as a powerful "mountain tiger", of course stayed at the zinc mine. Anyway, now I have a ghost by my side, plus my ability has increased dramatically, even if I encounter a level 4 zombie, I can still fight!

When all the personnel and vehicles were gathered, Han Feng gave an order and rushed to the neighboring city.

Because this section of the road is not a highway, and there are many abandoned vehicles blocking the road, Han Feng walked for two and a half hours for a distance of less than 100 kilometers!

"Damn it! Tomorrow I will find a car to pull all these broken cars on the road back and melt them!" Han Feng muttered to himself when he just arrived in the city.

"Luna, start scanning and find stores such as building materials stores and hardware stores." When the vehicle drove into the city for several kilometers, Han Feng found a place with relatively more stores and said.

"Report to Captain Han, a radar scan of a five-kilometer range requires one hundred gold coins, please confirm."

"Confirm, scan."

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is on, the radar is scanning, please wait..." After a few seconds, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is complete. Within a five-kilometer range, 31 building materials stores and nine hardware stores were found."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng sat up straight and asked in confusion, "Why so many?!"

"Report to Captain Han, one kilometer away at your three o'clock direction, there is a building materials street."

After getting the answer, Han Feng smiled~ It's really a painstaking effort to find it! He immediately shouted, "Go! Brothers! Sweep him!!!"

"Yes! Captain Han!" The Red Alert soldier took the order, and the convoy turned around and rushed towards the building materials street...

After a while, the convoy drove into the building materials street. Looking at the open shops outside the window, Han Feng waved to the convoy behind to stop.

After getting off the car, Han Feng lit a cigarette and observed the surroundings.

After finding no danger, Han Feng ordered in his mind, "Everyone turn off the engine and get off the car. Let the semi-trailer truck get closer and prepare to load these steel building materials."

For safety reasons, Han Feng arranged, "Simon, find a place to observe the surroundings by yourself, and warn immediately if you find danger. Jifeng, you go around more and be responsible for guarding the blind spots that Simon can't observe. Wayne, you take the other nine American soldiers to divide into two teams and station on both sides of the street. The remaining 40 mobilized soldiers, you will work harder and help transport steel."

"Yes! Team Han!"

"Yes! Team Han!"

"Yes! Team Han!"

"Woof woof!"

After the order was issued, each unit organized to arrive at the task point on its own. During this time, two large semi-trailers slowly drove over. They stopped at the door of a building materials store.

Forty mobilized soldiers turned the AK47 in their arms behind their backs, freed their hands, and entered the building materials store one by one...

Looking at the mobilized soldiers busy carrying, Han Feng was waiting and waiting, and began to stroll in the building materials street in his spare time.

After finding several supermarkets, Han Feng went in and cleared out cigarettes, lighters and other things without hesitation.

Half an hour later, Han Feng came out with two large garbage bags full of cigarettes, followed by Ghost. Like Han Feng, Ghost also carried two large bags in his hands... Putting the cigarettes in the car, Han Feng said to himself, "These are good things... Can't be wasted..."

When saying this, Han Feng thought that the small supermarkets here were not looted... That means there are few survivors here, or the survivors here have not discovered this place for the time being.

No matter which situation, it is good for Han Feng. There is no dispute without survivors, which means that the huge resources of the entire city belong to him for the time being. Even if there are really a small number of survivors, Han Feng can exchange peace for the resources they want.

The only fear is that the other party is as large as Cheng Ji... It is not easy to fight, and it is not easy to talk...

"Report to Captain Han! Report to Captain Han! I am Simon! I found the situation!" Just thinking about it, Simon's voice suddenly came to Han Feng's mind!

"What's going on?!" Hearing Simon's serious voice, Han Feng knew that the situation was not good...

"Report to Captain Han! It's a level 4 zombie!"

"Fuck..." Cursing in a low voice, Han Feng contacted Luna and asked, "Luna, where are the level four zombies?"

"Report to the Korean team that the level four zombies are in your one o'clock direction, 958 meters away from you."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng glanced at the busy mobilization soldiers... After hesitating, Han Feng continued to ask, "Simon, are there any zombies following the level 4 zombies?"

"Report to the Korean team, no one has been found yet."

"Okay! Luna, let the soldiers speed up the transportation! Ghost and I will go up first to deal with it!" When he said this, Han Feng made a plan. Together with the Terminator, he should be able to deal with level four zombies. Even if you can't deal with it, you can still hold it off and buy more time for mobilizing troops.

"Okay Team Korea, please be careful. I will notify you when the semi-trailer truck is fully loaded."

After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng hurriedly responded, "Let Simon provide remote support at any time! You are not allowed to shoot without my command!"

After saying that, Han Feng led the ghost and ran in the direction of the fourth-level zombies... In less than two minutes, Han Feng saw the huge body of the fourth-level zombies.

Communicating with ghosts in their minds, the two found a hidden place to hide temporarily.

Han Feng is not a fool either. The level 4 zombies are clearly in a "wandering" state and have not noticed him or the convoy for the time being. Now go up and beat it. If it calls other zombies over, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?

Hanging behind the level four zombies, Han Feng maintained a vigilant posture...

According to Murphy's Law, the more people are afraid of something, the more likely it will be... The direction in which the Level 4 zombies are wandering is exactly the direction of the convoy!

Ten minutes later, Han Feng asked Luna, "Luna, how far are the level four zombies from the convoy?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the level four zombies are still 531 meters away from the convoy."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng thought for a moment and continued to ask, "When will the two semi-trailers be fully loaded?"

"Report to the Korean team, it will take another twenty minutes for the two semi-trailers to be fully loaded."

"..." There are still twenty minutes. According to the current movement speed of the fourth-level zombie, it will take less than ten minutes.

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