Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 25: Supply Box

Following Liu Rui's gaze, Han Feng saw the police dog behind him, turned around and said, "Military dogs don't bite, don't worry.

After finishing speaking, Han Feng walked towards the second floor. He paused and continued, "I'm going to take a rest. Don't disturb me for now."

"You should eat first. You didn't come back at noon, so I left some food for you." Wei Yun said to Han Feng.

"I'm not hungry, let's talk about it later." After saying that, Han Feng disappeared around the corner on the second floor.

Han Feng entered the bathroom on the second floor first and looked at himself in the mirror silently.

The clothes on his body were torn into rags and hung on his body. There was a fishy stench from the dirty blood all over his body. His eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes, which made people look at him with fear.

"Alas..." With a sigh, Han Feng took off his clothes, turned on the shower, and started cleaning.

Ten minutes later, Han Feng entered the bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, his attention entered the system.

"Luna, call me the physical details and weapon status of all the soldiers." After Han Feng finished speaking, the picture in his mind turned, and the details of each soldier appeared.

Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the eleven Red Police soldiers were in normal health and physical fitness.

The weapons are in good condition, except for the ammo... and the Death Trooper's weapons are not listed in the weapons page.

"It seems that once the soldier dies, the weapon will become a normal weapon, and the bullets will no longer be refreshed every day, and will not be protected by the system's never damage..." After a pause, Han Feng said, "Scan the surroundings.

This was the first time Han Feng took the initiative to ask the radar to scan the surroundings. In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the system, he had to experience it all.

Four days have passed since the zombie outbreak. There are some functions that Han Feng has not used yet, and radar scanning is one of them.

"The radar is scanning, please wait." Then Luna continued, "Scanning completed."

More than a dozen small dots of different colors appeared on the radar scanner, clearly visible at a glance. Except for the people known to Han Feng, no other life forms appeared...

? ? ?

"What is this?" Han Feng asked the radar liaison officer Luna in confusion.

In the center of the radar scanner, the largest red dot represented himself, but around him, there was a small golden dot flashing. Han Feng, who was confused, asked Luna.

"Report Commander, this is the supply box."

"Supply box?" Han Feng was stunned for a moment after hearing Luna's answer. He said something more confused and got up to look for it.

"No?" Han Feng walked around the entire bedroom and couldn't see a supply box anywhere.

"Enlarge the radar." Han Feng ordered and looked at the radar again.

After zooming in, the red dot showing Han Feng was larger.

"More to the left...it's too much, a little to the right...that's wrong..." Han Feng said with a frown.

On the radar screen, Han Feng completely overlapped with the position of the supply box, but Han Feng, standing on the bed, saw nothing.

"Commander, the supply box is under your bed..." Luna reminded Han Feng in a low voice.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask."


After Han Feng came down, he took out the supply box from under the bed.

The silver-white metal texture and boxy suitcase are just like the money boxes used by drug lords in movies.

"This is..." Han Feng put the supply box on the bed and asked Luna.

"Commander, I'm not sure what's inside. Before opening it, the contents are all random." After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng asked again, "How to open it? Do you need a password?"

"No password is required, the commander only needs to put his hand on it. The supply box only belongs to the commander. No one except the commander can open or damage this supply box."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng couldn't wait and put his hand up.

"Ding." A soft sound sounded in Han Feng's mind, and then a money sign appeared in front of his eyes, slowly rising into the air and then disappearing.

"Uh...huh?" Han Feng was confused for a moment, then ecstatic.

A huge sense of happiness hit Han Feng, because Han Feng was rich now!

"5,000 gold coins! Haha!!!" Han Feng excitedly waved his fist in the air several times.

5,454 gold coins, the first time Han Feng was so rich since he had the system.

"Luna, please tell me where there is a supply box?" Han Feng, who had tasted the sweetness, quickly asked Luna. Han Feng obviously couldn't withstand the temptation of 5,000 gold coins at a time.

"The supply boxes are randomly generated after radar scanning and are uncertain. That is to say, there is no guarantee that a supply box will appear in every scan, nor is the quantity and location of each appearance, etc." After a pause, Luna He continued, "Since this is the first time that the commander has started radar scanning, the system will scan once for free, and it is mandatory to send supply boxes around you."

"What? Is there still a fee for scanning?!" Han Feng exclaimed.

"Yes, Commander, one scan costs 100 gold coins."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng was speechless for a moment.

100 gold coins! Requires 100 gold coins! You must know that 100 gold coins can summon a mobilization soldier!

Han Feng, who was originally excited, calmed down due to the "charged" cold water.

"I understand. I'll call you if I have any questions." After Han Feng finished speaking, he exited the radar interface.

"Okay, goodbye Commander." Luna's farewell voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

After calming down, Han Feng pondered, thinking about how to use the 5,000 gold coins to maximize his benefits.

Open the building icon. At this stage, the two buildings that can be built are the heavy factory and the combat laboratory.

The price is 10,000 gold coins...

"Alas... not enough..." Han Feng sighed, silently exited the building page, and entered the summoning interface.

Now Han Feng has two American soldiers and nine mobilized soldiers. These eleven Red Alert soldiers are all his strength, of course, there is also a police dog.

Looking at the phone, it is already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the phone still has no signal...

After a short rest, Han Feng went downstairs.

"Hehe, it's so good. I don't know what it's called. It's so majestic. It should have a very domineering name, right?" Before seeing the figure, Han Feng heard Wei Yun's laughter.

In the living room on the first floor, the police dog was lying on the ground.

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