Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 248: Zinc Mine

"Simon, bring two teams and follow me. In his mind, Han Feng contacted Simon. Now that the large force is about to arrive, I still think it is safer to take some people to investigate first.

"Okay, Korean team." After receiving the order, Simon summoned two Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicles and followed Han Feng's multifunctional infantry vehicle. To be sure, Han Feng specially brought Tanya with him.

Twenty minutes later, three vehicles arrived at the zinc mine.

After parking the car, Han Feng did not rush to let everyone get out of the car. Looking outside through the glass, there is no trace of life in the gray and empty mine.

"Luna, how big is this mine?" Han Feng asked after looking around for several times.

"Report to the Korean team that this mine covers an area of ​​approximately 0.5 square kilometers."

"05 square kilometers... Um, how big was the airport we had before?" Han Feng wanted to know whether this 0.5 square kilometers could accommodate so many survivors, so he compared the size of this place with the airport.

"Tell the Korean team that our previous airport area was about three square kilometers."

"I'll go! There's such a big difference!" After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng thought he was disappointed... The area of ​​​​the zinc mine is less than one-sixth the size of the airport! I think the living conditions at the airport were crowded enough at first, but now... wouldn't they be even more crowded?

When Han Feng was melancholy, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team. According to the radar scanning results, there is a huge flat slope next to the mine, which can temporarily provide housing for survivors."

"Huh..." Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief and got out of the car. Following the direction shown by the radar, Han Feng walked towards a colored steel room. And inside the room were the thirteen survivors of the mine.

"Human! It's human!!!" As soon as the colored steel house came into view, there was a burst of "applause" in the room.

"Bang!" Immediately afterwards, the door of the color steel room was knocked open. Thirteen dark, skinny men swarmed out and ran straight to Han Feng.

"Da da da!" Seeing this scene, Han Feng didn't say anything, but Wayne shot directly behind him.

The bullets shot towards the ground between Han Feng and the thirteen miners, splashing large chunks of soil.

"Plop! Boom!..." This was a scene that the three miners had never seen before. The mentally weak man rolled directly to the ground and rolled several times.

"Warning! Stop advancing! Otherwise, shoot him on the spot!" After the gunfire ended, Wayne ran to Han Feng and shouted a warning. At the same time, Wayne maintained a vigilant posture and aimed the muzzle of the 60mm light machine gun in his arms at these people.

Han Feng reached out his hand, held Wayne's shoulder, and said softly, "Remove the alert and put the gun away."

"Yes! Korean team!" After receiving the instruction, Wayne put away the machine gun and stood aside, waiting for the next order.

Looking at the thirteen miners who were at a loss and shivering, Han Feng thought for a moment and said to Wayne, "I remember there is food and water in the car, bring them all."

"Okay, Korean team." In response, Wayne turned around and ran towards the Sabretooth armored vehicle.

"Are you...?" Han Feng slowly walked into the group and asked softly.

"Sir...Hello, sir, we are miners in this mine. Are you a rescue team? Help! Save people quickly!"

"Rescue people?" As Han Feng thought, these people were miners in the zinc mine, but with the word "rescue people"... what's going on?

"Oh... why are you here?! Qiangzi came down the mountain to find you. Where is Qiangzi?" As he asked, the miner looked behind Han Feng, but saw no one else.

"Tell me what's going on first." Calling the man's gaze back, Han Feng asked.

"Oh oh oh...one of us has an infectious disease! His whole body is rotten, and he's biting people! Go and take a look, it's been a long time, he hasn't eaten or slept, and he's still alive, right over there!" The man was nervous! Xi, he was talking nonchalantly, and he raised his hand to point to another colored steel room.

"Buzz..." At this time, Wayne drove up to Han Feng in a Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicle.

Looking at the Chinese flag printed on the armored vehicle, the group of people shouted excitedly. He was still shouting, "He's saved! He's saved!"

Wayne opened the door of the armored vehicle and brought down a basket of bread and a piece of drinking water. Before they could say anything, the group of people rushed forward to grab it. It can be seen that they are really hungry.

Han Feng retracted his gaze and looked in the direction of the previous man's finger...

Looking at the color steel room, Han Feng called Wayne. After taking off the high-explosive grenade on his chest, he walked straight away.

"Hey! Sir, it's dangerous... Ahem! Ahem! It's dangerous!" Seeing Han Feng walking towards the colored steel room alone, the man just now shouted out hurriedly, but accidentally choked on the water.

"No hurry, no rush, you eat slowly, I'll go check on the situation."

"Oh! Then be careful." After saying this hastily, the man turned around and continued to crazily stuff bread into his mouth...

Han Feng knew in his heart that the people in this colored steel house were all zombies and could not be saved...

Walking to the door, Han Feng found a big lock locking the door.

"Hoo!! Hoho!!!" Hearing the movement outside the door, the zombies inside crazily squeezed towards the door, stretching out a pair of hands to pull Han Feng over.

Through the crack in the door, Han Feng saw four or five zombies inside, all of which were level two zombies.

Pulling out the ring of the high-explosive grenade, Han Feng threw it into the room along the crack of the door without blinking. Immediately after the speed superpower was activated, he retreated more than fifty meters in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!!!" A strong explosion sounded, and along with a burst of fire, the colored steel house and the zombies inside were torn into pieces and scattered around.

"Kill...kill people! Kill people!!! Help!"

"Da da da da! Quiet! Quiet!!"

After the explosion, the miners shouted for help. To maintain order, Wayne fired a warning shot again.

Walking in front of the frightened miners, Han Feng asked, "Who is the leader?"

No one of the miners spoke, but their eyes were all looking at one person at the same time...

"You, bring some food and follow me." Han Feng said, pointing to the man who was assumed to be the leader. After that, Han Feng turned and walked towards the color steel house where they lived.

The man who was the leader gritted his teeth, grabbed a piece of bread and a bottle of water, stood up tremblingly from the ground, and walked a few steps quickly to catch up with Han Feng.

"Come on, have a cigarette and talk." As soon as he entered the door, Han Feng closed the door and took out two cigarettes, handed him a cigarette and said.

"Thank you... Thank you, sir..." The man took the cigarette doubtfully and thanked him with a wry smile.

After lighting the fire, Han Feng asked the first question, "What's your name?"

"My name is Li Baofeng, and I'm the leader of this group of miners." Li Baofeng said, taking a bite of cigarette and a bite of bread.

"What happened here? Why are there zombies here far away from the city?" Han Feng was very curious about this. This mine is hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest city, why can there be zombies here? It doesn't make sense...

"I don't know why... I just know that one day after dinner, a miner had a sudden heart attack, and after being rescued, he started biting people randomly..."

"Then the bitten people were also infected with the same disease, right?" Han Feng interrupted and added.

"Yes, yes! Yes!" Swallowing the bread in his mouth, Li Baofeng continued, "The rest of us had no choice but to force them into the color steel house with sticks... Then I sent people down the mountain to find a doctor. A month later, we had a total of 18 brothers who went down the mountain, but fortunately, you are finally here..."

Li Baofeng was very smart. Even if he saw Han Feng "killing people" with his own eyes, he didn't say it clearly.

How could Han Feng not know what Li Baofeng meant by "heart disease"? That worker was a mutant zombie.

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