Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 243: Attacked

sThe National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are coming soon! On the eve of the holiday, if you say you will have a small explosion! May the motherland prosper and prosper!

After reading this chapter, how about three more chapters? ~! When I come back in the evening, I will work overtime to catch up! Hehe~

——Separating line——

Along the way, Han Feng kept his telepathy running. And this man has been following Han Feng, "floating" behind him.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

Half an hour later, with the help of his super speed, Han Feng traveled ten kilometers and returned to the parking place of the multifunctional infantry vehicle. As for the thirteen Red Police soldiers, Han Feng asked them to wait on the road the convoy must pass.

Seeing Han Feng and the man behind him, Tanya opened the car door doubtfully and looked at Han Feng in surprise as if she had seen a ghost!

"Oh my god...you, you, you...you are still alive?!!! Even if you are alive, you even brought back their commander?! Oh my god..." Tanya's exaggerated expression was teasing. Han Feng.

Looking at Tanya who was "performing herself", Han Feng responded leisurely, "Don't you want to thank me?"

"Thank you for what?" ✪

"Thank you for not having to go deep into the enemy camp to collect the corpses for me. It saves you a lot of energy. Tsk."

"Haha~ That's right~ Uh... Huh???" Halfway through laughing, Tanya started to look confused.

After a pause, Tanya slowly said, "You...have become stronger."

"Nonsense~ If I don't get stronger, should I kneel in front of them and beg them to commit suicide?" Han Feng rolled his eyes and looked at Tanya, and a sudden thought occurred to Han Feng! He said seriously, "Come! Let's have a fight!!"

"Huh?" Tanya was shocked when she heard this request! Something unimaginable happened! Han Feng... actually wants to challenge himself? ! ! ! Looking at Han Feng with a serious face, Tanya didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Come on! Get ready! I'm going to attack!" After saying that, Han Feng put down the man behind him, retaining only the imprisoned super power.

"Oh... Okay, then I'll try not to hurt you." Seeing that Han Feng was so persistent and it didn't look like a joke, Tanya accepted Han Feng's "challenge".

"Three! Two! One!" Han Feng shouted the countdown. When the countdown reached zero, Tanya and Han Feng disappeared together...



The two black figures chased each other, and from time to time they would get very close.

"When did you get the super power of speed?!" Han Feng looked back at Tanya chasing after him, but he couldn't get rid of her.

"I won't tell you~ Can you go faster?~ At this speed, I have to "overtake"~"

Listening to Tanya's confident voice, Han Feng became interested. Increase your spiritual power and increase your speed superpower to a new level!

The speed of more than three hundred meters per second was already close to Han Feng's limit.

You know, the normal speed of a bullet after exiting the barrel is only more than 300 meters per second. In other words, Han Feng now has the speed of a bullet that just "comes out of the barrel"! !

After accelerating, Han Feng looked back...

"Oh my god! How can you still catch up!" In the time it took for him to say these words, Han Feng had already run around the multi-purpose infantry vehicle for six or seven kilometers... and the time was only more than twenty seconds.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Tanya shouted while hanging behind Han Feng's butt.

Hearing Tanya's shouts, Han Feng smiled~ This little girl can't hold on any longer! If he works harder, he will definitely make her despair!

Thinking about it, Han Feng gritted his teeth and increased his speed superpower again!

"Whoosh!... Huh..." At this moment, Han Feng fought for his life! The speed is as high as four hundred meters per second!

This speed... is unimaginable to most people. After the two ran past, the dust on the ground had risen several meters high, and the howling wind gave it the feeling of a typhoon!

"Ah hey! Ah hey~" Han Feng had a nosebleed and giggled. When he looked back again, he was dumbfounded...Tanya...with red eyes, still hanging a few meters behind him! !

"Attention! I'm about to 'overtake'!!!" Before Han Feng could recover, he heard Tanya's shout behind him.

"Howl!" The harsh sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded! Tanya... flashed! That’s right, it’s a flash!

Tanya's figure disappeared behind him, and in the next moment, Tanya appeared beside him. The distance is only a dozen centimeters.

From this distance, Han Feng saw Tanya raising her hand...

"Bang!" The back of the head was attacked mercilessly by Tanya!

"Gudong!" Due to this gentle slap, Han Feng's body was broken from its "balance" at extreme speed and rolled out...

Fortunately, Han Feng was surrounded by lawns and no trees, otherwise he would have knocked himself unconscious.

After rolling for more than twenty meters, ah no... it was a "gully" of twenty meters plowed, and Han Feng finally stopped.

Shaking his body, Han Feng "grows" out of the soil with a gray face. Before he could even pat the dirt off his body, he saw Tanya "flying" towards him. And her hand was clenching a fist!

"Wipe it!" Seeing this scene, Han Feng yelled hastily, but his body did not dare to slack off at all.

The superpowers imprisoned by telekinesis are released instantly! The target is the charging Tanya!

What Han Feng didn't expect was that Tanya stopped her body instantly as if she had known it for a long time, making Han Feng's thoughts go away...

Taking advantage of Han Feng's dazed moment, Tanya took out the "hidden weapon" - a stone, raised her hand and threw it at Han Feng.

"Ah!" Han Feng screamed after being "shot". Regardless of the pain, Han Feng advanced instead of retreating, clenched his fist and drove towards Tanya!

Looking at Han Feng, Tanya frowned. She couldn't imagine that he couldn't even surpass her speed. How could he dare to come up and fight? !

However... what Tanya didn't expect was that the fight was a feint Han Feng came up with! His real idea was to release the telekinesis confinement at close range...

Tanya, who wanted to raise her fist to deal with it, was "hit" by Han Feng, and in an instant, her whole body could not move.

"Hey... Hey..." When Han Feng ran to Tanya, his nostrils were bleeding continuously, and the blood he shed was almost enough for a pot of wine...

Looking at Tanya in a static state, Han Feng raised his right hand and made an eight gesture, pretending that it was a gun pointing at Tanya.

"G! Okay, you're dead, I win." He gave his "hand" gun a sound of shooting, and Han Feng weakly announced that he had won.

"Devil! Two devils! You are all devils! You will go to hell!" The weakness of the body made Han Feng unable to continue to maintain the confinement in the distance, and the enemy commander escaped for a while.

But he didn't run, but stood there, pointing at Han Feng and Tan Ya and cursing them devils...

In theory, as the highest commander of the special forces, he should have extremely strong psychological qualities... But the performance of Han Feng and the others was obviously not in the "world of the living".

In addition, Han Feng alone wiped out his own Sanjiaozhou special forces, which left a shadow on him. The breakthrough of the double line of defense almost made the commander wet his pants...

"Well, huh... huh... you won, you won..." Tan Ya was not in a good place at this time, her face was flushed, and the red eyes have not subsided until now.

"Yeah... Yeah! Haha!" Han Feng laughed when he heard Tan Ya say that she won.

"Cough!" Laughing and laughing, Han Feng coughed violently. This cough made his chest hurt.

Patting his chest, Han Feng suddenly froze. He... felt pain!

"Devil! Devil! You are devils..." The other party was still cursing, like hysteria.

"Hey~ Why did you bring him back if you didn't kill him?" Tanya frowned, looking at the man in the distance, and said with disgust.

"I... I couldn't pry open his mouth. So... I brought him back... for you, for you to ask questions." Han Feng explained while panting.

"Is that your character? And you're still stubborn?" At this time, the man needed to lean against the wall to stand. Tanya really couldn't imagine what kind of "hard bone" this man was.

"I'm afraid I can't ask enough questions. What if there is something missing? It would be a pity to kill him." After a while, Han Feng could speak coherently.

"For the subject of interrogation, I can even pry open the mouth of a spy, let alone him~ Tsk~" Tanya said disdainfully.

After listening to Tanya, Han Feng stood up and shouted, "Oh my god!"


In Tanya's frightened eyes, Han Feng slapped his forehead and continued, "Oh my god! James! I forgot about him!!!"

Next, Han Feng handed the man to Tanya for interrogation, and he began to contact James.

"Hello, hello, hello? James? Where are you? Can you hear me?"

"Captain Han, I'm here, I'll be there soon, wait a moment." After replying, Han Feng looked in the direction of James and waited.

A few minutes later, Han Feng saw James rubbing his neck and walking slowly towards this side...

Looking at James' strange movements, Han Feng asked in confusion, "Uh... What's wrong with your neck?"

"Ah, Captain Han, don't touch me!" Seeing Han Feng trying to help him, James was so scared that he took several steps back, and then explained, "My neck is sprained..."

After James finished speaking, Han Feng thought of it...

At that time, he took James to dodge the missile... He didn't pay attention to protecting his cervical vertebrae... In the case of rapid movement, James' cervical vertebrae heroically dislocated.

"Uh... Uh..." It's not right to say that I will pay attention to it in the future, and it's not right to say that I will be slower next time... After a long pause, Han Feng didn't know how to express his apology.

"I can just rub it myself, it's okay." After comforting Han Feng, James changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Captain Han, how did you deal with it? Did you really go to trouble them alone?"

"Haha~" Han Feng laughed up to the sky, his expression of smugness was fully revealed, and then he said, "Luna~ Tell James~ How I went alone in the midst of thousands of troops to take the enemy's head!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

Helping James sit down, Han Feng took out a cigarette and was about to light it...

"Report to Captain Han! Our convoy is under attack!" The next second, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han! Three of our armored troop carriers were damaged!"

Hearing this news, Han Feng's eyes widened instantly! Before he could react, he heard Luna continue to report, "Report to Captain Han, twelve of our armored troop carriers were damaged!"

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