Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 227: Another Precognitive Dream

When he came downstairs, Han Feng asked Liu Rui in a relaxed tone, "I just listened to you about the meal, now tell me about your dream~"

"Aren't you just dreaming? Why did you start to care?" Liu Rui teased, following Han Feng.

"I'm curious, okay? Tell me~"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

"Haha~ OK, OK~" After laughing a few times, Liu Rui said slowly, "I dreamed that a lot of people died last night."

"Who died? Or are they all dead?" Han Feng tilted his head and tried his best to interrupt Liu Rui in a joking tone.

"I don't know... I only saw that Wei Peng was dead. Next to Wei Peng's body, there were many corpses scattered... I didn't see who they were."

"Wei Peng...the corpse next to him...can you tell who it is based on his dress?" At this time, Han Feng tried his best to hide his trembling voice.

"Oops... I didn't see it clearly. I woke up too fast and I didn't even have time to take a closer look. But there are a lot of your people and there are too many corpses."

"My person? Who? Be specific." Seeing that Liu Rui was still saying ambiguous words, Han Feng's tone became a little more serious.

"Oh no! The picture is full of ruins, how can I tell them apart? Only Wei Peng is lying on his back, so I can recognize him."

"Ruins? Tell us about the environment in detail!" Han Feng asked after hearing the useful information.

Seeing Han Feng stop with a solemn expression, Liu Rui also said with some emotion, "Hey, what are you worried about? I told you it was a dream, but it's not real~ Tsk..."

"...Um...I said I was just curious~ I just want to hear it. I don't know how to explain it to Liu Rui, so Han Feng can only find a lame excuse to excuse him.

Fortunately, Liu Rui didn't notice Han Feng's hidden emotions, and began to say seriously, "In my dream, it was night...it was very dark, and there wasn't much light. Wei Peng was lying in the ruins with a gray face, and there were a lot of... Blood... Although I didn't step forward to check, my intuition told me that it was a corpse."

"A lot of your soldiers are hanging around Wei Peng, wearing all kinds of costumes. But judging from the appearance of the ruins, it's definitely not here, definitely not an airport. Well...and..."

"what else?!"

"I also saw the lights of a car coming in among the ruins. It was very urgent."

"What else?!"

"No more~"

"No more?!!!"

"Nonsense, I just woke up from my dream."

"Just such a picture? You can't turn your head and look around in your dream?" At this time, Han Feng felt regretful. After all, Liu Rui was the "first person" in the incident at that time. If it were revealed again, A little more information would be nice.

"This dream only lasted a few seconds from the beginning to waking up." Liu Rui curled his lips and argued. Seeing that Han Feng was a little stunned, Liu Rui continued, "Besides, I didn't know I was dreaming in the dream. I was scared to death at that time. How could you think of turning around and looking at someone else? "

"Okay... I understand... You should go back first. I have other things to do, so I won't accompany you." After leaving these words, Han Feng walked alone.

"Tch...what are you doing~" Liu Rui muttered while looking at Han Feng's back. He would never have thought that Han Feng's brain was "blowing" with a storm at this moment...

"Xiao Peng... is really going to die." Now Han Feng was extremely sure that what Liu Rui just told was definitely not a story, but a real incident!

What kind of power can catch up with Xiaopeng, who is a speed superpower? What force can annihilate a large number of red police soldiers? What force can reduce the entire building to ruins? In his mind, Han Feng kept thinking about these three questions.

In terms of speed, not to mention bullets and cannonballs, even level three zombies couldn't outrun Wei Peng, but Wei Peng still died...

In terms of armament, there are long-range snipers, heavily armed soldiers for air defense, and American soldiers with strong firepower. But even with the heavy firepower of the Red Alert soldiers, they still died...

"Is it a military unit from another country?" At this moment, Han Feng suddenly thought of the US military nameplate he saw at the Ministry of Armed Forces this afternoon!

"Luna, what would happen if a red police soldier met an elite force in the real world?" Suddenly, Han Feng asked Luna an intriguing question.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the outcome is unknown. Please ask the Korean team to expand more individual summoning units to increase the winning rate."

"Is the chance of failure very high?" Han Feng ignored the second half of Luna's sentence, but turned a "turn" and asked from the side.

"Reporting to the Korean team, in an encounter where we have snipers, unless the enemy uses armored fighting vehicles or intercontinental missiles and other air strike forces that are extremely difficult to intercept, our victory rate is very high."

"Okay, I understand." After hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng was still very happy.

First of all, where is this? It’s China! It’s our great country, China! If you want to drive tanks into the territory, you are starting a war! Even in an apocalypse full of zombies! Even if the zombies are being dealt with so badly now, China will never allow the infiltration of heavy external armed forces!

And even if the enemy tanks come, the Grizzly Tank is not a vegetarian! No matter what happens... there are still a large number of one-star and two-star wild orcs! Let them join the fight! No matter how many tanks you have, they will be hammered into scrap metal for you!

Not to mention intercontinental missiles~ If an intercontinental missile really comes, there will be no ruins at all... everything will be reduced to rubbish...

After ruling out these two possibilities, Han Feng began to struggle again... Obviously, these two situations are unlikely to happen. Even if they happen, Wei Peng is absolutely sure to escape. It is impossible for him to die so easily...

After thinking for a long time, Han Feng still couldn't think of what kind of power could destroy all this. What can be done now is to strengthen the armament, strengthen vigilance, and strengthen vigilance.

After walking for a while, Han Feng looked at his mobile phone. The time was close to seven o'clock. There are less than 27 hours left before the final retreat...

"Captain Han, the combat laboratory has deciphered some of the contents of the encrypted file. Would you like to check it now?"

"Deciphered? Tell me." Unexpectedly, Luna had agreed to give the result in one hour, but now it took three hours...

"Captain Han, the level and means of this encrypted file are relatively advanced. The combat laboratory has only deciphered a few words... The contents are five words, namely retreat, extremely dangerous, female body, infection, and powerful."

"Hmm... connect the words into a sentence?" Hearing these words, Han Feng smiled slightly, and at the same time thought that he knew all about these things about zombies, so this encrypted file was not so mysterious.

"Captain Han, do you still need the combat laboratory to continue deciphering?"

"Forget it~ Even if it is deciphered, the content is probably about retreat and unknown mysterious viruses~ There is no need to pursue what we know." Without hesitation, Han Feng directly rejected Luna's proposal.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After finishing the conversation with Luna, Han Feng found a multi-functional infantry vehicle and began to patrol various "sites".

Arriving at the warehouse door, Han Feng asked Luna, "Luna, how much supplies have been loaded? How long will it take?"

"Reporting to Captain Han, more than 500 tons of supplies have been loaded, which is more than 50% of the total weight of supplies. The remaining part will probably take about five hours."

"What about the Huaxia 10 armed helicopters? How many times do they need to go back and forth?" At this time, Han Feng heard the "da da da da" sound from the propeller of the armed helicopter in the distance, and asked subconsciously.

"Reporting to Captain Han, the Huaxia 10 armed helicopters need to go back and forth seven times to use up the stored bombs. It will take about three hours."

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