Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 225: Encrypted Files

As Han Feng issued one order after another, the Grizzly tank turned the turret and aimed the long tank barrel at the armed department.

Three mobilized soldiers quickly formed a triangular assault team, and the remaining 27 mobilized soldiers prepared dozens of rocket launchers. The remaining five American soldiers found a good cover and set up a 60 light machine gun.

And all this... was just to provide the first-time armed support to the commando team composed of three mobilized soldiers!

Seeing that all the units were ready, Han Feng whispered, "Commando, set off! Be sure to pay attention to safety!"

After receiving the order, the three mobilized soldiers began to move, stepping on the tactical pace and slowly approaching the door of the armed department...

Ten meters...

Five meters...

Three meters...


Just as Han Feng nervously watched the mobilized soldiers approaching step by step, the door of the armed department... opened!

That's right, the door of the armed department, which was originally closed, opened without any signs at this time...

"Stop moving forward!" Seeing such a strange thing happening, Han Feng issued a stop order in time.

Obviously, this door was deliberately opened by "someone", and as for the purpose... it is not clear for the time being.

"Luna, is there anyone in the Armed Forces?" There was no movement for several seconds after the door opened, so Han Feng had to be cautious, so he asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, there is no one in the Armed Forces.♦ൠ  ♦♦"

"..."Hearing that there was no one in the Armed Forces, Han Feng hesitated...

"Luna, vision connection. Target any mobilized soldier in the commando team." After thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng decided to change a way to advance, that is, to choose a "cannon fodder" to enter.

In an unknown dangerous environment, how to reduce casualties is the top priority. Instead of putting all three people in danger, it is better to let one person enter first.

"Report to Captain Han, vision connection is complete."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng closed his eyes. When he opened them again the next second, the scene in front of him was already the vision of the mobilized soldiers of the commando team.

"Cover at any time." After briefly speaking to the two mobilized soldiers behind him, "Han Feng" raised his legs and walked into the Armed Forces.

Through the mobilized soldiers' vision, Han Feng scanned the environment on the first floor.

On the first floor tiles covered with fine dust, a black bloodstain clearly caught the eye. And the place where this bloodstain finally disappeared was in the last room on the right hand side of the first floor. From the perspective of this mobilized soldier, the door was closed.

Han Feng did not take care of that room at the first time, but controlled the mobilized soldier to approach the door closest to him and gently pushed it open.

No one, the empty room was clear at a glance. Withdrew from the figure, Han Feng continued to control the mobilized soldier to open other doors.

No one, no one, no one, still no one...

When the last mountain door was left in the room, Han Feng did not push it open rashly, but called the other two commandos to enter.

At this time, the two newly entered mobilized soldiers held AK47s and aimed at the door... After being ready, Han Feng quickly pushed the door open, then quickly picked up the AK47 and prepared to fire.

However, what Han Feng did not expect was that there was no danger behind the door, only a rotting corpse...

Han Feng was a little disgusted when he saw the scene in the room, but he still controlled the mobilized soldiers to approach slowly.

Looking at the clothes on the body, Han Feng knew that this was a soldier. But why he died here was something Han Feng did not understand.

Gently poking the corpse with the tip of the gun, Han Feng found that the fatal injury of the soldier was the neck, which meant that the soldier had his throat cut by a knife.

The fairly neat military uniform also indicated that he did not struggle too much before his death...

Who could kill a national soldier in an instant? An acquaintance? Impossible...They would definitely call out names when retreating, and one less person would definitely be discovered.

Han Feng, who could not think of the reason, gave up temporarily and asked Luna, "Luna, how long has he been dead?"

"Report to Captain Han, this person died about ten to twelve days ago."

"Ten to twelve days ago?" Repeating Luna's words made Han Feng, who was standing outside the armed forces, frown slightly.

"Report to the Han team, a metal product was found in the hands of the dead man." Suddenly, Luna reminded.

After Luna's reminder, Han Feng continued to manipulate the mobilized soldier to squat down and gently "pulled" out the metal product held in the soldier's hand.

This is a necklace, but the difference is that there is a small metal plate on this necklace, which looks... just like the hero nameplate needed to summon Tanya.

With the help of the mobilized soldier's sight, Han Feng saw a lot of English engraved on this metal plate...

"Oh my god..." Seeing the English, Han Feng only felt that it was "heavenly book"! He couldn't understand it at all, so he had no choice but to ask Luna for help, "Luna, translate it and see what is written on this metal plate."

"Report to the Han team..." This time, Luna did not answer Han Feng's question quickly as usual, but hesitated for a few seconds and then said, "This is a US soldier nameplate..."

"What...what!!!" Hearing the answer given by Luna, Han Feng's brain "buzzed"! Almost crashed on the spot!

On the land of China, a soldier's nameplate from another country was found! And... it was in the hands of a dead Chinese soldier! Even a fool knows the seriousness of the problem!

"This is a big deal..." Han Feng murmured subconsciously in a trance.

Obviously, this Chinese soldier was attacked before his death... He pulled off the enemy's nameplate before he died... But he never thought that the first person to discover this was Han Feng.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Han Feng ordered, "Let's talk about this later. The plan remains unchanged! Continue to explore the Armed Forces!!!"

After the order was issued, Han Feng reconnected the vision connection function and continued to control the mobilization of soldiers.

Soon, the second floor of the Armed Forces was also explored and empty. Now, only the last third floor is left, which is the floor where the supply box is located.

Going up to the third floor, Han Feng continued the previous operation. During this period, Han Feng also found the arsenal of this Armed Forces, but there was nothing inside except the gun cabinet. This means that they had more time to evacuate at that time.

A few minutes later, there was only one room left in the entire Armed Forces that was not opened... Staring at the radar display, Han Feng knew that behind this door, the supply box was only a few meters away from him...

At this time, Han Feng, who was standing outside the building, had sweat on his palms. I don't know why, this feeling of danger always lingered in my heart and refused to dissipate. This is also the reason why Han Feng has not opened the door until now, because he is also afraid that there is something unknown inside...

After more than ten seconds, Han Feng finally made up his mind and pushed the door open!

Behind the gas mask, Han Feng saw the usual brightness...

"Empty...empty..." Only now did Han Feng realize that the entire armed department was really empty.

"Deng...deng...deng..." The mobilized soldier slowly walked into the office and scanned the surroundings.

Looking at the interior style, Han Feng could easily guess that this office should be the office of the highest-level commander here.

On the huge desk, a silver-white box was placed in the middle!

"Supply box!" When he saw the box, Han Feng instantly recognized what it was.

But what puzzled Han Feng was...there was a piece of paper on the supply box.

"???" Han Feng believed that the supply box was scanned by the system half an hour ago. According to the "first come, first served" order, even if there was this piece of paper, it should be pressed under the supply box? How could it run on top?

Thinking for a few seconds

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