Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 217: Mutated Zombies (Part 1)

s takes up a few cents of your reading words to talk about three things, sorry~

The inspiration for the first thing about burning Molotov cocktails and this chapter about Molotov cocktails came from a big fan of mine - the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thank you for your love~!

The second thing is that I want to respond directly to the plagiarism issue.

I didn't want to add any plot about Molotov cocktails to the article before, so this is a source of inspiration from readers and fans and does not constitute any plagiarism.

Maybe I haven’t told you about this book before, but I had this idea nine years ago when I was still in junior high school. Many of the plots in the article were based on my imagination while I was in class. . Because I didn’t have a mobile phone at that time, and no one wrote a red warning message, so the word plagiarism was simply nonsense! But...because I didn't take notes, a lot of precious inspiration was lost in the long river of time, and very few of it can be retained in my memory.

Regarding this point, I myself feel very sorry for it... If these inspirations could be spread to the present, the plot of this Red Alert will instantly rise to several levels... Sigh

Also, for those who are still saying that I plagiarized other people’s works, please point out which other great work I plagiarized from? It would be better if it could be specific to chapters or paragraphs! Just tell me a plot and you'll accuse me of plagiarism. Please don't deliberately insult my original inspiration!

Again, if I plagiarize other people’s work beyond the regulations of Zongheng Chinese Network, I am willing to bear the corresponding legal responsibility! Valid forever! Readers can excerpt and screenshot this sentence of mine at any time!

The third thing is about my writing style... Since this is my first book, I am still exploring many details. I typed every word with my own hands, and every plot and dialogue was the answer after thinking about it for a long time in my mind. I will take advantage of the tips from readers! I will work hard to become a qualified online article writer! I also hope you can support me as always!

If readers have any questions, comments and suggestions, you can put them in the reading comment area, and I will humbly accept them and make corrections. Of course, it would be better if you have inspiration ~ Hehe...

Here, the author would like to thank this veteran again, the Ministry of Internal Affairs! Thank you for your support! !

——If you say

——Separating line——

After receiving Han Feng's order, an American soldier on duty under Terminal 1 was temporarily mobilized. He took the grenade from the conscripts beside him and placed it on his chest, and drove straight to the place where the nuclear radiation was abnormally high.

Sensing the departure of the American soldier, Han Feng narrowed his eyes and said to Luna, "Luna, vision connection, I want to see what this weird nuclear radiation is."

"Okay, Team Korea, the vision connection is ready."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him was already the boundary of the safe zone. The sight of rapidly reversing "in front of you" indicates that the car is moving forward at a very fast speed.

A few minutes later, the American soldier came to a place where nuclear radiation was abnormally high. This is a small forest, perhaps an unattended forest or a cultivated orchard. Of course, none of this matters anymore.

Han Feng used the sight of the American soldiers to look back and forth, and finally found an unusual movement in the darkness.

"Staring" at the strange movement in the woods, Han Feng gave the order, "Get out of the car... Prepare for high-explosive grenades! Always be ready for battle!"

"Yes!" After receiving Han Feng's order, the American soldier pulled the high-explosive grenade off his chest in advance, held it in his hand and slowly opened the car door.

"Xixisuosuo...Xixisuosuosuo..." When the American soldiers approached twenty meters from the vision, subtle sounds in the trees reached their ears.

"Luna, is this a living thing?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Han Feng wondered whether an animal contaminated with nuclear radiation "escaped" accidentally?

"Report to the Korean team that the radar did not detect any large life forms."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, the word "zombie" popped into Han Feng's mind!

"American soldier! Take back the high-explosive grenade and burn it with a Molotov cocktail!" Han Feng did this because it was too dark... Even if we really want to fight, the little light from the car is not enough. . In addition, Han Feng also wanted to see the power of the Molotov cocktail.

After receiving Han Feng's instructions, the American soldiers put away their high-explosive grenades and pulled down the incendiary bottles.

Pulling the ring on the mouth of the Molotov cocktail, the American soldier raised his hand and threw it towards the place where the noise came from. A perfect parabola cut through the dark night sky, and the distance of twenty meters was reached in an instant.

3...2...1...The explosion device of the combustion bottle has been delayed. In the air, there is only a "bang" sound, thickened gasoline and aviation kerosene mixed with active metal powder, white phosphorus, thermite and thickened Extremely flammable materials such as rubber burst out! Because these substances are extremely viscous, the flames after the explosion are like countless large and small meteorites, rushing towards the target below!

"Boom! Huh!..." The fierce burning flames swept all around in an instant, and Han Feng felt the dazzling white light in his sight! At that moment, Han Feng really felt like he was going to be "blinded" by a flash!

"Luna, does the Molotov cocktail still have the power of a flash bomb?! Why is it so bright?!" Han Feng narrowed his eyes and asked Luna in his mind.

"Report to the Korean team that there is a small amount of thermite in the incendiary bottle, and the temperature will instantly rise to 3,000 degrees Celsius... The white light you see is the "halo" produced when the surrounding objects are instantly vaporized at high temperature."

"Three thousand degrees of high temperature... Can a palm-sized incendiary bottle produce such a high temperature?!!!" After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng was a little bit unbelievable...

"To be precise, the incendiary bottle will only release a momentary high temperature, and it must be at the center. After the momentary high temperature, the remaining various liquids will continue to burn at a high temperature of about 850c for 1 to 15 minutes."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's heart was lifted, and he asked, "Will the American soldiers be in danger?!!! The high temperature of three thousand degrees is released right in front of them, so they will be burned into disabled people?!!!"

"Report to the Korean team, the American soldiers took precautions such as lying down to avoid the moment they threw the incendiary bottle, so the American soldiers will not be affected by the attack of the incendiary bottle at this time."

"So that's it... I found a treasure! I found..."


Just as Han Feng was rejoicing, a loud and dull roar came into the ears of the American soldiers...

"Damn! It's really a zombie!" Hearing this familiar roar, Han Feng knew that it was a zombie without a doubt! And... this zombie is not low-level!

Without any hesitation, Han Feng directly ordered remotely, "American soldier! High-explosive grenade! Blow it to death for me!"

"Yes!" The American soldier received the order, pulled the high-explosive grenade from his chest and quickly climbed up from the ground. The moment he stood still, he pulled the ring of the high-explosive grenade in his hand and threw it towards the zombie 20 meters away. After throwing the high-explosive grenade, the American soldier lay down again on the spot...

"Boom!!!" The huge explosion sounded through the sky, and Han Feng, who was five kilometers away, could hear the obvious explosion.

"Is it dead?" Controlling the American soldier, Han Feng raised his head slightly.

"Roar... Roar..." No! The zombie's roar is still intermittent! Although it is much weaker, it is definitely not dead!

"Grenade! Grenade! There is still a grenade! Take advantage of his illness and kill him! Blow it up for me!" Looking at this "flaming man" with flames all over his body, Han Feng thought that the American soldier still had the last ordinary grenade on him.

"Yes!" No extra nonsense

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