Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 215: Another Incident

"Tanya, please work hard and drive this Nighthawk helicopter over too. Looking at the armored personnel carrier moving away, Han Feng turned to Tanya who was sitting on the co-pilot beside him.

"Okay, sir~" Tanya laughed playfully, jumped out of the multi-purpose infantry vehicle, and headed towards the Nighthawk helicopter.

Just after Tanya opened the door and got out of the car, the sound in the multifunctional infantry vehicle sounded - "The deformation disk is in place, and the rocket launcher nest has deformed. The range is 5 kilometers, and the ammunition has been converted to 9 rounds of anti-aircraft missiles. Report to the driver, in No enemy troops have been found within the range, please drive with confidence.”

Feeling the slight shaking of the multifunctional infantry vehicle, Han Feng knew that the weapons above his head began to change again...

After driving the car back to Terminal 1 and parking it, Han Feng went upstairs.

During dinner, Wei Peng and Liu Rui kept asking, "Brother Han, are the tanks also in the airport?"

"Brother Han, is the helicopter different from the armed helicopters I saw before?"

"Brother Han, I saw an armored ship like a ship parked on land. What is that..."

Although Guo Yongxing and Wei Yun did not ask questions, Han Feng knew from their curious expressions and eyes that they also wanted to know the answer.

"Look at you, you are still asking questions while you are having a meal. You are not as good as us Fox and Fox. Look how delicious Fox and Fox eat, right?" Han Feng pretended to be mysterious while caressing Fox and Fox's little head. He said with a doting tone again.

"Brother Han, I want to know right now, is there anything you can't change?" Liu Rui looked at Han Feng, sat upright and continued, "I thought I knew when you brought a mysterious strong man to save me. There is definitely a place for you in this chaotic world, haha~ I’m right~~”

With laughter, this warm dinner came to an end.

As usual, after the meal, Han Feng lit up a cigarette and strolled downstairs of the terminal.

Walking to a quiet and uninhabited place, Han Feng found a stone pillar and sat on it. Look up at the stars and admire the stars in the sky...

"Alas..." After sighing softly, Han Feng said to himself, "The only benefit the outbreak of zombies has brought to the world is probably to make the sky a little cleaner..."

Tens of seconds later, while Han Feng was enjoying a moment of tranquility, there was a hint of discord in his eyes.

On the very far horizon, a faint, flickering blue light suddenly lit up. This light was so weak that it could hardly be seen by the naked eye, otherwise Han Feng would not have discovered it for so long.

When Han Feng noticed this beam of light, he sat up, squinted his eyes tightly, and tried hard to distinguish...

Looking down the light beam, Han Feng found that the light beam seemed to be emanating from the ground in the distance. When I looked down, I saw buildings not far away blocking my view. As a last resort, Han Feng could only get up and walk to a higher place.

On the way, Han Feng looked back at the light pillar from time to time. This slightly familiar light made his heart feel a little heavy...

"I hope I'm wrong...don't be wrong..." As he climbed the stairs of Terminal 1, Han Feng kept mumbling, and his tone became increasingly urgent.

A few minutes later, Han Feng stood on the top floor of Terminal 1. Standing here, you can still vaguely see various traces of the battle downstairs between you and Cheng Ji. Of course, Han Feng was not in the mood for nostalgia at this time.

Fixing his eyes on the distant light, Han Feng found that the light at this time was brighter and brighter than the one before he went upstairs just now. The current light makes it difficult not to notice...

Staring at the light, Han Feng slowly took out a cigarette from his pocket. Although there was still a trace of doubt in his heart, he did not ask Luna anything.

Han Feng just looked into the distance and stood blankly on the rooftop...

About a minute later, another figure stepped onto the rooftop and walked behind Han Feng.

"What are you looking at? You're so fascinated~" Listening to the voice, it was Tanya...

"Look at this blue beam of light." Raising his hand, Han Feng pointed to the sky where the beam of light was.

"What's there to see? It's just a blue light column produced by gamma rays ionizing the surrounding air~" After hearing what Tanya said, Han Feng slowly closed his eyes.

After closing his eyes, Han Feng took a puff of cigarette and said to himself, "Sure enough...Sure enough..."

"Luna...is it a nuclear power plant?" In his heart, Han Feng finally asked Luna the question he least wanted to ask.

"Reporting to the Korean team, yes. This should be a meltdown in the No. 3 reactor. It is not yet known whether a large-scale explosion occurred."

"There are still reactors in the nuclear power plant?" Han Feng, who knew nothing about nuclear power plants, asked.

"Reporting to the Korean team, there are five reactors in the BT nuclear power plant. Looking at it now... only two have melted down..."

"Why?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! If engineers had been allowed to safely dismantle the remaining four reactors, this situation would not have happened now!"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the situation was critical at that time, and engineers may not have enough time to dismantle the remaining four reactors. The best situation at that time was to evacuate to a safe enough position to adjust... So..." Luna's voice became smaller and smaller.


After a few seconds of silence, Han Feng asked tentatively, "Then...will it pose a threat to us?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, judging from the current situation, the nuclear radiation standard at your current location does not exceed the standard, but... it is difficult to say in the future. At present, only two cores of the BT nuclear power plant have melted, and the superimposed nuclear radiation can spread The probability of getting here is low.”

"What is the probability that nuclear radiation will spread here?" Han Feng, who was worried, continued to ask.

"Reporting to the Korean team, according to the preliminary detection of the system, the probability of nuclear radiation spreading here and causing harm is about 1235~1862."

After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng said nothing. After pondering for a few seconds, he asked, "What if the third reactor core melts down? What is the chance of it spreading here?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, if the third core melts, it will also depend on the weather, wind direction and other factors at the time. The probability... will probably not exceed 35... Of course, this is an optimistic estimate..."

"Oh...I know." After responding to Luna, Han Feng slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, Han Feng's eyes widened instantly! It's like seeing a ghost!

I saw that there was only one beam of light in the distance before, but now there were two standing there! ! ! Any fool knows what these two beams of light mean! ! !

"Oh ho~ Double happiness is coming~" Before Han Feng could say anything, Tanya behind him took the lead.

"Report to the Korean team...this...this..."

Hearing Luna's intermittent voice in his mind, Han Feng responded directly, "What is this? Say it quickly!"

"Reporting to the Korean team, it seems that there was a violent explosion in the previous reactor core. This is something I didn't expect..."

"Then what?" Han Feng, who knew Luna's character well, knew that if Luna was so nervous, there would definitely be worse things to come.

"Then...the other cores...I'm afraid..."

Sure enough... Just as Luna finished saying this, next to the two beams of light on the horizon in the distance, another one was added at some point...

Three blue beams! Looking at the three light pillars in the sky in the distance, Han Feng knew that the fourth one was probably not far away.

When the third beam of light stood up, Han Feng heard Tanya's leaving footsteps behind him.

Looking back, Han Feng looked at Tanya's back and asked, "Why are you going?"

"Pack your things and prepare to run away." Tanya said as she walked, without any intention of stopping.

"Running away? It's serious.

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