Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 213: Heavy Factory

After a long time, Han Feng withdrew his gaze to the horizon. Feeling the slight soreness in his feet after standing for a long time, Han Feng turned around and walked to the bed.

"Luna, tell us about the heavy factory." Han Feng said while sitting on the bed, his attention entering the heavy factory.

"Okay Team Korea, the tank factory is where all armored units are manufactured, and it is also an important building for building armored military strength."

While Luna was talking, Han Feng saw three types of tanks and one type of armed helicopter that could be summoned in the heavy factory right now.

The first among them is the unique Allied tank - the Grizzly tank. Following the Grizzly Tank are multifunctional infantry vehicles, armored personnel carriers and Nighthawk helicopters.

"..." Staring at the four summoned units, Han Feng was a little confused...

"Uh... Luna, now I can only use the heavy factory to summon four kinds of vehicles?!" Han Feng, who is extremely familiar with the Red Alert game, knew that after building six or seven major buildings, what was going on in the heavy factory? Maybe there are only four summoning options? ! ! !

"Reporting to the Korean team, at this stage, you really only have four construction options in the heavy factory. → If you want to unlock more tanks and air forces, please build related buildings."

"I'm going?! Are you asking me to build buildings? Look at the list. I've built all the buildings. Is there anything else I haven't unlocked?" Luna's words made Han Feng even more confused. For this reason, Han Feng Feng also took a special look at the construction page and found that all the buildings that could be constructed were indeed unlocked.

"Um... Team Korea, let me tell you this. If you want to summon the invader fighters now, do you have to build an air command unit to park these fighters first? Otherwise, how will the invader fighters take off? How will they land after taking off? "

"Huh..." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng took a deep breath. After calming down for a while, Han Feng continued, "Dear Comrade Luna, can you tell me how to build the Empty Finger Department?"

"Please ask the Korean team to build the Allied Base Vehicle first. When the Allied Base Vehicle is deployed, you will unlock more related buildings."

"...Hmph..." With a chuckle, Han Feng understood... the red alert system just wouldn't make him feel comfortable...

"Okay~ I understand." After nodding several times, Han Feng looked at the vehicles in the heavy factory and said, "Let me briefly introduce these tanks."

"Alright Team Korea, let's talk about the Grizzly Tank first."

After a pause, Luna continued, "The Grizzly tank is a light tank with a dead weight of 282 tons. The prototype is the German self-propelled tank gun based on the No. 4 tank chassis with a 150 mm howitzer during World War II. The tank gun has an ammunition load of 5 rounds, using SFLZF 1a sight. Its advantage is that it has relatively fast maneuverability, so it is suitable for street fighting and use with infantry. Its disadvantage is that its armor protection performance is insufficient compared to other types of tanks, so the Grizzly tank is not suitable for vast areas. The battlefield and charge into battle. The internal personnel of the tank is a driver, an aimer and a loader, and the gold coins required for summoning are 8,000 gold coins.

"Multifunctional Infantry Vehicle The multifunctional infantry vehicle is a 12-wheel armored vehicle with a dead weight of 18 tons. It is a combat support unit with extremely high speed. It can transport an infantryman. When it transports an infantryman, it carries many The functional turret can undergo more than six corresponding deformations according to the equipment of the infantry carried, so the multi-functional infantry vehicle can adapt to combat at any time, climate, and terrain. When no infantry is carried inside, it has a light surface-to-air missile launcher. It is an absolute nightmare for the enemy air force... The multi-purpose infantry vehicle has no internal personnel. The gold coins required for summoning are 5,000 gold coins.”

"The armored personnel carrier did not find any ocean around you when the system scanned it, so the system specially added an armored personnel carrier for you. The armored personnel carrier can carry 12 infantry units or four vehicles. Armor with amphibious characteristics on land and sea As a troop carrier, you can transport all combat-related personnel to various parts of the battlefield. However, the armored troop carrier is not equipped with any combat-related weapons, so when using it, please try to avoid moving within the range of enemy armor on the battlefield. The troop transport ship is equipped with a pilot. The gold coins required for summoning are 3,000 gold coins.”

"The Nighthawk helicopter is a large transport helicopter that can transport infantry units quickly and efficiently on the battlefield, regardless of terrain (the maximum number of people it can carry is 5 people, and vehicles cannot carry it). It is worth mentioning that it has unique A feature that most fighters do not have is anti-radar detection, which is what you think of as "stealth". However, the disadvantage of this Nighthawk helicopter is also obvious, that is, its firepower is obviously insufficient, and it is only equipped with 60 light. machine gun

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