Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 209: Thousands of Arrows Shot

Han Feng felt a little disappointed when he saw that the mighty Guangling Tower could not be built...

Having given up the Guangling Tower, Han Feng looked at other defensive weapons.

"Machine gun bunker... sentry gun..." Staring at these two defensive weapons, Han Feng began to weigh the pros and cons.

"Luna, build a machine gun bunker!" After a few seconds, Han Feng decided to build a machine gun bunker.

In Han Feng's opinion, the biggest enemy now is zombies. Although the machine gun bunker with 5,000 rounds of bullets is not as powerful as the sentry gun, it is definitely worth the money in the face of zombies like a sea of ​​​​waves!

【At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪】

"Report to Captain Han, it takes 2,500 gold coins to build a machine gun bunker, please confirm."


"Okay, Captain Han, the machine gun bunker construction time is five minutes, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's gold coins were instantly withdrawn by 2,500. At this time, the number displayed in the gold coin column dropped to 5,559...

"Alas..." With a sigh, Han Feng prayed in his heart that the tank would not be too expensive.

When he returned to the safe zone, the machine gun bunker was ready to be built.

"Luna, just put the machine gun bunker at this entrance and exit." Han Feng got off the car and measured the distance. The location in front of the entrance and exit of the safe zone was just enough for the construction of the machine gun bunker. So Han Feng pointed to a small open space and said.

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Boom! Huh..."

The moment Luna finished speaking, a machine gun bunker suddenly appeared in front of Han Feng, making a dull sound of hitting the ground.

"Wow! What is this?!!"

"Oh my god, I'm scared to death..."

The people in front of the entrance and exit were shocked to see this huge monster suddenly appear.

"Luna, please tell them to send a mobilized soldier to the machine gun bunker every day for the team on duty at the entrance and exit. As for the rotation issue... let them allocate it themselves." Looking at the machine gun bunker, Han Feng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, Captain Han, there will be personnel in the machine gun bunker 24 hours a day."

"Okay, thank you~"

A few minutes later, Han Feng returned to his "new home" - Terminal 1.

After a day of repairs, with the joint efforts of four engineers and hundreds of Red Alert soldiers, Terminal 1 can no longer see any traces of fighting. Of course... except for the big hole on the rooftop.

Living in a clean and bright suite, with three meals a day prepared by professional chefs, this is a life that Han Feng could not imagine before the end of the world... not to mention that Wei Yunhuhu and others have such a safe environment to live in.

After having dinner with Liu Rui and others, Han Feng resumed his previous habits and walked downstairs with a cigarette in his mouth.

Looking at the bright moonlight, Han Feng couldn't help but think of Lin Lan... In the past, at this time, Lin Lan always accompanied him for a walk.

After a day of hard work, Han Feng fell asleep with his pillow. But before going to bed, Han Feng's mobile phone finally had a power supply to charge.

Early in the morning... "Dong Dong Dong!"

"Brother Han! Brother Han! Get up!" This time, it was not only Kong Xiang who acted as a "human alarm clock", but also Wei Peng...

"Here I come!" Han Feng responded and sat up from the bed.

After a simple wash and breakfast, Han Feng continued yesterday's operation - going out to kill zombies and earn gold coins.

Because the destination this time was far away, for safety reasons, Han Feng brought Tanya and the first-level wild orc.

After getting everything ready, Han Feng boarded the co-pilot seat of the armored vehicle and ordered, "Let's go to the city center!"

That's right, in order to make more profits, Han Feng specially took away two whole battalions of people and countless ammunition this time. He brought thirty rocket launchers alone! There were even more rockets of various types! The front force had ten Sabretooth armored vehicles and ten ordinary off-road vehicles, and the air force... was the armed helicopter driven by Tanya!

Since the troops were quite large, it took more than 40 minutes to reach the mall in the city center...

"The first battalion will use cold weapons to clean up the zombies around and try to minimize the sound. The second battalion will prepare ammunition and attack the mall at any time." Sitting in the car, Han Feng issued the first order.

Watching the first battalion get off the car and slaughter the lone zombies with various knives, Han Feng was a little happy in his heart. He thought that the gold coins would skyrocket this time! He was going to get rich this time! Haha~

Then, the second battalion got off the car and took out various weapons from the trunk of the off-road vehicle following behind, including weapons of mass destruction such as rocket launchers.

"Da da da da da..." In the sky, the armed helicopter landed on the rooftop of the mall without making too much noise.

"Sir, I have cleared the zombies on the rooftop." Tens of seconds later, Tanya's calm voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Okay~" After responding to Tanya, Han Feng contacted Luna again and said, "Luna, use the radar to scan here."

"Report to Captain Han, the radar scan requires 100 gold coins, please confirm."


"Okay Captain Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..." After a few seconds, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is completed. A supply box was found within the radar scanning range."

"Haha~ I knew it!" Han Feng said with a smile after hearing Luna's report.

According to his understanding of the "nature" of the system, the more dangerous the place, the greater the probability of the supply box appearing! Sure enough~ On the radar interface, there is a small golden dot flashing inside the mall. And this small golden dot is the supply box!

"Luna, where is the exact location of the supply box?" On the radar display, Han Feng only saw the location of the supply box, but didn't know which floor of the mall it was on.

"Report to Captain Han, the supply box is on the second floor of the mall. This mall has four floors."

"Okay, I got it." After replying to Luna, Han Feng sat in the car, stroking his chin and began to think... How can I get this supply box...

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies outside have been cleared! The nearby intersections have also been occupied by various teams! Please give instructions!" While Han Feng was still thinking, Simon's report sounded.

"Okay! Now, except for the necessary teams at each intersection, all the others come back to get equipment. Let's prepare to rush into the mall."

"Yes! Captain Han!" After that, Simon took five teams back to the off-road vehicle to get weapons.

"Luna... Are you sure the supply box will not be damaged?" Looking at the Red Alert soldiers ready to go, Han Feng asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, the supply box has the property of being absolutely indestructible."

"Good! That's good!" After talking to Luna, Han Feng began to order, "All Red Alert soldiers! Rockets ready!"


"Swoosh! Swoosh!" The moment Han Feng gave the order, thirty rocket launchers pulled the trigger! A full thirty rockets, carrying hot tail flames, came out in full force!

"Whoosh! Whoosh..." The rockets made bursts of wind-breaking sounds while flying. This scene of "thousands of arrows firing at the same time" made Han Feng very excited!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A few seconds later, the first and second floors of the mall suffered a devastating attack! The shock wave swept through the broken wall debris, stirring up layers of dust, making it impossible for Han Feng to see the situation behind this layer of "fog".

"Roar! Roar!!!" As the overwhelming attack ended, the roar of zombies came from the mall.

"Haha~" Seeing the gold coins rise by more than 600 in an instant, Han Feng knew that the bombing just now killed a large number of zombies!

"Soldiers holding bazookas, load rockets! The rest of you, prepare for battle!" Counting the zombies' roars, Han Feng stared at the first floor of the mall and began to wait...

One second...Two seconds...

"Roar!!" Suddenly, the first zombie rushed out of the "fog" and roared towards the nearest Red Alert soldier.

At this distance, Han Feng clearly saw that this zombie was a level 2 zombie.

"Da da da! Da da!" As more and more zombies rushed out, the Red Alert soldiers began to attack on their own. For a while, gunfire rang out.

"Rockets! Attack!" Estimating the number of zombies behind the dust, Han Feng ordered a second round of rocket attacks!

"Swoosh, swoosh!"

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