Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 206: Goodbye Lin Lan

It has been almost two months since the zombie outbreak, and the heavy factory is finally under construction! This means that the biggest "worry" is gone~

After taking the last puff of the cigarette, Han Feng threw the cigarette butt down and stomped it out before sitting back on the bed.

"Luna, how are our troops now?" Anyway, I can't sleep for a while, so I might as well understand the current situation of the troops.

"Report to Captain Han, we now have 156 mobilized soldiers, 41 American soldiers, two police dogs, one engineer, two heavily armed soldiers, and three snipers. Tanya, a hero-level figure. The above personnel total 206 people."

"My God... we have more than 200 people?!" After listening to Luna's detailed explanation, Han Feng immediately opened his eyes and replied excitedly.

I can't believe that the once fragile Han Feng is now the "commander-in-chief" of more than 200 people! Even if converted into a serious Chinese soldier, this is the combat effectiveness of two companies!

"Luna, according to the previous organization of five people in a small team and ten small teams in a large team, give me four battalions~ If you are not enough, summon them now!" Han Feng had his reasons for doing this, after all, the airport is too big now. Although two hundred people sounds like a lot, it is not enough when they are really scattered around the airport. Besides, there are day shifts, night shifts, patrol shifts, etc.

"Report to Captain Han, in order to fill the organization of four battalions, four mobilized soldiers, two police dogs, three engineers, two heavy soldiers, and one sniper are needed, a total of 7,500 gold coins are needed, please confirm."

"Uh..." Han Feng, who was originally full of confidence, was a little speechless when he heard that more than 7,000 gold coins were needed...

Han Feng did not speak, but quietly entered the system...

8650...8650 gold coins, which is the number displayed in the gold coin column of the system.

If these soldiers are to be summoned now, then there are only more than 1,100 gold coins left... After the heavy factory is successfully built, tanks must be bought, right? Transport planes, fighter jets, etc. cannot be left behind, right? Thinking of this, Han Feng frowned deeply...

"Not enough money..." Han Feng said to himself with a bitter smile after calculating in his heart.

"So Captain Han is going to cancel the scheduled summons now?" Hearing Han Feng's muttering, Luna said.

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng gritted his teeth, and after a mental game, he said with a ruthless heart, "No! Summon! Confirmed!"

"Okay, Captain Han, four mobilized soldiers, two police dogs, three engineers, two heavily armed soldiers, one sniper, etc. are being summoned, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's gold coins instantly decreased by 7,500... Now, Han Feng only has 1,150 gold coins left.

"1150... Hehe..." Looking at the number displayed in the gold coin column, Han Feng held his forehead and smiled bitterly...

"Luna, wait for these newly summoned soldiers to come out and let them assign themselves to the four battalions." After a pause, Han Feng continued to instruct, "Just the same as the previous organization, the sniper is the battalion leader, and the American soldiers are the squadron leaders of each team. Each battalion will be equipped with one police dog, engineer, and heavy soldier."

"Okay, Captain Han, I will assign them."

"Well, you've worked hard." After thanking him, Han Feng lay down.

Lying on the bed, Han Feng relaxed his whole body. He began to think about the things that happened during this period of time...

"Fuck!!!" Suddenly, Han Feng jumped up from the bed! "Fuck fox!!!"

"Snap!" After saying that, Han Feng slapped his forehead with his right hand, making a loud noise.

"Simon! Simon!" After urgently contacting Simon in his mind, Han Feng asked without waiting for Simon's reply, "Where are Hu Hu and Wei Yun?!"

"Report to Captain Han, they are still in their temporary residence and have not come with us."

"Are there any soldiers left behind?"

"Report to Captain Han, no."

"..."After hearing Simon's answer, Han Feng got out of bed, put on his shoes and ran out.

While running, Han Feng said to Simon, "Simon, you are tired now, take your people and follow me! Wait until daytime for you to rest!"

It was extremely dark now, and it was time for everyone to rest. Han Feng was embarrassed to wake up the sleeping Red Alert soldiers, but...Hu Hu and the others were not protected by the Red Alert soldiers now, and Lin Lan disappeared mysteriously again...

"Okay, Captain Han, where shall we gather?" Simon had no complaints about Han Feng's order.

"Drive five armored vehicles and gather at the entrance!" Han Feng replied while running towards the entrance.

"Okay, Captain Han!" Simon said, and began to prepare.

"Dengdengdengdeng..." In the silent night, Han Feng heard the sound of two people running...

Hearing the sound and locating the location, Han Feng found that the other footsteps came from behind him. Looking back, Han Feng saw Wayne who was also running not far behind him...

"Alas... How could I forget Wayne with this brain!" Han Feng cursed himself and began to slow down his pace.

At this time, Han Feng's mind was full of thoughts about the safety of Huhu and others. For a moment, he even forgot that there were other people in the same tent with him...

Three minutes later, Han Feng and Wayne arrived at the entrance and exit.

At the entrance and exit of the safe zone, five Sabretooth armored vehicles with lights on were ready.

Around here, some awakened survivors and team members rubbed their sleepy eyes to watch the excitement, wondering what Han Feng was going to do in the middle of the night.

"Ah...ha~Where is Brother Han going in the middle of the night?" Someone in the crowd asked in confusion, yawning.

"Is he going out to "eliminate dissidents" in order to secure his position as the boss?"

"Bullshit! Brother Yang is dead! What else can he do?!"

People stared at the rows of "troops" and expressed their thoughts...

"Let's go and find Huhu and the others!" Han Feng, who had rushed over, didn't bother to explain anything. He got on the co-pilot seat of the armored vehicle and gave the order.

"Boom!" The five armored vehicles that received the order stepped on the accelerator together and headed towards the location of Huhu and the others...

"Luna, are Huhu and the others okay?" Han Feng knew that Luna's radar detection range could cover the location of Huhu and the others, so in the car, Han Feng asked Luna first.

"Report to Captain Han, Hu Hu, Wei Yun and others are doing fine. They are still at their temporary residence and have not left."

"Huh..." Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Luna said...

A few minutes later, with five armored vehicles leading the way, Han Feng finally arrived near the Night Bar. But I don't know how many private cars were "unlucky" on the road...

"Simon, take someone to pick up Hu Hu and the others." Looking at the Night Bar with a sign hundreds of meters ahead, Han Feng continued, "Leave me two teams to "clean up" the garbage."

"Yes! Captain Han!" Simon said, and at an intersection, three armored vehicles turned and ran to the nearby community. The remaining two armored vehicles drove to the Night Bar with Han Feng.

Up to now, Han Feng was no longer "panicked" because according to the radar, there was no one else at Hu Hu's temporary residence. Of course... except for the Night Bar in front of him.

In less than half a minute, two armored vehicles parked at the door of the bar.

"Bang." Han Feng got out of the car, closed the door, and walked towards the bar.

"Welcome to the Night Bar~" Pushing open the door, the usher standing behind the door said respectfully.

Han Feng looked at the waiter and found that he was the bartender who received him last time, so he said, "Brother Yang is gone, and you are still holding on here?"

"Of course we know that Brother Yang is dead, and we also know that we can't go back to the safe zone... We will die outside, and we can't live if we go back. The only hope is that you can come later, but I didn't expect you to come so soon." As he spoke, there was no panic on the bartender's face. Maybe he had already prepared himself mentally...

Looking at the calm bartender, Han Feng didn't know what to say. Looking around the clean and tidy bar, Han Feng thought that they might as well resist... In this way, he wouldn't feel too guilty when he took action.

"Who are you to Brother Yang? Responsible for gathering intelligence?" After thinking for a while, Han Feng asked.

"We belong to the Star Team, the intelligence agency team under Brother Yang. I know that the three major teams in the safe zone have been purged. Please give us a quickie..." As he spoke, the bartender slowly lowered his head.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's make some drinks first." At this moment, Han Feng was a little uncomfortable...

"Okay." After the bartender finished speaking, he walked towards the bar, ready to make the last cocktail in his life.

"What do you want to drink? Let me make it for you~" Suddenly, a familiar female voice came from behind the bar.

Han Feng frowned and turned his head to look... Lin Lan? !

"Why are you here?!" Staring at Lin Lan, Han Feng asked in surprise. While looking at Lin Lan, Han Feng also glanced at the bartender next to him with his peripheral vision, and found that his eyes were also full of surprise. This means that the bartender was not aware of Lin Lan's existence, but it was a coincidence. But... is it really a coincidence?

"Why are you here? Hehe~ Waiting for you." Lin Lan responded with a smile after entering the bar counter, and then began to fiddle with various bottles and jars for cocktails.

"Uh... Are you Lin Lan now? Or..." At this time, Han Feng was not sure whether the Lin Lan in front of him was the real Lin Lan.

"Miss, may I ask you..." Suddenly, the bartender who had been standing motionless at the side asked this "strange" beauty.

"Swish! Swish, swish, swish!" Six or seven knives flew out with Lin Lan's swinging hands! Before the bartender finished speaking, the flying knife accurately pierced his throat, and he could no longer say the rest of the words.

At the same time as the bartender fell, there were other people in the bar. Each of them had a knife stabbed in the throat...

"Uh... Huhu..." The bartender who fell to the ground was still struggling to stand up, but he no longer had the strength to support his body...

The blood gushing from the bartender's carotid artery splashed on Han Feng's body, but Han Feng just frowned and did not move his body.

Staring at the knife on the bartender's neck, Han Feng knew that this was a small knife used by the bar to cut fruit...

"Report to Captain Han, all the survivors in the bar are dead..." After a few seconds, Luna in his mind reported to Han Feng.

"Why did you kill them?" Han Feng's eyes moved away from the bartender's body and stared at Lin Lan and asked.

"Haha~ You actually asked me why I killed them?~" Suddenly, Lin Lan laughed out loud. It was as if he heard the funniest joke in the world, and even tears were about to come out of his eyes.

"..."Looking at Lin Lan, Han Feng didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for Lin Lan's explanation.

Lin Lan laughed for dozens of seconds, and after stopping laughing, Lin Lan whispered, "Isn't it because you are too weak?~"

"What about me?!" Suddenly, the door of the bar behind Han Feng was pushed open! And another familiar female voice came.

Turning his head and looking behind him, Han Feng was stunned... because the person who came was none other than Tanya!

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