Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 2: Red Alert System

The huge shock made Han Feng like a frightened bird. Not only could he not explain the problem of zombies, but he could not explain the voice in his mind that kept asking him to build a power station.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’π’•π’˜π’Œπ’‚π’.π’„π’π’Ž

Han Feng calmed down and calmed down after a few deep breaths. Because he knew that everything that was happening now was beyond his ability. When he went out, except hiding like a mouse... the only thing left was death. It was not accurate to say death, it should be living as a qualified zombie.

In this case... fight! I'll die! At most, I'll be a hero again in 18 years!

Han Feng sat down again and closed his eyes. He tried hard to recall the appearance of the base vehicle and power station in the Red Alert game.

A huge base appeared in Han Feng's mind. Is this true? Or am I imagining it? Am I crazy? Hello? Is there anyone? Han Feng kept calling in his heart.

"It will take 21 minutes to build the power station, please wait." A familiar mechanical voice suddenly sounded.

Next to the huge base was a list of buildings, the first one was the power station. The progress bar had already gone about one-third.

Han Feng was stunned... He had never thought that one day he would be able to see the appearance of 2D buildings in Red Alert with his own eyes!

"Power station? Power station?" Han Feng called out uncertainly in his mind twice.

"It will take 19 minutes to build the power station, please wait." Even though the mechanical voice was cold at this moment, it sounded like an angel's voice to Han Feng!

That's right! It's true! It's really true! It's actually true! Great! I am the child of destiny! Red Alert bless me to live! Long live Red Alert! Han Feng in his mind looked crazy at this moment.

Until this moment, Han Feng finally believed in the existence of the Red Alert system in his mind.

Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Build quickly! As a hardcore Red Alert player, Han Feng knew. Only after the power station is built can the barracks and mining buildings be built.

After the power station is built, the mine, barracks, radar, heavy factory, PLA, tanks! Fighter! Nuclear weapons!

Zombies? Haha, zombies are nothing! I'll get Tanya and the SEALs out later! Even if there are more zombies in the world, I can still do whatever I want? Haha!!! Han Feng in the real world actually laughed out loud. Han Feng was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth. He thought that now was not the time to show off. What if the zombies at the door heard the sound and rushed in... It would be too unfair to die, right?

After holding his breath and waiting for a few minutes without any zombies to cause trouble, Han Feng relaxed.

Report the construction time of the power station. Han Feng stood up and said this in his heart.

"It will take another 10 minutes to build the power station virtually, please wait." Hearing the mechanical voice like the sound of nature, Han Feng looked at his watch.

10:20. That means the power station will be built successfully at 10:30.

"There are still ten minutes... It's okay, it will be quick." Han Feng muttered quietly.

Ten minutes, let's make a battle plan. With combat units, they will definitely open fire, and opening fire will definitely attract more zombies. More zombies will require more combat units... Infinite cycle? But don't worry, the endless supply of troops will definitely make them braver and braver! They will definitely be able to break through the siege! Han Feng has already begun to imagine himself calmly commanding the battle... Cool~

"The power station is completed, do you want to build a barracks? Building a barracks requires 3,000 gold coins." Ten minutes after Han Feng imagined, the unique voice of Red Alert sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"No, build a mining site first and then a barracks. Create 30 PLA ​​soldiers, then build a heavy factory and then tanks and fighters. Then..."

"No mining site option, do you want to build a barracks? Building a barracks requires 3,000 gold coins." The cold mechanical sound interrupted Han Feng's voice.

"No mining site? Impossible?" Facing the computer, Han Feng could accurately click the location of the mining site with his eyes closed.

Han Feng's perspective turned and came to the picture world in his mind. There is indeed no mining site... only the barracks behind the power station.

"Okay, let's build the barracks first. After the barracks are built, we will..."

"The commander does not have enough gold coins to build the barracks." This is the second time that the mechanical sound of Red Alert interrupted Han Feng's words.

Not enough money? Impossible! This Red Alert is a pit! No money, no mining site! Where can I find gold coins to build! Where are my Navy SEALs? Where are the planes and tanks?

Nothing is more infuriating than holding a treasure chest and opening it to see that it is filled with shit.

"Because the commander cannot obtain gold coins at this stage, the system can absorb the commander's physical wealth to increase gold coins." This may be the most words the system has said to Han Feng.

"Absorb, how to absorb? How many gold coins do I have?" Han Feng asked two questions at once.

"Commander's physical money can be converted into gold coins, but the system can only absorb it once. Now the commander still has 1,000 gold coins. Do you want to absorb the commander's physical wealth to increase the gold coins?" The system answered Han Feng's question.

"Absorb it." That's real money! How can a fresh graduate have money! I just started working for less than a month and I don't even have a salary! Alas... But staying alive is the most important thing now.

"Absorbing, please wait... Collection completed. A total of 2,050 gold coins were collected from the commander, and 2,050 gold coins were converted." The system notified Han Feng after the absorption was completed.

"Build a barracks!" Han Feng said this almost gritting his teeth.

Ding Dong. It was a text message reminder from the mobile phone. Han Feng took out his mobile phone and took a look, and almost fainted. There was still 053 yuan left...

"It's important to be alive... It's important to be alive..." Han Feng gritted his teeth and comforted himself again.

"The barracks are under construction, and the virtual construction will take 10 minutes. Please wait." The system's voice sounded slowly.

It will take another ten minutes, so let's make a call now.

There was no Han Feng's family in the mobile phone contact list, because Han Feng grew up in an orphanage. He didn't know who his parents were, and he had been in the orphanage since he could remember. He now wanted to contact Liu Rui, a fat man who had lived in the same dormitory with him for four years, and was also Han Feng's best friend.

And Han

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