Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 196: Decapitation Operation Part 1

Han Feng clenched his fists, trying to stimulate the numb nerves... In his mind, Han Feng asked, "Luna, what kind of poison... is so powerful?"

"Report to Team Han that this is a neurotoxin, released by Yuan Tiantian... She is a person with super powers. After a pause, Luna continued, "She has her own toxin, please be careful, Team Han. "

"Can the system be detoxified?" Han Feng gritted his teeth and continued to ask.

"Report to the Korean team, please open the combat laboratory. Let them study this toxin, so that an antidote may be produced."

After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng smiled bitterly... When did this happen? What if an antidote is found? Can you change it into your own hands out of thin air and drink it secretly?

"Research, hurry up... maybe it's too late. By the way, let Tanya do something..." Han Feng no longer has the energy to assign tasks to Tanya. Now, he can only pin his hopes on combat experiments. Shi and Tanya...

"Okay, Team Korea, the combat laboratory is opening..." Han Feng did not listen carefully to the rest of the words, because there were still two big troubles in front of him...

Han Feng raised his head with difficulty and said with a smile on his face, "This girl is so beautiful... How is the business in the casino? How is the business in the pink... pink area?"

After saying this, Han Feng took a deep puff of the cigarette in his hand and threw it out. Regardless of whether the cigarette butt was extinguished or not, he shook his head and said, "Damn... there's something wrong with the cigarette today! Why... it's a bit high."

"Oh? So, Mr. Han is going to join forces with me?" Cheng Ji looked at Han Feng, who was "confusing" and sneered.

At this time, in Han Feng's eyes, Cheng Ji and Yuan Tiantian had begun to become unreal... blurred.

"But I... still can't figure it out, why?" In order to buy some useless time, Han Feng talked nonsense.

"Report to the Korean team that the combat laboratory will prioritize the development of anti-venom agents for the current situation." Suddenly, Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Ah? What is an anti-venom potion? An antidote?" Han Feng, who didn't understand, asked.

"Report to the Korean team that the anti-venom agent is only for now. It can temporarily suppress the toxin, but it does not detoxify it."

"Okay! Hurry... quickly develop..." At this moment, Han Feng finally felt that the system was useful for once!

"Because you are a double-edged sword." At this moment, Cheng Ji thought he had a chance to win, and even his tone was a little arrogant.

"If you are my enemy, then you are definitely my most troublesome enemy." Looking at Han Feng's half-narrowed eyes, Cheng Ji continued, "This is also for your own good. Wouldn't it be beautiful to join hands to dominate?"

"Report to the Korean team that the anti-venom potion has been produced and the gold coins will be automatically deducted. Now the anti-venom potion will act directly on the Korean team..."

The second after Luna finished speaking, Han Feng felt a special change emerge in his body... Sensing the anti-venom taking effect, Han Feng felt reassured.

"Then why...why do you want to kill me?" The effect of the drug happened very quickly. In just a few seconds, Han Feng could hardly feel the impact of the toxin on him. But Han Feng's goal has not yet been achieved, so he simply cooperates with Cheng Ji in acting.

"Kill you? Haha, I'm surprised that you survived." Cheng Ji picked up the teacup, took a sip and said.

Han Feng looked at Cheng Ji, then at Yuan Tiantian who was smiling... then he took out a cigarette, lit it and said, "I'm glad I can survive... right? Brother Yang!"

When Han Feng called out his identity, Cheng Ji's eyes changed slightly, but he was quickly stabilized. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Being honest and open should be a prerequisite for joining forces? Give me a false identity and you still want to talk about joining forces? I really don't know what you are afraid of, Brother Yang." Straightening up his previously paralyzed back, Han Feng stared at the cigarette in his hand and said lightly.

As soon as he saw Han Feng return to normal, Cheng Ji...oh no! Brother Yang's eyes widened, and then he quickly turned back to look at Yuan Tiantian behind him who was as confused as himself.

"You and I have no grievances at all..."

"Aren't you a member of the country?!" Before Han Feng could finish speaking, Brother Yang interrupted.

"Which of your eyes has seen that I am a member of the country?!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the room began to become subtle...

"Dong dong dong..." Just as Han Feng and Brother Yang were at war with each other, the door... was knocked.

Hearing the direction of the door, Brother Yang frowned and looked very unhappy. After hesitating again and again, Brother Yang shouted, "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and it was Tanya... Outside the door, Tanya was holding a small piece of cake, licking it while looking in. But the four bodyguards from before were nowhere to be seen.

"Eh~ I said you've been in there for so long without making any movement, so that's what it is~ There are two of us." Tanya glanced at Yuan Tiantian and Brother Yang, then looked at Han Feng, and said tauntingly.

"How did you get in! Where are they?!" Brother Yang said angrily as he stared at Tanya outside the door. Judging from the tone, it seemed like Brother Yang was secretly scolding his bodyguard.

"Ah? Are you talking about them? The six of them have all teamed up to go to a distant place. There is no point in leaving me here to eat and drink, so I was thinking about coming in to have fun with you, but I didn't expect...it's not the right time." Tanya said Then he slowly walked towards Han Feng. After entering, don't forget to close the door.

Han Feng was a little confused when he heard Tanya's words...Isn't it four? Why are there six? ? ?

"They are all attracted by you..." Brother Yang asked hesitantly, staring at Tanya who was getting closer and closer.

"Yes, there are two very powerful ones, they lasted a few seconds longer~" Tanya put the cake in her hand into her mouth and said vaguely.

Hearing this, Han Feng understood! It turned out that there were two hidden secret guards in the suite...

"Ahaha!!!" Suddenly, Brother Yang laughed up to the sky.

Han Feng and Tanya looked at Brother Yang who was laughing foolishly, and looked at each other, not knowing why...

"Since you don't want to join forces with me, then go to hell!" Brother Yang stopped laughing and said suddenly.

"Huh..." As soon as Brother Yang finished speaking, Yuan Tiantian took a deep breath and blew towards Han Feng and Tanya while lifting the transparent gauze on her body.

Han Feng looked at the exposed part of Yuan Tiantian's body and suddenly understood...No wonder she wanted to wear such "transparent" clothes, it turned out to be convenient for "poisoning"!

"Hey~ It smells good~!" When the wind blown by Yuan Tiantian brushed across his cheek, Han Feng said with an intoxicated look.

"Haha, I really don't know if you are really stupid or really stupid, you have been poisoned! Hahaha!" Looking at Han Feng, Brother Yang stood up and laughed wantonly.

"Really? I just think it smells good, what's wrong with you?" After a few seconds, Brother Yang's laughter died down, and Han Feng responded leisurely.

"Why... why are you okay?!" Staring at Han Feng, Brother Yang looked at Tanya again, and his tone changed again, "Why are you okay too?!!!"

"Kill them! Kill them!" Although Brother Yang felt weird, he still calmed down and gave orders to Yuan Tiantian behind him.

After receiving the order, Yuan Tiantian didn't say anything, but rushed towards Han Feng barefoot. She stretched out her right hand suddenly and stabbed Han Feng in the face.

On the other hand, Han Feng sat in his seat motionless, and even the ash of the cigarette in his hand didn't shake at all.

As for the confidence... hehe~ Isn't there Tanya behind him? With Tanya, the "killer god" by his side, do you still need to do it yourself?

"Swoosh..." Tanya moved!

Han Feng only felt a gust of wind blowing behind him, and when he looked at Tanya again, she had already fought with Yuan Tiantian. To be precise... it's not a fight, right? Because Tanya didn't touch Yuan Tiantian at all.

Tanya raised her left leg and kicked Yuan Tiantian in a weird posture, which made Han Feng very confused...

But the next second, Han Feng understood. It turned out that Tanya was using the heel of her high heels to stab Yuan Tiantian's palm!

In terms of reaction speed, Tanya beat Yuan Tiantian! Before Yuan Tiantian, the "poison king", could react, the back of her palm had been stabbed by the heel of her high heels, and she crashed into the tea table at a rapid speed.

"Bang..." The fierce collision sound came from the wooden tea table, making the listener feel very uncomfortable.

Han Feng looked at

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