Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 191: Tanya's Equipment Supply Box

"You eat first, I'm going back to the house first. After saying hello to Tanya, Han Feng took Wayne back to the tent.

Under Kong Xiang's attentive "service", Tanya quickly made breakfast.

Wiping her mouth, Tanya said to Kong Xiang, "Today's breakfast was delicious~Thank you~" After saying that, Tanya stood up, picked up two packages, and turned around and entered Han Feng's tent.

Outside the door, Kong Xiang's face was full of doubts... He was wondering how Brother Han met such a beautiful foreign girl...

"Hi, sir," Tanya said to Han Feng with a smile as soon as she entered the door.

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"What are these two bags of yours? Can you hear it now?" Han Feng had asked this question just now, but Tanya chose to skip it without answering. But based on the name "Tanya Adams", these two packages should not be "low-end goods". ✪

"Ah...ha..." Tanya yawned, then bent down and started to open one of the packages.

Staring at the package, Han Feng was filled with curiosity.

Seconds later, Tanya lifted a box out of the large package.

"This is..." Han Feng asked hesitantly, staring at the slightly "familiar" box.

"Report to the Korean team, this is the supply box..." Luna answered in her mind.

After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng's eyes widened and he said, "Supply box?!"

"What's wrong? What's all the fuss about?" Seeing Han Feng's appearance, Tanya turned her head and asked. ♙♕ ♦ ♦After speaking, Tanya handed the box to Han Feng.

"You...were you looking for a supply box last night?" Looking at the supply box within reach, Han Feng felt like he was in a dream... Once upon a time, just one supply box would cause Han Feng to lose a lot of troops in order to obtain... …

"Stop being stunned, help me open it." Seeing Han Feng stunned, Tanya shouted.

"Oh! Oh!" After Tanya said, Han Feng realized that the supply box could only be opened by himself.

"What is this...it's quite heavy." Han Feng murmured in a low voice after taking the supply box.

Putting the supply box on the bed, Han Feng began to observe.

This supply box looks similar to an ordinary suitcase, but is slightly smaller than the suitcase. The silver-white box surface looks very eye-catching, no wonder Tanya wants to wrap it up...

After turning over and over, Han Feng didn't see any signs on the box, which meant that the contents inside could only be known after opening it.

Without hesitation, Han Feng directly put his hand on the supply box, and with excitement, he whispered, "Open the supply box."

"Ding...bah" a familiar mechanical sound sounded, and the supply box opened.

Stretching out his hands, Han Feng slowly opened the supply box...

"Uh..." Han Feng was a little stunned as he stared at the contents of the supply box.

At this time, Luna said in her mind, "Congratulations to the Korean team for getting the "Tanya Equipment" supply box."

"Tanya, this is your supply box! Your equipment!!!" Looking at the various items in the supply box, Han Feng turned his head and said to Tanya.

"Mine?" A confused voice came from Tanya's mouth. Obviously, Tanya didn't know what was in this supply box before.

Han Feng's eyes returned to the supply box and saw that on the upper level of the supply box, the dark and cool double guns were fixed in the middle by black sponge. Under the double guns, there were two matching magazines.

Two small and cute grenades, made of small silver-white steel balls, were placed on both sides of the two guns and were also fixed with black sponge. If it weren't for the grenade tabs on these two round objects, Han Feng would really have thought they were two works of art...

Under the twin guns and grenades, there is a small yellow rectangular block, just like... a pack of cigarettes. There is also a series of English words written on it. Although Han Feng couldn't understand it, Han Feng recognized the c·4 written on it...

After reading the items on the upper level of the supply box, Han Feng moved his eyes to the lower level of the supply box.

The first thing placed on top is a light green tactical vest, with tactical gloves on both sides of the tactical vest. The things further down were blocked by this vest and could not be seen.

"Is this your equipment...?" Looking at a box of heavy things, Han Feng looked at Tanya and then at the box.

"Yes, this is my equipment. I didn't expect that I would be able to get my equipment just after I came to you. It seems that I am very lucky~"

From Tanya's expression, Han Feng could tell that she was very happy. Like a child getting a beloved toy.

"What is this? I've never seen it before." Han Feng asked, pointing to the supply box.

After Han Feng finished speaking, Tanya took a few steps forward, took out the two pistols and said, "Two special Black Vulture pistols with an ammunition capacity of seven rounds. These are the best-feeling weapons I have ever used~" As she spoke, Tanya held up her hands Holding a gun and gesticulating famously back and forth.

A few seconds later, Tanya put the two special Black Vulture pistols back into place, and then took off a small grenade. At the same time, she explained, "The Pearl grenade is produced by the Swiss Rogge company. It is an improved version of the HG85. There are dozens of them inside." Among the thousands of small steel balls, according to a NATO test result, its divergent penetration ability is the strongest! Some steel balls can even penetrate a layer of two-millimeter bulletproof steel plate from a distance of five meters.”

Holding the pearl grenade, Tanya came closer and said, "If it explodes in front of the enemy, no matter what type of body armor the opponent is wearing, he will definitely die. Unless he approaches with the armor plate of the tank~hehe~" After saying that, Tanya laughed. . In her ghostly eyes, Han Feng felt a chill down his spine...

Straightening up, Tanya put the pearl grenade back in place, and then took out the C.4 explosives. Then she said, "C.4 plastic explosives are made of a mixture of high-performance explosive materials such as TNT, Setex and white phosphorus. They can be ground into powder and can be freely placed in rubber materials and then squeezed into any shape. If adhesive materials are attached to the outside, they can be placed in very hidden places and stick to them like chewing gum, so they are called cruel "chewing gum." "

After speaking, Tanya weighed the C.4 explosives in her hand. Looking at Tanya's actions, Han Feng couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat!

If Tanya accidentally dropped this pack of C.4 explosives on the ground, then the people around her would be buried with the flames!

"Hahahaha!" Looking at Han Feng's drastic change in his eyes, Tanya laughed happily. He looked like a kid who had successfully played a prank...

Looking at Han Feng, Tanya asked with a smile, "What are you afraid of~ Do you know why I like C·4 plastic explosives so much?"

Hearing Tanya's question, Han Feng shook his head, but his eyes never left the package of C·4 explosives.

"This kind of explosive can easily avoid X-ray security inspections, and it is difficult for police dogs without specific olfactory training to identify it. It is resistant to strong pressure, squeezing, and even waterproof. In addition to being detonated by a specific fuse, it will not explode automatically due to pure high temperature or fire. There are many ways to detonate, usually inserting a timed fuse into the explosive, or using remote control, electric current, etc..."

After saying that, Tanya took out a lighter from somewhere. Then... under Han Feng's gaze, ignited and approached the C·4 explosives...

"You, you, you... you are crazy!!!" Seeing the C·4 explosives being burned by the flame of the lighter, Han Feng jumped up from the bed. He ran to Tanya and grabbed the explosives.

"Haha~ You are so funny~ My boss~" Seeing Han Feng jumping up and down anxiously, Tanya laughed even more happily.

"Are you crazy! What if it explodes! I'm only 23! I haven't lived long enough!" Although Han Feng was yelling and cursing, his eyes were fixed on the blackened part of the C·4 explosives, fearing that it would explode in the next second...

"C·4 is extremely stable inside, even if you throw it into the fire, it won't explode. Please, my

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