Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 187: Tanya's First Mission

"Report to Captain Han, I am Tanya Adams! Graduated from the Allied Barracks, Bradley Fortress, New York!"

After Tanya finished speaking, she continued to stand there, without saying anything else.


"No, no more?!" After waiting for a few seconds, Han Feng stared at Tanya and asked.

"What else do you want to hear? My combat experience?" Tanya turned her head, looked at Han Feng and smiled gently, and continued, "Hundreds of battles, thousands of secret missions, if you want to listen, I can tell you slowly. But... I'm afraid you can't finish listening without heaven~"

After Tanya finished speaking, she smiled frivolously.

From Tanya's expression, Han Feng saw "ridicule"...

"You ridicule me?!" Although Han Feng thought he was not as powerful as Tanya, he was still the highest "commander" recognized by the Red Alert system! Why did he let this foreign girl despise him?

After Han Feng finished speaking, Tanya just put away her smile and did not make any excuses...

"You!..." Han Feng's chest was raised, and he wanted to say something, but in the end he just mumbled a few words.

"What are you good at? What weapons do you use? You have to explain these things, right? If you don't tell me anything, how can I give you tasks in the future?" After thinking for a moment, Han Feng changed the way of asking.

After listening to Han Feng's question, Tanya lifted her standing posture on her own. While walking in the tent, she said, "Good at? I am good at everything~ I can use any weapon, report completed~ my superior~"

"Ahem, please call me Captain Han! Thank you!" Unable to bear the way of calling him superior, Han Feng ordered Tanya to change her words. ♦♕  ♦ඏ

"Okay Captain Han, I know, superior~" It is not known whether Tanya did it on purpose or thought it was fun, but every time she opened her mouth, she could make Han Feng speechless.

After listening to Tanya's casual answer, Han Feng pursed his lips and said nothing more.

"What can you do?" Han Feng still wanted to know how powerful this heroic soldier was, so he asked in a different way this time.

Afraid that Tanya's answer would be irrelevant again, Han Feng reminded her, "For example... you see a sniper, he can blow off a zombie's head with one shot from 800 meters away. Another example is a heavily armed soldier, he can use a Stinger missile to shoot down an armed helicopter several kilometers away. So... what can you do? Do you understand this time?"

After speaking patiently, Han Feng looked at Tanya, looking forward to her answer.

"I understand."

"Huh... I'm glad you understand, tell me~ what can you do~"

"It depends on what you want me to do."


Suddenly, Han Feng was completely speechless. Facing such a foreign girl, Han Feng felt "helpless".

When Han Feng was still speechless, Tanya said, "Anti-submarine, infiltration, sniping, assassination, camouflage, stealing, ambush, sabotage, combat in any terrain."

After saying this bunch of terms, Tanya stared at Han Feng's eyes and continued, "Next time, just tell me what you want to do, and I will execute it perfectly."

"Are you sure?!" After Tanya finished speaking, Han Feng got excited! He stared at Tanya.


"Okay!" Looking at the confident Tanya, Han Feng straightened his back and said, "Now I'll give you the first task! Bring Lin Lan back! As for who Lin Lan is, Luna will tell you."

"Do you want her alive? Or do you want..."

"Alive and alive!!!" Tanya was halfway through her words, and Han Feng was almost scared to death, and quickly interrupted her.

"Oh, if she resists... she might suffer a little." While talking, Tanya walked out.

"Don't hurt her! This is one of ours! Silly roe deer..." Han Feng shouted loudly and then muttered softly.

"I know, give me ten minutes. See you in ten minutes~"

After Tanya finished speaking, she didn't give Han Feng a chance to speak again, and she flashed out of the tent.

"Haha! Luna! Did you hear that~ Tanya actually said that she would bring Lin Lan back within ten minutes! She didn't know how fast Lin Lan was now~! Haha!"

Han Feng, who thought that Tanya's first mission would definitely fail, teased Tanya to Luna. He even thought about how to "punish" Tanya after the mission failed.

"Uh... Captain Han, she actually asked me just now, and I told her about Lin Lan's current situation..."

"Oh my god... No way? ! She really thought she could catch up with Lin Lan? ! ! ! "After hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng felt confused.

No matter how powerful Tanya is, she is only a little stronger than ordinary people. But in front of a speed-type superpower, she can never touch the corner of her clothes! Absolutely!

This... is also the last stubbornness in Han Feng's heart.

"By the way, Luna! Tanya... when she went out just now, it seems that she didn't wear shoes. Was she barefoot?" Suddenly, Han Feng thought of the scene when Tanya went out just now, and asked Luna.

"Yes, Captain Han, so Tanya is looking for clothes for herself now."

"Ah? ! No way? Time is so precious, she has to add time to change clothes? ! "

"It seems so..."

After hearing Luna's uncertain answer, Han Feng said directly, "Luna, vision connection! Target Tanya."

"Okay, Captain Han, vision connection is completed. "

Opening his eyes again, Han Feng's perspective has been connected to Tanya's perspective.

The moon is dark and the wind is strong, and the tents on both sides are rapidly retreating. In Han Feng's opinion, this speed is definitely not something that a barefoot person can run at!

"What's wrong, sir? Any other instructions? Captain Han~" Feeling Han Feng's "arrival", Tanya said casually.

"How can you run so fast barefoot?!!!" Han Feng expressed his doubts.

After Han Feng finished speaking, Tanya did not speak, but her eyes shifted downwards, looking at her feet, and then her eyes returned to the "right track" again.

"Uh..." At the moment when Tanya lowered her head, Han Feng saw the clothes and shoes on Tanya's body, but... a little familiar.

"I borrowed it from Kong Xiang. His clothes are of good size and the shoe size is also quite suitable. Any other questions?"


"Report to Captain Han, Tanya asked me all the information about the people around you when she went out, and then..."

"Huh..." After listening to the conversation between the two ladies, Han Feng thought about it... and finally just took a deep breath.

I really didn't expect that the thin Kong Xiang was the same size as Tanya...

"Da da! Da da da!" Han Feng listened to the increasingly clear sound of firing "beside his ears", and knew that Tanya was approaching the battlefield.

How long did it take... one minute?

Feeling Tanya's abnormal speed, Han Feng had an illusion... Could she be a speed-type evolver? !

"Captain Han, I'm here." At a place several dozen meters away from Lin Lan, on the edge of the battlefield. Tanya found a very hidden corner, squatted there, and reported to Han Feng.

"Be careful." The previous teasing was gone at this time. Han Feng was just nervous now. Looking at the fierce exchange of fire "in front of him", Han Feng subconsciously instructed.

"Okay, sir~" After saying that, Tanya adjusted her posture and prepared for a surprise attack!

But just at this moment, something strange happened!

Lin Lan, who was fighting, suddenly turned his head and looked at the place where Tanya was hiding! In an instant, the four eyes met!

Han Feng could clearly feel Tanya's shock at this moment!

Yes... What Tanya didn't expect was that as an absolute "god" of the Allied Forces, she, who was many times more advanced than a sniper in terms of concealment technology, could actually let the other party see the position at a glance!

However, Tanya is also an elite who has experienced hundreds of battles. After being attacked by Lin Lan

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