Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 185: Lin Lan is here

"Xiao Han! What's wrong with you?!" Seeing Han Feng spit out all the water, Brother Wang was upset and quickly went over to pat his back.

While patting, Brother Wang said, "I'll find a doctor for you, wait a minute."

"No... no need." After forcing himself to recover, Han Feng raised his hand and waved, "Brother Wang, please go out first, I have something to deal with myself."

"But you..."

"If I need you, I will call you then... By the way, tell Kong Xiang that I don't want to eat for the time being, I will go out when I am hungry." Seeing that Brother Wang wanted to stay, Han Feng could only issue an "exit order".

"Uh... OK! Then I'll go out first, call me if you have anything later, I'll be outside."

"Okay, Brother Wang." After saying that, Han Feng watched Brother Wang leave the tent.

"Luna! What's going on?!" Han Feng asked impatiently as soon as Brother Wang left.

"Report to Captain Han, after you fell unconscious, Zhang Lei ordered everyone to retreat. A total of 26 people returned, and the overall loss exceeded 80%..."

"I don't want to hear this, I want to ask you, where is the wild beastman?! How did he die?"

"Brother Wang Zha" lived with Han Feng in this safe zone for a week, and they had a lot of feelings for each other. At the beginning, he desperately pulled the two of them out of the zombies, and there were also certain emotional factors involved. I thought that injecting the wild beast serum would ensure that they would not die, but I didn't expect...

"Report to Captain Han, at that time, the fourth-level zombie summoned two third-level zombies to join the battle, distracting the attack of a second-level wild beastman. In the case of a single fight... the second-level wild beastman is no match for the fourth-level zombie, so..."

"Where is the sniper! What is the sniper for! Why not kill the third-level zombie?!"

"Report to Captain Han, the sniper is out of bullets... There is only one sniper in the position that can hit the fourth-level zombie, and the bullets... were used up at the beginning of the battle..."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng felt bitter in his mouth, and he wanted to say something but just opened his mouth.

After a few seconds, seeing that Han Feng was silent, Luna whispered, "Captain Han, I have another good news and two bad news to report to you."

"Go ahead..."

"Captain Han, please be prepared. Because what I am going to say next may make you feel uncomfortable."

After Luna said this, Han Feng immediately sat up straight. He knew that Luna must have said something that he could not accept.

"Go ahead." After being mentally prepared, Han Feng spoke.

"The first bad news is that Lin Lan has left the temporary residence."

"......! Ugh!!" Suddenly, Han Feng felt his throat choked.

After a pause, Han Feng asked, "When did it happen!"

"The time was 11:58 in the morning. The location entered the five-kilometer range of Wei Yun and others' temporary residence, and the radar received the report from the soldiers who stayed behind."

"Really...really..." Suddenly, Han Feng remembered what Liu Rui said the day before yesterday... Lin Lan, really left? But why? ! There is no reason!

Han Feng, who couldn't figure it out, could only put this question aside for the time being, paused and asked Luna, "What about the only good news?"

"Report to Captain Han, Lin Lan is now in the safe zone..."

"Huh...what is she doing here?" At this moment, Han Feng's head was full of black lines. Lin Lan "didn't lose"...it's all because of Luna's "heavy breathing" when she spoke! Lin Lan is not leaving, but coming to find me...

"This is another bad news I want to tell you..."

"Ah? What happened to Lin Lan?!" After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng subconsciously thought that Lin Lan was "in trouble" in the safe zone! His heart was instantly lifted.

"Lin Lan is now... exchanging fire with people in the safe zone."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng did not speak, but held his breath and began to listen...

"Da... Da..." Sure enough! There were bursts of gunfire in the air, but they were very weak, indicating that the battlefield was quite far away from here!

If Luna hadn't told me, this weak movement would not be easy to attract attention.

Knowing that Lin Lan was in danger now, Han Feng lifted the quilt, turned over and got out of bed and said to Luna, "Luna! Connect the vision!"

"Uh!" Suddenly, Han Feng knelt down with his feet on the ground! He exclaimed.

Although his mental strength has been restored a little bit, his body's overdraft has not been fully restored. Han Feng's legs went weak, and he knelt down in a hurry...

"Xiao Han! What's wrong with you!" Brother Wang rushed in instantly after hearing the noise.

"Report to Captain Han, there are no Red Alert soldiers at Lin Lan's current location, so the vision connection cannot be opened."

After Luna finished speaking, Brother Wang also ran to Han Feng and pulled Han Feng up.

"Brother Wang, I have something to do, I'll go first!" Without time to thank him, Han Feng stood up and staggered towards the door. Before leaving, he said to Wayne behind him, "Wayne, follow me!"

After receiving the order, Wayne didn't say anything, he just stood up and followed Han Feng out, leaving only a confused Brother Wang standing there...

"Wayne, hold me up... We have to hurry over..." After walking dozens of meters, Han Feng shook even more. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep his legs steady. Han Feng had no choice but to let Wayne be his "crutch" temporarily.

"Yes! Captain Han." In response, Wayne directly carried Han Feng on his back and then ran towards Lin Lan.

Han Feng, who was relying on Wayne to travel, had some free time, so he asked Luna, "Luna, what's going on? Why did Lin Lan come here?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, I don't know."

"Why did they fight? Do you know?" After thinking for a while, Han Feng changed the way of asking.

"Sorry, Captain Han, I don't know the specific reason, but according to Lin Lan's route...she should be deliberately "picking trouble."

"Deliberately looking for trouble with the guards?" After hearing Luna's words, Han Feng was confused...According to his understanding of Lin Lan, she should not be that kind of brainless person.

"Yes, Captain Han, this is also the analysis made by the system based on her route."

"When did she come? Where did she go after coming?" The journey is still long, and Han Feng still wants to know more about what happened.

"Report to Captain Han, Lin Lan appeared in the radar detection range about half an hour ago. After appearing, she walked straight to the safe zone and did not go anywhere else."


Luna's explanation made Han Feng even more confused...He still couldn't think of why Lin Lan did this.

"Da da! Da da!!" When he was halfway there, Han Feng could clearly hear the sound of gunfire coming from a distance.

"Wayne, can you go faster..." Han Feng hesitated and said to Wayne. He was so anxious that he just wanted to get to Lin Lan as soon as possible.

"Okay, Captain Han!" Wayne responded with a heavy breath and quickened his pace.

On Wayne's back, Han Feng's attention entered the system, wanting to see how many gold coins he had now.

"Hiss..." When Han Feng noticed the amount of gold coins, he couldn't help but take a breath!

10092 gold coins! ! More than 10,000 gold coins! ! After feeling the joy of "ten thousand yuan household", Han Feng excitedly shouted "Luna! Summon two snipers! We have a powerful helper this time!"

Han Feng, who was worried about the lack of manpower, was relieved a lot.

"Report to Captain Han, summoning two snipers requires 5,000 gold coins, please confirm."

"Haha! Confirm..." Han Feng paused halfway through his words. Because he suddenly thought... Hero-level characters need to use these 10,000 gold coins...

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