Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 177: Mission Continuation

A few minutes later, Han Feng was almost five kilometers away from the Seventh Hospital...

"Brother Wang! Stop the car! I can't hold it anymore!" For the sake of gold coins, Han Feng was quick-witted and said suddenly.

"Do you want to go to the toilet?" Brother Wang asked, turning his head.

Han Feng frowned and nodded, saying nothing.

"Okay...try to be quick. Once we stop the car, we will be separated from the main force. If a monster comes at this time, I'm afraid I will be "wrapped up." Brother Wang expressed his concerns and slowly parked the car on the side of the road.

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"I know, it will be fine soon!" Han Feng opened the hand buckle in front and pretended to take out a small roll of toilet paper. Then he opened the car door while holding his stomach and trotted into the bushes not far away.

"Luna, connect vision, target Simon." Han Feng squatted down, checked the surroundings, and then gave the order.

"Okay, Captain Han, vision connection has been activated..."

Opening his eyes again, Han Feng saw himself at the edge of the battlefield through Simon's eyes.

"What's wrong, Captain Han, do you have any instructions?" Feeling Han Feng's "arrival", Simon asked immediately.

"Nothing, I'm bored and waiting for a wave of gold coins~ By the way, where are Lin Lan and Hu Hu?"

After Han Feng finished speaking, Simon turned around and looked behind him, and found that Lin Lan was holding Hu Hu and sitting on the steps behind him, in an absolutely safe position.

"Well... I'm glad you're all right." When Simon's sight returned to the battlefield, Han Feng could no longer see any living humans, only zombies and fighting soldiers on the field. ̢̜̳̱͈̹͓͛͜ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́̃͝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̃̌

"So far, we have suffered zero casualties, and 40% of our ammunition and weapons have been used." Taking advantage of Han Feng's silence, Simon reported the battle situation.

"Well, not bad, thank you for your hard work. "After giving a verbal reward, Han Feng thought of the problem of the level 3 zombies, and asked, "Where are the level 3 zombies? Are there no new ones?"

"Report to Captain Han, no new level 3 zombies have been found for the time being."

"..."After listening to Simon's report, Han Feng was silent for a while.

In the first few minutes of the battle, a total of thirteen level 3 zombies appeared. Why did the level 3 zombies not appear after he left?

Even if we take a step back, according to the "morality" of the level 3 zombies, it is impossible for it to appear at the first time. It should be commanding the battle in the "rear area".

No matter from which angle you understand it, these more than ten level 3 zombies seem to be here to give up their heads...

Could it be...Could it be that there is a level 4 zombie in the hospital?! It wanted to solve the battle at the first time, so it sent out the strongest combat force, and gave up the attack when it saw that it couldn't beat it?!

Thinking of this possibility, Han Feng quickly contacted Simon and said, "Simon, retreat now! Stop fighting!"

"Yes! Captain Han! "Although Simon didn't know what happened to end this victory early, every word of Han Feng was the highest order, so Simon chose to execute it perfectly and unconditionally.

"After you leave... go directly back to the temporary residence near the bar. Han Feng thought about it when he said this. With such a big loss today, Brother Yang will definitely not come back again in the near future. Since no one has "fallen into the trap", there is no need for the Red Alert soldiers to wait here.

"Okay, Captain Han, I will arrange it. Do you have any other instructions?"

"No more... Pay attention to safety and keep hidden."

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it."

After Simon finished speaking, Han Feng thought about it and exited the visual connection when he was sure that there was nothing to add.

"Luna, start scanning. I want to plan a route for Simon. After all, it's daytime, maybe we can scan out a "secret sentry."

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar scan requires 100 gold coins, please confirm."


"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is scanning..." After a few seconds, Luna continued, "The radar scan is over, and a random supply box is found."

"Supply box?! There is a supply box?" When Han Feng heard the word supply box, he was immediately as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood!

"Yes, Captain Han, the supply box is in the Seventh Hospital."


After Luna finished talking about the location of the supply box, Han Feng was silent for a few seconds...

During these few seconds, Han Feng experienced a crazy ideological struggle in his heart.

Now Simon is near the Seventh Hospital, and the ammunition is enough for a small battle... But Lin Lan and Huhu are still in the team, and Simon's sniper rifle has no bullets...

"Damn... Wait a few more days!" After careful consideration, Han Feng resisted the desire to get the supply box.

There is no way. If Lin Lan and Huhu were not there, and if all the Red Alert soldiers were in full condition, then I would definitely go back to the Seventh Hospital now...

Han Feng stood up from the ground and walked slowly towards the Hummer. On the way, Han Feng thought to himself that there were two supply boxes now...

One was in Terminal 1 in the airport safety zone, and the other was in the Seventh Hospital... Yang Ge was in Terminal 1, so it was not easy to get. There were probably level 4 zombies in the Seventh Hospital... It was even harder to get.

Depressed, Han Feng walked to the Hummer, opened the door and got in.

"What's wrong, Xiao Han? Is your stomach still hurting?" Brother Wang asked when he saw Han Feng like this.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, let's go." After sorting out his mood, Han Feng indicated that he was fine.


Tens of minutes later, Han Feng and his group returned to the safe zone. Luna learned that the time was 12:20 noon... From setting off with full confidence to returning in defeat, it took less than two and a half hours.

Back to the tent, Han Feng sat down on the bed. The mental tension of the whole morning was only slightly relaxed at this time.

After a short rest, Han Feng turned sideways and wanted to take out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Hey? This is..." After taking out the cigarette, Han Feng noticed that there was a small note next to the cigarette.

Taking out the small note, Han Feng did not rush to open it, but frowned and began to recall when and who secretly put this note into his pocket.

After thinking for a while, Han Feng really couldn't remember, so he asked Luna, "Luna, do you know who put this note in my pocket?"

"Sorry, Captain Han... I don't know, it should be when you were crowded in the crowd."

What Han Feng didn't expect was that Luna didn't know. If he had known this, he might as well have let the radar scan it from the beginning... At least he could know who did it.

"Forget it..." After muttering to himself, Han Feng opened the note. After seeing the content on the note, Han Feng was stunned...

There were only two sentences on the note, the first one was Yang Fei Yang.

The second one was that you have been exposed, and Yang wants to kill you.

Staring at the eleven words on the note, Han Feng paused for a long time.

After confirming that there was no other information on the note, Han Feng took out a lighter, lit it, and then lit a cigarette for himself.

Straightening up, Han Feng began to ponder the meaning of the two sentences.

The first sentence, Yang Fei Yang, is easier to understand. According to the literal meaning, what he wants to express is that Brother Yang is not actually Brother Yang, that is, Brother Yang is just a "puppet" or a fictional character.

So... everything is explained! No wonder we are not allowed to discuss anything about Brother Yang here, because there is no such person as Brother Yang!

But the second sentence has more meanings... I have been exposed, Yang wants to kill me...

What does it mean? Exposed... "Brother Yang" discovered me?

But according to his first sentence, Yang Fei Yang, and Yang appears again in the second sentence, which means that he doesn't know who the real Brother Yang is.

"It would be better if the note was a little bigger..." Han Feng scratched his head and muttered after he couldn't figure out any other information.

The note is so small, both sides are

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