Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 169: Research report on level 4 zombies

Returning to the tent, Han Feng casually greeted Kong Xiang and the others and went in. ♦♦  ♪♦ Sitting on the bed, a few minutes later...

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

"Xiao Han, are you still coming with me today?" As soon as his buttocks were warm, Brother Wang's questioning voice rang outside the tent.

Hearing Brother Wang's voice, Han Feng quickly recovered his emotions and responded, "You're back so soon?"

"Hey, don't mention it. There are more and more people. Although I have a telescope, I can't see anything clearly. Anyway, it's okay to know that there is such a thing. There is no need to keep looking." Lifting the door curtain, Brother Wang explained with a smile road.

"Then let's go? Anyway, I have nothing to do every day."

"I think it would be better for you to rest for a few more days. You are so seriously injured. If you go out..."

"Haha, Brother Wang, I...I will pay attention, don't worry." Listening to Brother Wang's persuasion, Han Feng wanted to tell him now that his injuries had already healed. But then I thought about it... It's okay to just say goodbye to such a serious injury. If some people with "ulterior motives" find out about it, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to me.

"Same as before, just don't get out of the car~ Then get ready, we'll set off in a minute." Brother Wang told him and turned around and left the tent.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the combat laboratory research project - "Behavioral Research on Quasi-Level 4 Zombies" and "Comprehensive Analysis of the GS Virus" has ended." As soon as Brother Wang left, Luna's report came to mind. .

"Shall I go?! These two research projects were completed together?!" Han Feng was a little surprised when he heard the news.

"Yes, Team Korea. Do you need to report the details now?"

"Wait for a while, we'll talk about it in the car later." Han Feng thought for a moment, and the current environment was not the time to discuss these reports, because he was about to go out.

"Okay, Captain Han, you can call me anytime." After replying, Luna said nothing more.

Ten minutes later, all members of the Dominator team finally packed up. As usual, Wayne was retained. Anyway, he was wrapped in a bandage, and Han Feng didn't let him take it off.

More than twenty minutes later, we queued up to go through the formalities and were on the road at 9:30 in the morning.

"Xiao Han, do you have somewhere to go today?" As usual, Brother Wang asked Han Feng first.

"You can go anywhere today, it's up to you, Brother Wang."


Looking at the bustling crowd outside the car window, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind: "Luna, let's start reporting on the "Behavioral Research of Quasi-Level 4 Zombies" and "Comprehensive Research on the GS Virus".

"Okay, Team Korea, let's start with the introduction of "Behavioral Research on Quasi-Level 4 Zombies"."

"Compared to level 3 zombies, quasi-level 4 zombies have evolved higher defenses, with tighter connections between cortical cells and more complex structures. This enhancement cannot be said to be enhanced... in terms of evolution. More relevant."

"How do you say...?"

"The quasi-level 4 zombie's cortex is microscopic and scaly, and has evolved into a thyroid. This allows it to withstand greater damage from the outside world."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng heard that Simon fired two shots that day but failed to break through the defense of the accurate level 4 zombie...

"Quasi-level four zombies have more "advanced" sound wave control than level three zombies. Regarding sound wave control, do I need to retrieve the files again?"

"No, no, just tell me the conclusion..." At this moment, Han Feng remembered the last time when he introduced the third-level zombies, Luna gave him a "popular science" about various sound waves and brain waves...

"Good Korean team, the sound waves of quasi-level 4 zombies are more penetrating and have denser bands. This can better stimulate the violent effect of low-level zombies. It should be noted that the sound waves of quasi-level 4 zombies can act on level 3 zombies. Level 4 zombies. In other words, level 4 zombies can summon level 3 zombies and make them obey orders."

"..." After hearing this, Han Feng thought to himself, what is the difference between this quasi-level 4 zombie and a real level 4 zombie? ! Even the third-level zombies can be recruited. Isn't this just like "the first-level official can crush people to death"...

"Does the Korean team need to change the name of the level four zombies?" Luna asked, sensing Han Feng's inner thoughts.

"Well, let's change it. It's always accurate. It's more troublesome to listen to."

"Alright Team Korea, from now on, the quasi-level 4 zombies have been officially renamed as level 4 zombies. "Research on the Behavior of Quasi-Level 4 Zombies" has also been renamed as "Research on the Behavior of Level 4 Zombies"."

"In addition to body defense and sound wave enhancement, level four zombies have also evolved targeted defenses to protect their fatal weaknesses." After changing the name, Luna continued to introduce other research reports on level four zombies.

"Are you talking about the bulging muscles on the shoulders of level 4 zombies?" Hearing Luna talk about targeted defense, Han Feng immediately thought of the bulging muscles on the shoulders of level 4 zombies.

"Yes, Team Korea, but in addition to the enhancement and evolution of muscles, the cervical vertebrae of level four zombies have also degenerated."

"Degeneration? Can this thing degenerate the human body?" At this moment, Han Feng felt that this virus was a bit bizarre... In terms of normal reactions, the virus can be fatal and can make people deformed, but what the hell is degeneration? !

"Yes, Team Korea. The cervical vertebrae of level four zombies have degenerated to the minimum position, which can make the head look less conspicuous. Together with the muscles of the shoulders, the fatal weakness can be protected to the greatest extent."

After hearing this information, Han Feng frowned deeply... No matter how he listened, he felt that this virus was "designed" for humans, and all kinds of signs were "sublimating" various limits of humans.

"Anything else?" After thinking for a while, Han Feng asked.

"Report to Captain Han, there is one last point. The speed advantage of the fourth-level zombie is gone. The explosive muscles between the legs seriously hinder the various movements of the fourth-level zombie."

"I know this, I saw it at the time. But is it worth it for the combat laboratory to study this thing that can be seen at a glance?" At this time, Han Feng felt that this report was a bit "unfair", because what Luna said basically matched the information he had, and there was not much else he didn't know.

"Uh... In fact, the combat laboratory's "Behavior Research on Fourth-level Zombies" is not just a report on the study of a single class of zombies..."

"Hmm? How do you say?"

"The combat laboratory has been simulating most of the time."

"Simulate what? Attack range? Attack state?" Hearing Luna say this, Han Feng was stunned.

"Analyze the evolutionary route of zombies and simulate the appearance of fifth-level zombies."

"..." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng widened his eyes. Fifth-level zombies? ! This means that the evolution of zombies has not yet reached its "peak"! Are there stronger ones coming? !

"Yes, Captain Han, the mechanism of virus transformation of zombies is still there, and it has not entered a dormant state. This also indirectly shows that... the transformation of the virus is still continuing." Feeling the shock in Han Feng's heart, Luna took the lead in speaking.

"Tell me!" So far, he couldn't handle the third-level zombies by himself. Although Simon and the second sniper can kill one with one shot, the fourth-level zombies are really difficult to "beat"!

"Okay, Captain Han, if you want to know the next evolutionary trend of the virus, the combat laboratory has analyzed the evolutionary routes of zombies from level one to level four."

"Level one zombies have no intelligence and rely solely on instinct to drive physical activities. They have sensitive receptors to flesh and blood, and level three zombies or above can be deployed."

"Level two zombies have weak intelligence, weak learning ability, and instinctive reactions occupy most of their physical activities. They have sensitive receptors to flesh and blood, and level three zombies or above can be deployed."

"Level three zombies are not weaker than ordinary people in intelligence, have strong learning ability, can control their own instinctive reactions, have sensitive receptors to flesh and blood, but can control their bloodthirsty instincts. Level four zombies or above can be deployed, and have sound wave functions, speed evolution trends, and strength evolution trends."

"Level four zombies have a deeper sound wave function in addition to being consistent with the appearance of level three zombies. The speed trend has been reduced and the strength has been greatly enhanced."

"According to

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