Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 155: Folk remedies for curing diseases

After entering the village, Han Feng walked for a while. Until he turned around, he could no longer see Brother Wang.

"You two stand guard at the door. If there are zombies coming out, kill them on the spot!" After giving the order, Han Feng climbed over the not-so-high wall and entered a house.

As soon as he landed, Han Feng looked around. But he was not looking for zombies... but tools...

Finally, Han Feng found a steel pipe more than one meter long in a pile of "garbage".

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The steel pipe flew up and down in Han Feng's hand, and when he waved the steel pipe, it also brought a whirring sound of wind. At first glance, it sounded quite powerful.

"It's you!" Looking at the steel pipe in his hand, Han Feng said softly, and then walked towards the house.

"Bang!" Imitation of the mobilization of soldiers, Han Feng kicked the door open.

"Roar! Roar!" Startled by the sound of Han Feng kicking the door, the zombie inside roared! Then he rushed towards Han Feng with his teeth and claws bared.

"Haha~!" Han Feng was not angry but happy, and he went up with the steel pipe in his hand!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Wherever the steel pipe went, the zombies either had broken bones or their skin and flesh were torn apart... The scene was once very bloody.

In less than two minutes, Han Feng killed five people in the "family" in the house...

Standing in the house, Han Feng looked at the bloodstains on the walls around him, and felt a little sick... After leaving the room, Han Feng took a deep breath of the "sweet" air outside.

"Fifty gold coins, got it!" After saying this to cheer himself up, Han Feng opened the door of the resident's house from the inside and walked out.

"Let's go, the next one." After saying this coldly, Han Feng raised his legs and took the lead.

Climb over the wall, enter the house, collect gold coins... Climb over the wall, enter the house, collect gold coins... Climb over the wall...

For an hour, Han Feng has been killing zombies in each house, and he never gets tired of it.

"Seven hundred gold coins! Yes!!!" Han Feng killed the last zombie in the house, and the gold coins finally rose to 703!

During this period, Han Feng also encountered several level 2 zombies, who made a significant contribution to Han Feng's gold coin business.

"There should be no level 3 zombies here..." Han Feng said to himself after wiping his sticky hands.

"Let's go to the next house~" Along the way, the two mobilized soldiers heard the most words "next house"... Han Feng just killed zombies, no matter how valuable the things in the house were, Han Feng was unmoved.

Climbing over the wall of the next house, Han Feng whistled and walked into the house. All this seemed so natural... as if it had been rehearsed countless times.

"Bang!" Kicked open the door, Han Feng instantly entered...

"Fuck!..." Han Feng's crow mouth "opened"! There was only one zombie in the house... and it was a level 3 zombie! !

"Luna... summon an American soldier! Quick!" While the level 3 zombie didn't move, Han Feng quickly called for "help"!

"Report to Captain Han, it takes 500 gold coins to summon an American soldier..."

"You are still talking to me at this time? Confirm! Confirm! Confirm! Hurry up! I beg you!" He looked into the eyes of the level 3 zombie, but the scene was not harmonious at all... Looking at the level 3 zombie's slowly tightening legs, Han Feng knew...

"Swoosh!" Sure enough, the level 3 zombie rushed towards Han Feng at a very fast speed. And its raised hands also indicated that the level 3 zombie was about to attack!

Seeing the level 3 zombie attacking, Han Feng did not hesitate and directly activated the super power of speed!

At this moment, Han Feng did not think about using telekinesis to imprison the level 3 zombie. But imprisoning the level 3 zombie requires more mental power. What if the mental power is used up and exhausted... Let alone escaping, it is not certain whether he can stand up and walk a few steps at that time.

At this moment, speed and passion were staged in this ordinary room... The third-level zombies waved their hands and chased after him, and Han Feng desperately accelerated and accelerated his escape.

Han Feng did not dare to look back, and could only run while listening to the whizzing sound behind him. He did not dare to go out of the house... Because there were two mobilized soldiers outside the house. He could not say whether he could outrun the third-level zombies, but mobilized soldiers definitely could not outrun the third-level zombies! Chasing in the house was fine, but once he went out, two lives would be lost...

So, although it was a bit aggrieved, Han Feng could only endure it...

"Report to Captain Han, the American soldiers have been summoned." Finally, after "chasing and playing" with the third-level zombies for dozens of seconds, Luna's voice came in his mind.

"Quick! Let the American soldiers throw in the high-explosive grenades!" Han Feng shouted impatiently as soon as Luna finished speaking.

"Don't pull the ring! Throw the whole thing in! Otherwise, we'll be "buried together"!" Han Feng felt something was wrong after saying the above sentence... What if the American soldier was stupid enough to pull the ring of the grenade and throw it in...

"Clang! Ding Ding Ding..." Before Han Feng finished his words, a black high-explosive grenade broke through the window.

"Hiss..." Looking at the rolling high-explosive grenade on the ground, Han Feng almost popped his eyes out!

But after the grenade stabilized, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief... Fortunately! Fortunately, the ring of this high-explosive grenade is still there...

Staring at the high-explosive grenade on the ground, Han Feng ran over in an instant and picked it up at lightning speed!

But it was precisely because of this picking up action that the third-level zombies got close!

"Hmm!" Feeling the wind behind him, Han Feng straightened up and used all his strength! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up again! Trying to get rid of the pursuit of the third-level zombies behind him!

"Tear!" The third-level zombie waved his hand, but didn't catch Han Feng, but grabbed Han Feng's clothes... Under the pull of the two forces, a fragile short-sleeved shirt could not withstand such a force and heroically "sacrificed".

Being pulled violently, Han Feng's footsteps stopped again...

"Roar!" Perhaps sensing victory was imminent, the third-level zombie roared and stretched out the "death" claws again.

Pursing his lips, Han Feng forced himself to suppress his fear. He stepped his right foot to the side, leaving the third-level zombie behind him empty. Then Han Feng turned around instantly and pulled the ring of the high-explosive grenade with both hands.

Holding the hard high-explosive grenade, Han Feng smashed it hard into the mouth of the third-level zombie.

"Crack!" The crisp sound of teeth breaking came out, and the high-explosive grenade was accurately stuffed into the mouth of the third-level zombie by Han Feng! By the way, it also knocked off a few of its hard teeth.

After succeeding, Han Feng did not hesitate. He jumped directly and drilled towards the window where the high-explosive grenade had just smashed the glass. At the same time, Han Feng did not forget to shout "Avoid!! Avoid!!!"

The broken glass was not completely broken, and there were still a few sharp glass pieces hanging on the window. The caliber of the broken glass actually could not allow Han Feng to drill out smoothly, but at this moment, Han Feng had no other better choice.

Go through the door? There is no guarantee that the third-level zombie will not come out with him. You know, it is holding a high-explosive grenade in its mouth! If this thing explodes at close range, everyone present will be buried with him!

So choosing the window is also a helpless move. Because the window is small, it is more difficult to enter and exit than the door. Besides, the third-level zombie has just been attacked, and it should not be able to react in one or two seconds...

After Han Feng jumped out of the window, he rolled on the ground for a few rounds to relieve the impact. Stabilizing his body, Han Feng quickly hid behind the wall on the side, and did not notice in a hurry... This is a toilet.

"Boom!!!" A huge sound resounded all around! The violent shock wave directly "blew" the bungalow down! Even the toilet that Han Feng was hiding in... was shaken and stirred up thousands of waves...

After the explosion, Han Feng felt the three hundred gold coins in his account...

"Dead...dead..." Leaning against the wall, Han Feng said breathlessly. Although his tone was weak, he could not suppress his joy.

You know, this is the first time that Han Feng has "hard-handedly" fought against a level 3 zombie! And he killed it perfectly!

"Ugh...Ugh..." After calming down, Han Feng noticed his situation! The weakness of his body and the stimulation of the disgusting smell... made Han Feng vomit repeatedly for a while.

The most important thing is...Han Feng also saw a few "Human Emperors" on his body! Although it was only a little bit, it also made Han Feng roll his eyes...

Forcing himself to prop up his body, Han Feng moved towards the outside in small steps...At this time, two mobilized soldiers and the newly summoned American soldiers came, and they helped Han Feng out together.

As soon as he went out and felt the "freshness" of the world, Han Feng asked Luna, "Luna, is no one injured?"

"Report to Captain Han, except you... no one is injured."

After listening to Luna, Han Feng lowered his head and looked at his body...

Blood flowed out of the ruptured wound...

"Oh my god?!!! How did it become like this?!" Han Feng had just been experiencing a life-and-death situation, and his nervous mood made him unable to feel the pain in his body for a while, but now...

"Just now when you jumped out of the window, seven sharp glass caused you different degrees of damage."

"What should I do! What should I do?!" Seeing his own blood flowing, Han Feng was anxious.

Han Feng didn't wait for Luna's response, but saw the American soldier walking out alone.

"Where did he go? Go find a blood source for me?" Look...

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