Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 148: Brutal Fighting

Han Feng knew that this banquet was not that simple. Han Feng had also thought about the sudden "competition".

While eating, Han Feng thought about the three Red Alert soldiers following him. They only had a fierce appearance, but these were not enough to attract the attention of the big guys... They probably had their eyes on his equipment. If Wayne wins this time, then these big guys will definitely try their best to get him to join...

"Wayne, are you sure?" Han Feng asked calmly in his mind.

"Don't worry, Captain Han, as long as he is not a superpower, I should be fine." After Wayne finished speaking, Han Feng quickly asked Luna, "Luna, test it to see if this person has superpowers."

"Report to Captain Han, this person does not have superpowers." Hearing Luna say this, Han Feng felt relieved...

"Wayne, be careful later, just don't beat him to death." Han Feng let Wayne win, and he had his own plans.

As long as Wayne wins, he will be caught in the "competition" of many big guys! Brothers with guns and strong strength are the first choice for recruitment no matter how you look at it. As long as the noise here is loud enough, Brother Yang will notice it...

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As long as this battle is won, it will save a lot of "trouble" whether it is approaching Brother Yang or investigating here.

Let's look at Boss Li again. This seemingly simple "program" is actually a test for Han Feng. It tests whether Han Feng can command these three strong men, and the other point is to test the strength of these people.

The calculations of both sides are "crackling" in their hearts. Whether they lose or win, the results are different.

Wayne and the younger brother walked to the door, and both of them did simple warm-up exercises.

"Li Zhi, you have to show mercy later. Every time you fight with someone, you have to cripple him, but this time your opponent is this guy's man, so keep some sense." Boss Li reminded "kindly" while sitting at the dining table.

"Okay, Boss Li, I'll stop as long as he says the word 'surrender'!"

Looking at Boss Li's subordinate, Han Feng smelled a hint of sinisterness, which made it impossible to say the word 'surrender'...

"Wayne! Be careful that he will sneak attack!"


Before Han Feng finished this reminder in his mind, Li Zhi punched Wayne in the face! The swinging fist brought a burst of cheers!


Wayne, who was already on guard, quickly stepped back a small step, turned sideways and immediately raised his right arm to block. After blocking Li Zhi's sneak attack, Wayne raised his leg and swung up with a first-level whip kick!

Looking at Wayne's high whip kick, Li Zhi was not stupid. He dodged Wayne's attack range in an instant and did not confront him head-on.

After missing the first attack, Wayne stepped forward. While Li Zhi was still not standing firm, he feinted with his left hand, but actually punched out with his right fist.

Li Zhi saw that he could not escape this attack, but it was too late for him to attack again, so he could only protect his head with his left hand and prepare to take it.


"Dengdengdeng!" The force of this punch directly shook Li Zhi away!

This time, Wayne did not chase him, but looked at Li Zhi and said, "I asked you to eat some food, but you didn't eat it. Your punch just now was soft. But I just had a full meal, so I can't use too much strength~"

Although Wayne said so, Li Zhi's left palm was trembling slightly at this time... You can imagine how powerful this old punch is!

Shaking his left hand, Li Zhi pursed his lips and didn't say anything. He just raised his head slightly and stared at Wayne with a condescending look.

Wayne has a strong sense of battle, and the feint to the east and attack in the west really made Li Zhi suffer.

Looking at the battle that lasted only a few seconds, Han Feng suddenly thought in his heart... What if a heavy soldier with a stronger sense of battle than Wayne was allowed to play? What about snipers, the top veterans on the battlefield?

After thinking about it, Han Feng felt that it was a bit unrealistic, so he shook his head... Who knew that this action was caught by Boss Li!

Seeing Han Feng shaking his head, Boss Li felt a little uncomfortable. His men sneak attacked others and were "counter-killed"! And Han Feng seemed to be a little dissatisfied with his brother!

Thinking of this, Boss Li had an inexplicable feeling... The strongest bodyguard around him might lose!

"A feint, right? Do real men need to do this when fighting?" Li Zhi looked at Wayne with a defensive look and clenched his fists.

"Playing sneak attack, right? Do real men need to do this when fighting?" When Wayne responded to Li Zhi, he used the same tone and the same words.

After Wayne finished speaking, Li Zhi felt guilty and his mouth corners trembled obviously.


After shouting these two words, Li Zhi began to accumulate power, and rushed towards Wayne a few seconds later.

While Li Zhi was accumulating power, Wayne did not attack, but waited quietly. There was a momentum of controlling the overall situation in his calm eyes!

After all, no matter how good Li Zhi's kung fu is, he has never experienced the battlefield. Even if he kills a lot of zombies in the past few days, he can never cultivate the momentum and bloodiness of the soldiers on the battlefield.

When Li Zhi was about to get close, Wayne moved! Facing the punch that was coming with power, Wayne did not dodge!

But Wayne did not choose to fight with his fists, but elbowed.

As we all know, the attack range of fists is not as good as legs and feet, but it is definitely longer than elbows.

But Wayne's rich combat awareness made him choose a more suitable way to fight back at this time. Because hitting with elbows is heavier and faster than fists in terms of both strength and speed!

At this critical moment, Wayne held his right fist with his left hand, and driven by the strength of the two parties, his right elbow went straight up to meet Li Zhi's fist!

The reason why Wayne chose this time to take action was so that Li Zhi had no way out. If it's half a minute in the morning, Li Zhi is likely to change his tactics. If it's half a minute at night, then your elbow won't have enough power to compete.


The violent collision of fists and elbows separated the two again. But this time, Wayne showed no mercy and bullied him directly!

Seeing Wayne rushing towards him, Li Zhi hurriedly shook his hand that was numb from the impact. Then he quickly sank, lowering his center of gravity in an attempt to attack Wayne's lower body.

I have to say that Li Zhi's approach is correct.

Because Wayne was in a state of shock at this time, he could not stop for a while when faced with Li Zhi who suddenly took refuge.

Although Wayne tried his best to stop his pace, he was still hit by Li Zhi's sweeping kick.

"Bang!" Wayne was attacked and fell to the ground.

Seeing Wayne lying on the ground, Li Zhi seized the opportunity. Before he could get up in time, he stretched out his foot again, right in front of Wayne!

Seeing the approaching attack, Wayne protected his face with his elbows, preparing to resist the kick.

But he didn't feel the attack he expected, and Wayne was thinking bad! This is a false move.

Sure enough, when Wayne removed his elbows and looked back... Li Zhi had already stood up.

One is standing and one is lying down. You can tell the offensive and defensive positions at a glance...

Before Wayne got up, Li Zhi launched a series of attacks. , a series of lower kicks made Wayne roll over.

After rolling a few times, Wayne saw the wall behind him getting closer and closer... thinking that if he didn't get up, he would be in trouble.

Suddenly, when Wayne was still one body away from the wall, his hind legs kicked hard against the wall. This force caused Wayne to rotate ninety degrees on the spot. While his body was still sliding, Wayne pinned Li Zhi's left leg with two legs.

After rolling in place, Li Zhi's legs bent under the force of the twisting force and he knelt down!

Li Zhi lost his center of gravity and his body sank instantly.

Seeing this, Wayne didn't rush to get up. He simply lay on the ground and punched Li Zhi directly in the face.

"Bang! Collapse!"

This punch hit Li Zhi firmly on the lower jaw, making a heart-stopping crisp sound...

Even if he gets an advantage, Wayne is not greedy. He immediately put away his fist and stood up, taking a few steps away from Li Zhi.

"Spit!" Li Zhi slowly stood up and spat out a mouthful of blood.

In this bloody water, Han Feng saw several white objects. Wayne actually broke several of Li Zhi's teeth with one punch, haha! ! !

Of course, Han Feng just thought about it in his heart and didn't really laugh out loud.

"Congratulations... the explosion inside made me angry!!! (Congratulations, you succeeded, it made me angry)" Because he lost several teeth and there was still blood in his mouth that he had not vomited out, So what Li Zhi said was a little unclear.

"I asked you to eat some food just now, but you still didn't listen. It's better this time. You can't eat anymore even if you want to, right?" Looking at Li Zhi's mouth that slowly swelled, Wayne said leisurely.


After roaring angrily, Li Zhi rushed over with both fists in hand.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!!"

Li Zhi's swinging fists with both arms came with a bang, and the rapid attack actually caused a few whirring sounds.

Seeing Li Zhi's attack, Wayne also tensed up his muscles and started to "boom" with Li Zhi!

There is no way, the fighting space left for the two of them is really limited. No matter how much Wayne dodges, he is only a few steps away.

Of course, Li Zhi also saw the limitations of the combat environment. Although it seemed like a mindless attack, it was actually forcing Wayne to fight him.

"Wayne! Beat him! Beat him! Hammer him! Yes! Just hit him like this!" Han Feng, who drank water and swallowed his food, began to "support" Wayne.

Li Zhi, who had been concentrating on fighting, suddenly heard a voice behind him and was distracted for a moment.


Taking advantage of the opportunity, Wayne cut through Li Zhi's swinging fist and hit Li Zhi first.

"Uh! Ah!!"

I thought it would be a crushing battle, but I never expected that Wayne would succeed several times. Now that there is another "spoiler" behind him, Li Zhi's mentality is a bit broken, and he feels more and more upset.

"Mr. Han, is it really okay for you to disrupt the situation like this?! This is a battle between these two people. How can you let them concentrate on fighting and competing with you when you are yelling like this?!" At this moment, Boss Li couldn't stand it anymore.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I've never seen such a battle scene, and I couldn't control myself for a while."

With an embarrassed look on his face, Han Feng continued, "Don't worry! I won't talk anymore! I won't talk anymore, okay? Hehe."

Hearing what Han Feng said, Boss Li couldn't say anything. He could only wave his hand to indicate that the battle should continue.

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