Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 139: Domination of the Team

"You are the only one at home? You didn't turn into a monster?" A man who looked like the "leader" of the other team stared at Han Feng and asked in a puzzled tone. Although full of doubts, the four people relaxed their vigilance and slowly put down the daggers in their hands.

Faced with doubts, Han Feng continued to lie, "Uh... I still have a few brothers at home. Now the food at home is all gone, so I have to come out to find something to eat."

"You are lying! This is a hospital, you come here to find food?! Tell me! Are you sent by the Iron Cavalry Team to our cell! If you are not honest, I will kill you!" Suddenly, one of the other party picked up the dagger he had put down again and said sternly.

Although the tone was full of threats, the voice was very low. It seems that they also understand that the sound will attract nearby zombies.

Seeing the sharp knives facing each other, Han Feng hurriedly ordered to stop the Red Alert soldiers who were about to come forward to "help". Then he slowly raised his hands above his head, indicating that he had no weapons and would not resist, and then said, "I have no weapons, don't get excited. I really went out to find something to eat..."

"Don't lie! There is a small shop at the entrance of this community! It takes more than a hundred meters from the small shop at the entrance of the community to here! You are empty-handed, and you say you are not coming to our cell?!" The man holding the dagger became more and more excited, and the other three did not intend to stop him.

"I see a car coming, you are the only living people I can see now! If it were you, would you come over?!" Han Feng said vividly with an anxious expression.

"Then why are you sneaking around! And hiding to observe us!"

"Who the hell knows if you are good people?! You are a car full of people! I am alone! There are no police here, what if you..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, we believe you, young man." Just as Han Feng was explaining, the other "leader"-like man spoke.

"Brother Wang! He has unknown origins! You can't..."

"I said, I believe him!" As soon as these words came out, the other three also shut up and said no more.

"Put down the knife! Why are you still holding it!" Brother Wang said lightly when he saw his people still pointing the knife at Han Feng.

With the intervention of Brother Wang, this "storm" of suspicion came to a temporary end.

"My name is Kong Xiang, you can call me Xiao Kong. By the way, what's your name?" This young man in his twenties took the lead in breaking the calm and asked.

"Han Feng."

"Brother Han, come here, I have some food here, you can eat a few bites first..." As he spoke, Kong Xiang took out a bag of instant noodles from his backpack and handed it to Han Feng.

"Xiao Kong! We can't even afford to eat! You still give food to outsiders?!" Although the man holding the dagger did not confront Han Feng again, he was unhappy for a while when he saw his people's rations and medicine being sent out.

"It's just a pack of instant noodles... He's not an explorer, so help him if you can..." The leader, Brother Wang, looked at Han Feng and said softly.

"Uh..." Looking at the pack of instant noodles in front of him, Han Feng was a little stunned. In this situation, should he take it? Or refuse it...

"Roar!!!" While Han Feng was still struggling, the roar of a zombie woke up the five people.

"Fuck! The monster is coming! Get in the car!!!" After hearing this roar, Brother Wang hurriedly pulled Han Feng into the car...

"Tutututu... Tutututu..."

"Brother Wang! The car broke down again!!! What can I do!" At the critical moment, this "old car" broke down, and the driver in the driving seat was in a panic.

"Run! Get out of the car and run!" Brother Wang made a prompt decision without any hesitation.

At this time, Han Feng followed the four people in front and "ran away", and a zombie was chasing behind...

It has been a long time since I have been chased by zombies... At this moment, Han Feng was actually a little "emotional".

A few minutes later, the four panicked people took Han Feng around. There were also a few more zombies behind them... Except for Han Feng, the four people showed signs of fatigue.

Han Feng was not worried that he would be attacked by zombies. He had the superpowers of speed and telekinesis. As long as he didn't encounter a level 3 zombie, he would definitely be able to run away. Even if he really encountered a level 3 zombie, Sniper No. 2 was still on the high ground, and everything was so safe...

"No... I can't run anymore! I, I can't run anymore..." Kong Xiang, who was thin and frail, ran at the back of the team. His physical strength was gradually overdrawn and he ran slower and slower.

"Xiao Kong! Hang on!" Although Brother Wang said encouraging words, the weapon in his hand was just a dagger. Facing more than a dozen zombies behind him, he had no ability to fight back at all.

"Ah! I'll fight you!" Seeing that the hands of the zombies behind him were about to grab him, Xiao Kong turned around and shouted, then raised the dagger in his hand to attack.

"Bang... Bang!"

Kong Xiang closed his eyes and slashed randomly in the air with the dagger, but he couldn't touch anything. After squinting a slit, he saw an incredible scene...

Han Feng instantly entered the encirclement of several zombies and hammered the zombies around him with his fists. Just by listening to the "bang bang" movement, you can know how heavy Han Feng's fists are!

In less than half a minute, the five zombies in front broke Han Feng's spine and collapsed on the ground. In fact, Han Feng used the superpower of confinement at this time. Because the first-level zombies are very weak, the consumption of mental power is also very low.

"Hey, Xiao Kong, lend you a dagger~" Turning back, Han Feng looked at the stunned Xiao Kong and said, and then used telekinesis to "take" the dagger in his hand.

It was as if there was a transparent line, holding the dagger with a small hole and flying towards Han Feng's hand.

As soon as the dagger was in his hand, Han Feng gently waved it a few times. Recalling Lin Lan's actions in his mind, he rushed into the group of zombies that were still "on the road" behind him.

"Swoosh, swoosh!" The sharp blade cut through the air, bringing bursts of sound.

Rushing into the group of zombies, the big and big "moves" made Han Feng feel very happy. While "fixing" the zombies, he used the dagger to cut off the spine of the zombies. In less than a minute, eight zombies collapsed to the ground and could no longer attack.

"Heh~" Han Feng stood in place, with zombies lying on the ground and twitching at his feet. A contemptuous sneer came from Han Feng's mouth. At this moment, Han Feng felt a little unsatisfied.

"If there were more zombies..." Han Feng said disappointedly.

"Hey, are you all right?" A few seconds after the battle ended, Han Feng looked back at the four people and found that they were all standing there in a daze, their eyes full of disbelief.

"You... this..." Brother Wang responded first, but his words were also intermittent.

"What's wrong? Don't you know how to fight? Just press it to the ground and beat it?" Handing the dagger to Kong Xiang, Han Feng said "cheaply".

Looking at the dagger handed over by Han Feng in front of him, Kong Xiang was stunned for a moment. He raised his head and looked into Han Feng's eyes and said, "I'm not dreaming..."

"Haha, your dagger is returned to you." After laughing, Han Feng put the dagger in Kong Xiang's hand.

"Luna, how many two-star soldiers are there in the second battalion now?" Han Feng asked calmly in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, the Second Battalion now has three two-star American soldiers and six two-star mobilized soldiers."

"Well...let Wayne and two two-star mobilized soldiers come over." After saying that, Han Feng added, "Don't bring guns and ammunition. Let them change all their clothes. If they can't find clothes...oh, let them figure it out themselves."

Han Feng

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