Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 130: Summoning heavily armed soldiers

"Why can a level 3 zombie control zombies of a lower level than it? This question should belong to the research of zombie behavior, right?" Han Feng was "unhappy" after two questions were avoided. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Report to Captain Han, this question does belong to the research of zombie behavior. But the research on the behavior of level 3 zombies is still ongoing, please wait..."


Okay, no problem..."

"Captain Han, there are fewer cars on the road." Wayne said in the driver's seat.

After Wayne finished speaking, Han Feng looked out and saw that there were indeed fewer abandoned cars on the highway.

"It seems that these people became zombies before they ran far..." Looking at the zombies "enclosed" in the abandoned vehicles, Han Feng sighed.

On the highway without a large number of idle cars blocking the road, the speed of the team's progress was significantly improved.

In order to confirm the travel time, Han Feng contacted Luna, "Luna, how long does it take to get to HS City?"

"Report to Captain Han, due to the road conditions, the convoy is expected to arrive in HS City in two and a half hours. But this is also a preliminary estimate, and the specific time still depends on the road conditions later."

"Okay, I know." After replying to Luna, Han Feng closed his eyes and turned his attention to the system...

2585 gold coins? ? ? As soon as he entered the system, Han Feng was stunned when he saw the number of gold coins.

Because he clearly remembered that his gold coins should be 2465, where did the 120 gold coins that suddenly appeared come from?

"Luna, this gold coin..."

"Report to Captain Han, kill an enemy human, the system rewards 100 gold coins."

After hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng was stunned. Killing people... Killing people can also get gold coins? ! ! !

At this moment, a little regret surged in his heart... Nearly a thousand survivors in the prison will all die in a few days anyway, what if he wiped them all out? That's 100,000 gold coins! ! 100,000!

Even if I don't do it myself and let the Red Alert soldiers do it, I will earn 10,000 gold coins! When Han Feng thought of this, even his breathing became heavier.

But this was only a few seconds of thinking, and Han Feng suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart.

What is the system doing? Why can I get gold coins for killing people? The income from killing a human is actually comparable to the total income from killing a hundred zombies by the Red Alert soldiers! Why does the system make such a setting? Han Feng, who reacted, began to think deeply, is this some hidden purpose of the system?

"Captain Han, as long as the system identifies it as an enemy force, killing will generate gold coin rewards." Luna felt Han Feng's doubts and explained before Han Feng asked.

"Okay..." Although he got such an answer, Han Feng still felt a little weird, but as for where the problem was, he had no clue. Unable to think of the root cause, Han Feng gave up temporarily.

Continuing to look at the 2585 gold coins in the system, Han Feng pondered for a while...

Summon another sniper? It seems that there is no need... Although Simon's sniper rifle has no bullets, the equipment will be refreshed in a few hours, and Sniper No. 2 still has six or seven sniper bullets, which is enough for the time being. Taking a step back, even if there is an emergency, I can temporarily summon a sniper.

Then... summon other arms? Staring at the two icons of magnetic infantry and heavy soldiers, Han Feng fell into a dilemma...

"Heavy soldiers... magnetic infantry..." After muttering, Han Feng thought of the heavy soldiers' ability to defend against air.

Speaking of air defense, Han Feng immediately thought of Simon.

"By the way, Luna, why is Simon so afraid of Yuri's laser UFO? Last time I saw him hiding under the window and didn't dare to show his head." Han Feng wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but there were too many emergencies and he had to put it aside. This time, when "selecting soldiers", I happened to see the heavy soldiers who can defend against air, so I asked it casually.

"Reporting to Captain Han, Simon had a battle with the troops of Yuri before. At that time, with the help of a sniper rifle, Simon completely controlled the life and death of the enemy's ground forces. But... I didn't expect that the enemy had a laser UFO in that battle..."

"Why are you afraid of that thing? In addition to "stealing electricity" and "stealing money", what else can it be used for? The attack power is so low." When Luna talked about the "little flying saucer" in a serious tone, Han Feng interrupted disapprovingly.

In Han Feng's eyes, Yuri's combat power is only slightly stronger than the wild orcs, and Yuri x is a bit "disgusting". As for the "psychic assault vehicle" and so on, it can't compare with the Allied tanks at all. So he inadvertently revealed his contempt.

"Yes, I don't deny that Yuri's laser UFO has low defense, but... Simon and his men had no air defense force that time..." Luna paused and continued, "That battle led to Simon and his men being almost wiped out... In the end, Simon was the only one who came back alive."

"Simon, who escaped death, survived by relying on his excellent combat awareness and wonderful disguise."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng asked back, "Since you can't win, why can't you all disguise yourself?"

"According to Simon's recollection when he returned to the headquarters, they were all disguised at the time, but Yuri's troops had thermal imaging scanners. All disguises were exposed... Simon hid himself in the water at the time, and that's how he survived."

After listening, Han Feng said thoughtfully, "So that's the case... Then you don't have to be so scared?"

"But this battle caused Simon an indelible trauma. Until now, Simon is very concerned about whether his team has air defense."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng pondered for a long time, and finally said, "In this case... summon a heavy-armored soldier."

Han Feng finally decided to summon a heavy-armored soldier first. As for why... I'm afraid it was to take care of Simon's emotions.

"Report to Captain Han, it takes 1,500 gold coins to summon a heavy-armored soldier. Please confirm."

"Confirm, summon."

"Okay, Captain Han, the heavy-armored soldier is being summoned, please wait..."

After seeing the progress bar of the mobilization soldier summoning in the system open, Han Feng began to wait quietly. Han Feng is looking forward to this new type of soldier with strong combat power and better air defense.

A minute passed, and just as Han Feng was "looking around", Wayne, who was driving next to him, suddenly said, "Captain Han, look."

Following the direction of Wayne's eyes, Han Feng saw a "strong" man standing by the highway - a heavy-armored soldier!

"Everyone stop the car." Seeing the heavily-armored soldier, Han Feng first ordered the car to stop in his mind, and then said to Wayne, "Drive over to meet him."

"Okay, Captain Han." After Wayne finished speaking, the armored vehicle that Han Feng was riding in drove towards this special "soldier" in the puzzled eyes of Lin Lan and the others.

The armored vehicle stopped five or six meters away from the heavily-armored soldier, and then Han Feng got off the car and walked over.

"Report to Captain Han! Heavy-armored..."

"Hush..." Seeing the heavily-armored soldier salute and prepare to say his introduction, Han Feng quickly made a silent gesture, signaling the heavily-armored soldier not to speak. Then he responded to the heavily-armored soldier in his mind, "No need to introduce, I know."

Lin Lan was looking at him in the armored vehicle behind him. Han Feng didn't want others to know the secret that he had the Red Alert system.

Looking at the heavily-armored soldier in front of him, Han Feng felt a little surprised...

Just looking at the height of the heavily-armored soldier, he was not inferior to the mobilized soldier. A "light" armor even protected every vital part of his body.

This "war armor"

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