Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 126: Getting ready to go

Offstage, the survivors greeted Han Feng's family one after another. At this moment, it was as if a burning match had ignited a barrel of dynamite...

"Okay, okay, okay..." Han Feng stood on the stage, shaking with anger.

Taking a deep breath, Han Feng said the last sentence, "I've said everything I should say. You can go away... Anyone who wants to go with me can stay."

"Look at how furious he is after being exposed! So vicious!..." ✪

"Brother Wei was at least against you on the surface before, but I didn't expect this Captain Han to be so insidious?! A villain!..."

"Han! Confiscate my weapons! I wish you a happy future!..."

Listening to the dirty words of the survivors before they left, Han Feng clenched his fists and told himself that they were all dying people, and there was no need to use force or get angry...

A few minutes later, the square that was previously full of people was already "desolate"... Only a small number of people were still standing there looking around. After a rough count, there were less than 70 people...

"Um... the rest of you, come over..." Picking up the microphone, Han Feng called out to the few survivors in the square.

"Captain Han... will you... really kill us like they said?" When all the survivors came to the stage, a young man in his early twenties took the courage to ask first.

"Haha... what do you think?"

"I don't think so! If you want to get rid of us, you could have done it a long time ago. There's no need to go through so much trouble." After hearing what the young man said, Han Feng felt a little warm in his heart.

"Following me may not necessarily keep you alive. I can only say that I will do my best to protect you to the maximum extent. As for sudden accidents... I dare not say." After considering it for a while, Han Feng spoke.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this was said, several more survivors left the square. Maybe in their eyes, the tall and solid prison walls are their reliance for survival.

Seeing someone leave, Han Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, thinking of Luna, "How many people stayed? How many people are willing to leave this place?"

"Report to Captain Han, there are 57 survivors present..."

"57 people... not a small number, not a small number..." After replying to Luna, Han Feng looked at the "few people" in the audience and said, "Pack up your things now and gather at the prison gate in an hour. Then we will set off. ♬♦  ♦♧" After that, Han Feng waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, Han Feng watched them leave the square.

In the silent square, Han Feng just sat on the stage, closing his eyes and savoring the feeling of nicotine...

In the quiet environment, Han Feng heard a rustling sound coming from behind him, and turned around to see that it was Huhu.

"Huhu, what are you doing~" Looking at the cute little Huhu behind him, Han Feng instantly felt his heart warmed.

"Huhu?" At this time, Huhu was still squatting on the ground playing with a branch, as if he didn't hear Han Feng calling him.

"Huhu?!" This was the third time Han Feng called Huhu, but Huhu was still playing by himself.

At this moment, Han Feng realized that something was wrong...

"Huhu!" Han Feng called Huhu for the fourth time while standing up, but...

"Huhu! What's wrong with you!" Han Feng picked up Huhu, who was squatting on the ground, and asked while holding her in his arms.

"Luna... Luna! What's wrong with Huhu?!" It was not until Han Feng and Huhu looked at each other that Han Feng realized that Huhu's eyes were not focused at all! Although Huhu was "looking" at himself who was close at hand, her eyes seemed to be looking at the mountains and forests far away. Han Feng's heart skipped a beat, and without any hesitation, he quickly contacted Luna to find out what was wrong with Huhu.

"Report to Captain Han, Huhu's brain waves are now in an abnormally chaotic state, and it is impossible to determine what will happen next."

"Why can't you be sure? Is it a bad thing?" Luna did not give a conclusion, and Han Feng could only ask anxiously.

"Report to Captain Han, it's hard to say... According to the current test report, Hu Hu's brain should have been stimulated in some way, which may remind her of the past. Or..."

"Or what?! It's okay, just say it!"

"Or worse."

"Worse?!" Hearing Luna say worse, Han Feng felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss... The powerless feeling of weightlessness made him suffocate... and suffocate again...

"Yes, because this abnormal brain wave will affect Hu Hu's brain. Maybe her brain is repairing her past memories, or maybe it is destroying her memory, cognition, knowledge and everything else."

When Luna said this, Han Feng guessed the deep meaning behind this sentence... Destroying a person's memory, cognition, knowledge... Wouldn't that person become a "neurotic"? Without cognition, he doesn't know how to eat when hungry, doesn't know how to sleep when tired, and urinates and defecates at any time...

"Big brother..." Just as Han Feng was scratching his head anxiously, Hu Hu, who was "distracted" in his arms, suddenly whispered softly.

"What's wrong with you, Hu Hu? Where do you feel uncomfortable?" Han Feng felt relieved when he heard Hu Hu speak.

What Han Feng didn't expect was that Hu Hu closed her eyes and fell asleep just after she said these three words... So Hu Hu didn't hear what Han Feng said, and couldn't answer.

"Luna, is this normal?" Looking at Hu Hu who fell asleep in his arms, Han Feng hurriedly asked Luna.

"Report to Team Han, because Huhu's brain could not withstand such damage, so her brain entered a state similar to "automatic restart". To put it bluntly, it triggered the body's self-protection mechanism. In the subsequent coma , her brain will repair itself, which is difficult to do while awake."

"Will something happen to her? How long...will she sleep?" After Luna said, Han Feng couldn't decide whether it was good or bad for Huhu to sleep like this. He could only ask some irrelevant questions, because Han Feng really didn't know. What can I do.

"Fuxu will be fine. As for how long he sleeps...theoretically, it's between three and nine hours."

"That's okay... Let Wayne drive my Hummer over and let Huhu take a rest in the car." As soon as the order was given, Wayne quickly drove to the square.

"You take Huhu back and tell Lin Lan...Huhu fell asleep because of amnesia." Opening the car door, Han Feng put Huhu on the back seat, and after placing him, he added, "Yes Now, let’s tell Lin Lan that Huhu’s parents are not among this group of survivors.”

"Yes! Team Han." After Wayne said that, Han Feng gently closed the car door and waved his hand to indicate that Wayne could leave.

"Luna, you should always check Huhu's condition..." Han Feng ordered worriedly as he watched Hummer leave.

"Okay, Team Korea."

Standing on the platform in the square, Han Feng asked, "By the way, Luna, how is the warehouse and equipment warehouse? Can everything be moved away?"

"Report to the Korean team. The only truck currently does not have enough space to move all the supplies." While listening to Luna's report, Han Feng walked towards the equipment warehouse to see how many things could not be moved. Walk.

"Hey! That's right! Since so many survivors don't want to follow me, then why should I leave seats for them! How stupid!" Walking on the road, Han Feng suddenly stood still, mocking himself and then ordered, "Luna, Let the engineers dismantle the seats on all the buses to make room for the supplies! I don’t believe we can’t pack this much in fourteen buses!”

"Okay Han..."

"Hiss...forget it...just leave two buses." Suddenly it occurred to me that there were still survivors willing to follow, and if they were all unloaded, they would all get "standing tickets", and there would also be things they needed to bring. Han Feng hesitated for a moment and still reserved his seats on both buses.

Five or six minutes later, Han Feng walked to the equipment warehouse and found that a bus without seats had begun to "load".

"Hey~ the engineer's movements are so fast~" After verbally praising the engineer, Han Feng ordered, "All the Red Alert soldiers speed up the loading speed! We are about to set off! And... find a few American soldiers to load the oil tanks Come all the way and fill up the tanks for armored vehicles, off-road vehicles, buses and trucks!”

Han Feng gave an order and the whole prison started to move. But behind the busy red police soldiers, the survivors who were unwilling to leave were staring in the dark with pairs of sinister eyes...

This transportation "movement" used all of Han Feng's soldiers, and even Han Feng personally went into battle to speed up the transportation of supplies.

Forty minutes later, with the efforts of all Red Police soldiers, twelve buses and eight trucks were filled to the brim, and even the trunks of ten off-road vehicles were filled with various supplies. However... even with this arrangement, not all the items in the warehouse have been cleared, and there are still many items left.

From rice, flour, grain, oil and bottled fresh water, to gasoline, diesel, medical supplies, daily necessities for bathing and toiletries, etc... we have it all! Just these things, a person can never use up in his lifetime.

Seeing all the vehicles loaded with goods, Han Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled happily...

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!" While Han Feng was still giggling, Wei Peng's shout came from the distance.

Looking back and seeing Wei Peng running towards him, Han Feng asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go back and have breakfast quickly. My sister is in charge today~" After hearing what Wei Peng said, Han Feng felt hungry after working for nearly an hour.

"Okay, let's go." After saying that, Han Feng "smoothly" started an off-road vehicle next to him and drove back with Wei Peng.

After eating breakfast, Han Feng took a look at the time. The time displayed on the phone is 723.

"Let's go, get ready to go!" After standing up, Han Feng glanced at everyone and continued, "After all, it won't be safe for another ten hours or so."

Coming downstairs, six armored vehicles, ten off-road vehicles plus Humvees, fourteen buses, eight trucks, and five oil tankers were parked end to end... These were all Han Feng's vehicles.

"Pick up the car! Go to the prison gate to pick someone up! Get ready to go!" Han Feng gave the order, and more than a hundred Red Police soldiers quickly sat down in their seats.

"Wait! Han, if you want to leave, I won't let you stay. But..." Suddenly, several survivors who had been watching loudly stopped Han Feng who was about to pedal.

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