Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 117: Prison power outage

Back in the room, Han Feng set an alarm for 8 a.m. In such a dark environment, Han Feng felt a little uneasy.

Sitting on the bed, Han Feng contacted Simon, "Simon, have you found anything?"

"Report to Captain Han, no discovery for the time being."

"Okay... Let everyone work hard tonight, and more people will be on duty." Han Feng said, worried.

"Okay, Captain Han, you take a rest, I'm here." Listening to Simon's confident voice, Han Feng's last trace of uneasiness also disappeared.

Yes, with Simon and more than a hundred Red Alert soldiers in charge, what problems can there be. After a self-deprecating smile, Han Feng lay on the bed and slowly fell asleep...

"Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!" At 8 a.m., a burst of urgent alarms woke Han Feng up.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Han Feng reluctantly got up and turned off the alarm...

While washing up, Han Feng contacted Luna and Simon and asked, "Did anything happen last night?"

"Report to Captain Han, everything was normal last night, no problem." The first person to speak was Simon, who had been on guard all night.

"Thank you for your hard work, Simon. If there is nothing to do during the day, let the soldiers take turns to rest. Cancel the task of going out to kill zombies today." Han Feng also knew that all the Red Alert soldiers did not rest last night. In order to keep them full of energy, Han Feng decided not to "earn money" today.

"Okay, Captain Han, I will arrange it."

"What about you, Luna?" After Simon replied, Han Feng asked Luna again.

"Report to Captain Han, there was a small-scale conflict between the survivors and the soldiers last night, which has now subsided."

"Conflict?! What conflict?!"

"Because of the panic caused by the power outage."

"... I know, call the engineer over. By the way, let Wayne prepare the armored vehicle, remember to bring all the equipment! Bring four one-star American soldiers, Simon will also follow, and set off in a while." Hearing that the survivors began to panic, Han Feng's heart tightened.

At this time, the most urgent thing at the moment is to restore electricity.

After washing up, the engineer just happened to arrive.

"Can you confirm the location of the power plant now?" Han Feng asked as soon as he saw the engineer.

"It can be confirmed, Captain Han, I found the city circuit planning map yesterday."

"Okay! Let's go now! Luna, you mark the location of the power plant to Wayne."

"Okay, Captain Han, Wayne is downstairs."

"Let's go." Hearing that the car had arrived downstairs, Han Feng called the engineer to go downstairs together.

Along the way, Han Feng asked Wayne to try to avoid zombies. Although Simon and five one-star American soldiers were with them on this trip, the number of people was still far from enough. Although this mission was only to repair the power station, not to go out and kill zombies, it was better to be cautious on the road.

After more than half an hour of "cautious" driving, Han Feng and his team finally arrived at the power plant.

After getting off the car, Han Feng looked at the gate of the power plant for a long time without moving...

"What's wrong, Captain Han? Did you find something?" Seeing Han Feng's strangeness, Simon walked back and asked.

"Nuclear... Nuclear power plant? This is a nuclear power plant?!!!" Han Feng pointed at three words on the gate of the power plant with his trembling hands, and said with extreme fear.

"Uh... Right? This is a nuclear power plant?" At this time, the engineer also walked back.

"Oh my God... The power supply to the prison is actually a nuclear power plant?!"



Looking at the panicked Han Feng, Simon and the engineer didn't know what to say...

"Let's go, Captain Han, it's not as scary as you think, it's just a nuclear power plant." Seeing that Han Feng still didn't move, the engineer pulled Han Feng and said.

A few minutes later, the eight people came to the front of a building.

"We're here. Wait for me." After the engineer said this, Simon continued, "Okay, the four of you go in with the engineer, and shoot and kill any zombies immediately."

After the engineer and the four American soldiers entered, only Han Feng, Simon and Wayne were there. It was not until then that Han Feng came back to his senses...

All along the way, Han Feng's brain was in a daze. He thought about the scene of the nuclear power plant explosion countless times in his mind...

"Da Da!" Suddenly, a burst of gunfire rang out in the building, but it only lasted for a few seconds and then stopped. It seems that the engineers and others should have encountered zombies in the building.

Smoking a cigarette, Han Feng squatted on the ground. He wondered why he followed here? This is a nuclear power plant! What if it explodes? No one has taken care of the nuclear power plant for so long, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be no problems this time. And it has been a night since the power outage... How long can it last?

"Captain Han? Captain Han?" Just as Han Feng was immersed in his inner world, the engineer's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Ah? What's wrong?! Is the nuclear power plant going to explode?!"

"Puff..." Seeing Han Feng so nervous, the engineer couldn't help laughing.

After laughing a few times, the engineer said, "Captain Han, this is a nuclear power plant. Even if no one is watching, it will last for a while. It's not a firecracker, how can it explode at any time?"

After listening to the engineer, Han Feng smiled awkwardly. Thinking back to his previous embarrassment, his face was hot... Han Feng had seen a movie "Chernobyl" before, which tells the story of a nuclear power plant leaking and the situation was very serious. Thinking of the nuclear power plant that has not been maintained for so long, Han Feng, as an ordinary citizen, is also worried about leaks and explosions.

Looking at the relaxed engineer, Han Feng asked, "Um... has the power been restored? What's the situation inside?"

"Report to Captain Han, the situation inside is not optimistic..." When saying this, the engineer's face gradually became heavy.

"What do you mean by not optimistic? Could it really... explode?!" At this moment, Han Feng's heart, which had just relaxed, was lifted up again.

"It won't explode now. The situation inside is like this. First of all, nuclear power plants are different from reactors. Some special reactors can be unmanned for a month without power outages. This is the pool reactor."

"Isn't this good? It's fine for a month. Now it's been unattended for less than half a month and the power outage is less than half a day. Then you go to repair it?!" After listening to the engineer's introduction, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief again, and then urged the engineer to repair it.

"But the problem is that the nuclear power plant inside is not a pool reactor structure... but a shell structure..."

"Huh? Shell structure? What's the relationship?" Han Feng patiently asked about the terms he didn't understand.

"It has a lot to do with it. The shell structure requires a pump group to continuously pump the coolant (mostly light water) into the pressure vessel where the reactor core is located. And this process requires electricity, which is the biggest threat that power outages can bring - loss of cooling."

After a pause, the engineer continued, "Because loss of cooling is the most terrible, nuclear power plants now have many countermeasures. If a nuclear power plant has an external power outage, the reactor will not stop operating immediately. Even the second-generation reactor has its own diesel generator and US power supply. So when there is an external power outage, the US power supply will be used first, and then the diesel generator will start."

"Then what?!"

"I just checked the diesel generator. Although it started automatically and brought temporary power to the power plant...but because there was no one to watch over it, the diesel generator ran out of fuel and the reactor was still in a power outage state."

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