Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 111: Genes - Wild Beast Serum

"Alas..." Holding the empty shell of the supply box, Han Feng couldn't help but sigh.

If... if this box could be opened before the Winter Soldier, maybe the Winter Soldier would recover. But... if the Winter Soldier recovered at that time and didn't lose his hearing, then he probably wouldn't be alive now.

"Cause and effect, who can tell right from wrong..." Gently putting down the empty shell of the supply box, Han Feng thought of the many seriously injured and slightly injured Red Alert soldiers before, and then asked, "All our Red Alert soldiers have recovered, right?"

"Report to Captain Han, the treatment range of the group recovery supply box is the same as the radar detectable range, both are five kilometers. As long as the Red Alert summoned personnel within this range will be treated and recovered."

After listening to Luna's introduction, Han Feng felt extremely fortunate! Fortunately, he was worried about Hu Hu and took the supply box back to the prison before opening it, otherwise the treatment range of the supply box really couldn't treat the injured soldiers in the prison.

While Han Feng was happy, he was also in a dilemma... The supply box did not open gold coins, so he still needed more than 3,000 gold coins to buy the mental power recovery potion...

Thinking of this, Han Feng suddenly realized something and asked, "Luna, the prices of the quick recovery potion and the mental power recovery potion are different? The difference between the two is 10,000 gold coins?"

"Report to Captain Han, Gene-Quick Recovery Potion can save the lives of seriously injured and dying people. Gene-Mental Power Recovery Potion is used to replenish and repair people with exhausted mental power. The two have different meanings to the human body, so the prices are naturally different."

"Is that so..." Han Feng frowned and said in a low voice.

Raising his head, Han Feng looked at the sky and found that it was already dark. He took out his mobile phone and the time showed that it was more than eight o'clock in the evening...

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow..." At this moment, Han Feng gave up the idea of ​​letting the Red Alert soldiers go out to "earn money".

Driving the car, Han Feng came to the warehouse of the prison. He brought some water and some bread, sausages and braised eggs.

Back in the building, Han Feng brought out the food and water, and prepared to call Lin Lan and the others to have "dinner" together.

Just as Han Feng went upstairs to call Lin Lan, an idea suddenly popped up. Will there be a discount on the price if the combat laboratory is upgraded? !

Thinking of this, Han Feng put down the things in his hands and contacted Luna, "Luna, how much blood of superpowers do you need to study to upgrade the combat laboratory? What changes will there be after the upgrade?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, before the combat laboratory is upgraded, I don't know..."

"Okay... Let the combat laboratory study the blood of other superpowers first." After speaking, Han Feng opened the remote command and continued, "Now go and get the blood of each superpower."

After thinking for a while, Han Feng added, "Go and see if Brother Wei's body can still be found? His blood should still be studied..."

A few minutes later, the first Red Alert soldier brought the blood of the petrified superpower.

After receiving the blood, Han Feng ordered, "Combat Lab, start research!"

"Sorry, Captain Han, this blood cannot be researched in the Combat Lab." This time, Han Feng did not hear the usual sound of starting research.

"Cannot be researched? Why can't it be researched? Isn't the Combat Lab known to be able to research all objects?!" Hearing this news, Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and then said in confusion.

"Report to Captain Han, it's like this. Researching the blood of petrified superpowers can't help you, because it is a mutation caused by certain gene fragments in the blood. Just like you researching the genes of flowers and plants, it will only waste the time of the Combat Lab..."

"Gene fragments... mutation?" Han Feng pondered for a moment and repeated Luna's words. Then he said, "What about the blood of the speed evolvers? What about the blood of the telekinetic evolvers? These can be studied, right?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, these bloods can't be studied either..."

"I am also a genetic mutation?!" Hearing the conclusion that his blood is "worthless to study", Han Feng went berserk...

"The evolutionary directions of telekinesis, speed, petrification, etc. are all caused by genetic anomalies. And the gene in the blood of the person with the superpower of rapid recovery is a positive mutation. In other words, the genes related to body healing are super-enhanced, and there is no alienation phenomenon."


Han Feng died I never thought that my two superpowers were obtained from genetic mutations...

Just when Han Feng was "thinking wildly", a Red Alert soldier came to Han Feng, saluted and said, "Report to Captain Han! Brother Wei's body has been found, this is his blood."

Staring at the blood in the Red Alert soldier's hand, Han Feng gently touched it with his fingers, and then said, "Thank you for your hard work, you can go and look for Brother Hao's blood..."

Although Han Feng knew that Brother Hao had been blown up by a high-explosive grenade...but with a fluke mentality, he still tried to let the Red Alert soldier look for it. Han Feng didn't want to give up this ability to travel instantly...

"Yes!" After answering, the Red Alert soldier turned and left to carry out this "difficult" task.

"Luna... Can this blood be studied?" Han Feng asked angrily, staring at the blood on his fingertips.

Brother Wei's superpower is to transform into a huge "muscle monster". In Han Feng's eyes...this is definitely a genetic mutation. Whose genes can turn into a "monster"!

"Captain Han, this blood can be studied. May I ask if we can let the combat laboratory start the research project now? Please confirm."

After listening to Luna's report, Han Feng was stunned! He thought that this superpower that can turn people into "monsters" is not a genetic mutation? ! !

"Start research! Confirm!" Although Han Feng was deeply puzzled by this, Luna said that the combat laboratory could study this blood, so let him study it. As for the end of the research... what results can be obtained depends on God's will...

"Okay, Captain Han, gene-mad beast serum, is being studied, please wait."

After Luna's report that the research was started, Han Feng was stunned for a moment... After a few seconds, he said in confusion, "Mad beast... serum? This time it is serum? Not potion?" After asking this question, Han Feng asked again without waiting for Luna to answer, "What is the relationship between mad beast serum and mad beastman?!"

Han Feng knew that the Red Alert system he had was improved based on Red Alert 2-Glory of the Republic. The problem is that the mad beastman, a summoned unit, is a character in the Red Alert-Yuri's Revenge version.

Did the Red Alert system add the option of Yuri's country? It doesn't make sense! So far, the system has not given any options or instructions about the construction or summoning of Yuri Country. Han Feng was stunned by the sudden appearance of the word "mad beast" with a strong "flavor" of Yuri...

"Report to Captain Han, the gene - mad beast serum is not a medicine. Since it cannot repair human damage, it can only exist in the form of serum." After answering Han Feng's first question, Luna continued, "What is the relationship between the gene - mad beast serum and the mad orcs? We can only give a conclusion after the combat laboratory has completed the research."

"You know mad orcs?! You know Yuri?!" When Han Feng heard Luna say the word mad orcs, he was instantly excited! You know that the technology of Yuri Country is not worse than that of the Allied Forces and the Soviet Union!

Virus snipers, mad orcs, Yuri clones, Yuri x... Thinking of these arms, how can Han Feng not be excited when he can summon them in the future? ! As Yuri's cutting-edge technology - mind

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