Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 105: New combat units

After giving instructions to Luna, Han Feng estimated that the time was almost up and asked, "How is Xiaopeng? The past twenty minutes have passed, should he be fine?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, Wei Peng's body functions have fully recovered.

"Oh? Really." After hearing Luna say that Xiaopeng was fine, Han Feng quickly quickened his pace.

Arriving in the cabin of the armored vehicle, Han Feng looked at Wei Peng, who was still in a coma, and asked doubtfully, "Luna, Xiaopeng... isn't he okay? Why aren't he awake yet?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, Wei Peng's body is still adapting to the side effects of rapid recovery, and he is expected to wake up in 3 hours."

"Side effects? Gene-quick recovery potion, does it have side effects?!" Han Feng looked in disbelief when Luna said that the potion had side effects.

In Han Feng's understanding of the system, although the system is quite "not a thing" and very deceptive, it can never do anything that hurts people. In addition, the system has many advanced technologies, and Han Feng cannot think of anything in the system that can cause harm to his own people.

Sensing that Han Feng was a little anxious, Luna immediately explained, "Team Han, there is no need to worry. There is no problem with the gene-quick recovery potion. The side effect I am referring to is that Wei Peng's body has recovered quickly, and various tissues in the body are not adaptable." This recovery speed. In other words, even if Wei Peng wakes up at this time, it is impossible to walk on the ground because the newly grown bones and muscles cannot adapt for the time being.

"Huh... I'm scared to death... Just be okay, just be okay..." Han Feng sighed and patted his chest as he sighed the panic in his heart.

Seeing that Wei Peng, who was still in a coma, was okay, Han Feng exited the cabin with confidence. When he came outside, Han Feng took out his cigarette, lit it and began to stroll around casually.

"Luna, what is the combat laboratory for? In addition to studying genes, what else can you do?" Exhaling a puff of smoke, Han Feng remembered that since he owned the combat laboratory, he had not studied it carefully. What is the purpose of this building? , and then asked Xiang Luna.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the combat laboratory is an important building unit in the red alert system, and it is also the highest-level scientific and technological research center in the red alert system. The combat laboratory contains a wide range of scientific research projects, any visible entity or objectively existing energy, Combat laboratories can all be used as research projects."

After listening to Luna's early introduction, Han Feng casually responded disapprovingly, "Oh... it's just a place to study things?"

After listening to Han Feng's disinterested reply, Luna continued, "Not only that, the combat laboratory can also summon three new units for the military camp. They are heavy soldiers, snipers and magnetic blast infantry. Because the Korean team You have not built a heavy factory, so the new vehicles cannot be displayed yet. "

"I'll go! Can we summon new combat units?!!!" After hearing the news, Han Feng exclaimed!

Until now, Han Feng could only summon four types of personnel: conscripts, American soldiers, engineers and police dogs. As the zombies upgraded, Han Feng's combat effectiveness was severely reduced. A single level three zombie could give Han Feng a headache. In the future, as time goes by, the number of level three zombies will definitely increase. Han Feng can't just use "human lives" to pile them up every time, right?

This time, the completion of the combat laboratory gave Han Feng the authority to summon heavily armed soldiers, snipers and magnetic blast infantry. Just hearing the name makes me think he is a "ruthless person"!

After getting the news, Han Feng quickly entered the system's personnel summoning interface, eager to know the details of these three combat units.

"Heavily equipped soldier... 1,500 gold coins..."

"Sniper...2500 gold coins..."

"Magnetic blast infantry... 1,500 gold coins..." Looking at the "price" below the summoner, Han Feng muttered silently...

In one word, expensive! Two words, very expensive! ! Three words, too expensive! ! ! This was Han Feng's first reaction when he saw the price required for summoning.

"Let me go...Luna, why do you need so many gold coins to summon these people?!" Seeing that he was so poor that he only had 5,630 gold coins left, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind with a sad face.

"I'm sorry to the Korean team, because the above-mentioned personnel are either very powerful in combat or have a strong sense of combat. At the same time, this is also the pricing of the system."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng felt a little better...

"Strong combat effectiveness, super strong combat awareness..." After muttering, Han Feng asked, "How many conscripts can one heavily armed soldier face at the same time? How many conscripts can it kill?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, according to the simulation calculation of the system. A heavily armored soldier can fight at least 17 conscripts at the same time, and the maximum withstand value is 24 conscripts attacking at the same time. Under the conditions of the heavily armed soldiers with full firepower, it is a conservative estimate Kill more than 50 conscripts."

"It means that 30 conscripts can defeat the heavily armored soldiers? But in terms of killing the enemy, the heavily armed soldiers can kill more than 50 conscripts?" After listening to the calculation of combat power given by Luna, Han Feng was confused... Could it be that the number of battles endured and the number of kills were not commensurate? Shouldn't it? Fighting with more than 20 conscripts is already the limit, but in terms of killing enemies, can you kill more than 50 conscripts? ! What is the conclusion?

"Heavily armored soldiers have light armor that can protect their vitals, but they also lose their ability to move flexibly. During combat, a heavily armored soldier holding 60 main weapons can fight 17 to 24 conscripts at the same time. When heavily armored After the soldiers are deployed, the main weapon becomes a hand-held portable stinger surface-to-air missile (the stinger missile here has been slightly modified compared to the original game and can attack the ground). The attack power is greatly improved, so it can kill more than 50 people. Mobilize troops."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng suddenly realized... In the prototype of the Red Alert 2 game, the heavy soldiers can indeed attack in two forms... He laughed at himself, knowing that he was a veteran Red Alert player, how could he forget the heavy armor at the critical moment? What about the function of pretending to be a soldier?

"Oh... what about the sniper? How many conscripts can he fight? How many conscripts can he kill? Who is better between him and the heavily armored soldiers?" At this time, Han Feng was like a curious baby, and kept thinking. asked Luna to satisfy her curiosity.

"Reporting to the Korean team, based on the system's simulation calculations. Under close-range conditions, a sniper can fight 10 conscripts at the same time. But at long range and with sufficient ammunition, there is no upper limit on the number of kills in theory. As for who is more powerful, the sniper or the heavy soldier... It's hard to say, because their attack directions are completely different." After Luna said this, Han Feng became more energetic!

Han Feng knew that snipers were powerful, but he didn't expect them to be so powerful! There is no theoretical limit to killing enemies from a distance!

"Haha! OK, OK! This is good! By the way, what about the magnetic blast infantry? How is he? How many conscripts can he fight at the same time?" Han Feng smiled and said "good" three times, and then asked about the magnetic blast infantry. .

"Report to the Korean team that the magnetic blast infantry cannot fight with the conscripts, because the range of the conscripts far exceeds the attack range of the magnetic blast infantry. However, the defensive armor of the magnetic blast infantry can withstand the simultaneous attack of less than 20 conscripts. The magnetic blast The infantry uses powerful magnetic energy waves as an attack method. This magnetic energy wave is generated by the portable magnetic storm coil on the body of the magnetic storm infantry. Its main function is to resist armor, that is, to attack enemy vehicles. "

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng slapped himself on the forehead... thinking that the magnetic blast infantry was used to attack the opponent's armored vehicles and tanks! since

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