Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 3910: Greed and Super Adventure! 【Four more】

Huang Chang and the others didn't know that they had been targeted by Bear Biscuits, or more precisely, some madman behind Bear Biscuits.

At this moment, they have entered the dome building.

However, contrary to their expectations, as they entered the dome, they suddenly became brighter.

No one would have imagined that there was something special in this dome building. What appeared in front of them was a huge island. Even with their eyesight, they could only vaguely see the waves on the edge of the island, and the farther Endless sea.

Obviously, this third level is in a whole new world!

While everyone was observing the environment of this island and searching for possible enemies and extreme dangers, a very provocative, deep and powerful voice suddenly sounded from the void with a hint of laughter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as well as audience friends of all genders, welcome to the event site of [Super Adventure]!"

"I am your host, the most handsome, the most handsome, and the most capable of digging out what you long for in your heart - greed!"

The voice fell, and a handsome man in a black suit with a pale face was suspended in the sky. At the same time, a dazzling brilliance enveloped him, making him look like a star under the spotlight, looking extremely rich. charm.

And around him, in the same void, the circular auditoriums were also stacked one after another, spreading directly overseas.

At the same time, Huang Chang and others also noticed that there were various types of creatures in the auditorium. Although humans occupy more than half of them, there are many they have never seen before, strange shapes, and not even living beings.

This made them suddenly have a feeling of returning to the plane arena.




This host named Greed seems to have a high prestige among these audiences. With his appearance, those audiences cheered, and their faces were full of fanaticism, but Huang Chang also keenly noticed, There are also a small number of people who are also shouting the name of greed, but their eyes are full of some kind of fear and hatred.

"Hahahaha, I love hearing you call my name!"

Hearing the shouts of the audience, Greed laughed, then opened his hands and said, "We have been waiting for this game for a long time, and today, we finally have the last team of contestants. I now solemnly announce that the first The 17th Super Adventure officially begins."

Speaking of this, Greedy pointed his right hand and said to Huang Chang and the others: "I don't think I need to introduce you to the previous contestants, and now I will introduce you to the last team, which is also the most optimistic about me. contestants."

"They come from the plane of [Earth-07-Pangu], yes, the plane where Pangu was originally."

"Although they started at the end of the day, in just one year, they have gained their current strength with their own abilities and opportunities. It is conceivable how outstanding their abilities are!"

"More importantly, they share life and death as a team. They have a deep tacit understanding and can sacrifice their lives for each other. This is something that is extremely difficult for other participating teams to do, and this is what I like most about them."

"Besides that, I would like to send you a top-secret message from friendship."

"That is, like other teams, they are also favored by some kind of avenue master. That's right, even if the avenue master Pangu has fallen, there are still other avenue masters who see their potential and express to them. appreciate!"

"Now, the introduction of the ten participating teams has been completed. Dear viewers, you will have three minutes to place your bets!"

"Whether you get rich overnight or become extremely poor, it depends on your own choice, hahahaha, don't miss this opportunity!"

And as the words of greed fell, the audience in the auditorium also showed a frenzy, and took out a tablet-like instrument to start betting.

Their bets are obviously very heavy. Because of this, everyone's expressions after betting are extremely solemn and frenetic. Some people's eyes are full of excitement and hope when they look at Huang Chang and others, while some people's expressions are extremely ruthless. Evil, as if wishing to dismantle Huang Chang and the others, peel them off, and eat them.

In this extremely frenetic atmosphere, Huang Chang and the others' expressions were extremely solemn.

Obviously, this so-called super-adventure is a competition involving ten teams, and it may even be a battle of life and death.

And from what the man named greedy said, they can analyze that the ten teams including them are absolutely good, and even the other teams are most likely to be the subordinates of a certain master of the avenue. The favor of the Lord!

In addition, this guy named Greed seems to know all their details, even the plane they are in and things about Pangu.

This is also the most shocking point for Huang Chang and others.

Who is this guy?

"It seems that this level is not easy to pass..."

Glancing at the stacked auditorium in the void, a cold light flashed in his depraved eyes: "I hate this feeling of being watched as a monkey show, I really want to kill these guys!"

"There will be opportunities in the future, but the most important thing now is how to face the next challenges."

Huang Chang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The good news now is that our strength has not been suppressed in any way, it seems that we can fight with all our strength, but this also means that our opponents must not be underestimated, even It is very likely that the power of the Lord of the Dao can be borrowed."

Huang Chang already has a certain understanding of the power of the Lord of the Dao, and it is because of this that he is more and more afraid, thinking that the Master of the Law was almost completely suppressed by him, but in the end, he still relied on the power of the Lord of the Dao. He was almost overturned with the will, especially when Tian Li was completely defeated and the power and will of the master of the avenue was completely awakened, the suppression brought to Huang Chang almost made him lose the ability to resist on the spot.

If it wasn't for the fact that Pangu's will in his body awoke at a critical moment and fought against that coercion for him, I'm afraid the final outcome is still unknown.

And now the nine teams he is facing are very likely to have powerhouses like Tian Lu who can borrow the power and will of the Lord of the Dao. It is conceivable how difficult this challenge will be.

"I just don't know what the next challenge is..."

At this moment, Zhuge Youlong's expression was also extremely solemn, and he swallowed nervously: "Will it be like catching and fighting in the arena of planes?"

"Not necessarily, if it's that simple, then it won't be called a super adventure, but a super arena or something else."

"Since it is called an adventure, there must be another mystery."

Huang Chang shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Get ready, the answer should be revealed soon."

As Huang Chang said, the three-minute betting time passed quickly, and as the three minutes passed, the man named Greed finally slammed his right hand down, and then shouted: "The time is up, The betting channel is closed, and the betting channel is closed, and the audience who have not had time to place their bets can only watch others get rich overnight, haha.”

Having said this, Greed paused for a moment, then looked solemn, and said seriously: "Then now, the competition is about to start, and I will also explain the specific rules of the super adventure to the contestants!"

"Please listen to the contestants, the next words will be related to your life and death and future!"

"I only said it once!"

ps: The fourth update will be presented, Momoda, take a bath and rest, and then continue to code.

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