Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

: 3865 The flesh and blood are weak and the machinery soars! 【Big chapter】

"Huh, it's finally done..."

"It hurts so much..."

As the power spilling over from the broken sword was gradually differentiated and absorbed, the second personality also let out a sigh of relief, a hint of joy appeared on the slightly pale face, and then gave Huang Chang a thumbs up, saying: "I I know you can handle it, but it should not be a small gain from seeing you like this."

"Really good..."

Hearing the words of the second personality, Huang Chang also smiled slightly, and then the robe on his body appeared again, covering the huge black butterfly pattern on his back.

"Hey, that sword in your hand looks good, can you get me one too..."

At the same time, Fallen leaned over to the second personality and looked at the rusty broken sword greedily, saying.

"I still want it, how can it be so easy..."

The second personality glanced at the fallen, too lazy to pay attention to this whimsical guy.

"how do you feel…"

And Huang Chang asked curiously at the fallen: "The black light just now should be the backhand of Pangu left in your body. Now that this thing has been removed, is there any special feeling?"

"How should I put it, the body feels a little more relaxed, and then the strength that can be exerted has increased by about 50%..."

Fallen clenched his fist and said, "Besides, I feel that the body's ability to accommodate has become stronger, and it should be able to devour more genes to optimize itself..."

Although the fallen has the ability to devour other living beings because of the black light virus, and even integrate its genetic power into its own body to master its supernatural talent, but this ability is also very limited. Once too many genes are swallowed, the burden on the body will become It will be very large. When it exceeds a certain limit, it will no longer be able to devour new genes. Otherwise, the gene chain will collapse and become an inhuman monster.

But now that the hidden danger of Pangu staying in the body has been removed, the fallen feels like his body has been released from some kind of imprisonment. Not only has his strength been greatly improved, but the "gene chain" that was on the verge of saturation has also become It is more accommodating, which also means that he can devour the flesh and blood of more powerful creatures to strengthen himself.

"Although the improvement is not as big as Xia Die's, with your current strength, the 50% improvement is quite amazing."

Hearing the depraved words, Huang Chang nodded and said: "And more importantly, the backhand that Pangu left in your body has been removed. Although I don't know what the backhand is, it is certain that the black light just started. Judging from the coercion radiated, Pangu’s backhand in your body should never be underestimated, and once it erupts, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"That's right, I don't want to be controlled by others like I did before..."

The fallen nodded, but his eyes were a little gloomy, obviously thinking of the tragic situation when he was threatened and controlled by the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

"Okay, it's Baili's turn next."

After saying this, Huang Chang turned his gaze to Baili Mingyu and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Although everyone had discussed it before, Huang Chang couldn't help but feel a little hesitant when he thought about the decision Baili Mingyu was going to make.

"I have decided."

Baili Mingyu nodded and said seriously: "I also know that relying on the power of this wishing machine can turn me into a complete person again, but I don't want to do that."

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the machinery soars..."

"The human body is actually too fragile a lot of the time, of course, with the exception of guys like the Fallen."

"My talent and abilities are not as good as yours, and most of my strength now comes from mechanical technology. If I are completely restored to a complete human being, this will greatly reduce my strength..."

"I don't want to be left behind by you."

Speaking of this, Baili Mingyu paused for a moment, then smiled: "And half-machine and half-human are very good, all humans can enjoy, and I can do what machines can do..."

"Besides, now is the time of urgent shortage of combat power, I really want to fully recover to adulthood, then it will not be too late to help me when you become the master of the Dao, Haha!"

After speaking, Baili Mingyu no longer hesitated, and directly activated the wishing machine.


In an instant, the brilliance of the wishing machine flashed again, and a stream of seven-color light sources continuously merged into Baili Mingyu's body, and Baili Mingyu's body also began to flash the starting point arc, the right half of his body that seemed to be no different from ordinary people. It began to gradually appear metallic luster and turned into the most essential state of the mechanical body.

Not only that, but there are still streaks of light brewing on the half of his mechanical body, and it even begins to melt, and a little silver liquid is constantly flowing on the surface, absorbing those dazzling seven-color brilliance.

Finally, after a full hour, the brilliance that erupted from the wishing machine was completely absorbed into Baili Mingyu's body, and his half body that was like a silver liquid mechanical body began to slowly converge the brilliance and arc on the surface. , and finally re-mimicking into a human torso, with no difference on the surface.

In addition, Baili Mingyu has not changed at all, as if the wish just now was just a dream bubble.

But only Baili Mingyu himself knows what kind of transformation he has undergone!

The next moment, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned: "The power of this wishing machine is really unexpected and miraculous..."

Obviously, the harvest of this wish made him very satisfied.

"What's the change, let's talk about it."

The peculiarity of mechanical civilization is that before the real power erupts, the general means can't see the reality of the mechanical powerhouse. At this moment, even if he is as strong as Huang Chang, he can only vaguely perceive that something has happened to Baili Mingyu. There are various changes, but he has no way of knowing what the specific changes are, whether it has even become stronger, and how much it has become stronger.

"The power of the wishing machine helped the nano-robots in my body to complete a deeper evolution, and at the same time integrate with me more perfectly..."

Baili Mingyu took a deep breath and said: "Before this, although I was also a half-human mechanized, the power of human and machine is separate, it is just a relationship of borrowing and cooperation, this half of the mechanical body is more like A high-tech prosthesis..."

"But now...he's completely merged with me!"

Speaking of this, Baili Mingyu paused slightly, and then continued: "This allows my own strength and mechanical strength to adapt, integrate and transform more perfectly, in addition to this..."

The voice fell, and Baili Mingyu suddenly raised his right hand, and then the whole right hand disintegrated strangely, turning into a little silver light scattered, and reassembled at an amazing speed not far away into a body with Baili Mingyu. Identical body.

Afterwards, Baili Mingyu with the broken arm and the Baili Mingyu transformed from the mechanical arm happened simultaneously: "Because these nano-robots have been completely integrated with me, I can even combine my own thinking consciousness and even my soul. The power of the nano-robots is uploaded into these nano-robots... In this way, even if I encounter an irresistible crisis and kill my body, I can be like Ultron in the Avengers. The nanorobots, which are constantly splitting and regenerating, reshape a mechanical body for their own use."

"Although my body will be completely abandoned and my strength will be reduced, at least one life can be saved."

"This will be of great help to our next adventure..."

"It can be regarded as a real mechanical soaring, haha..."

"Besides that, there's this..."

After that, the Baili Mingyu that was transformed by the nano-robot also disintegrated again, and turned into a little silver light and merged into Baili Mingyu's body, remodeling his arm, and at the same time Baili Mingyu's reshaped arm also appeared. a few cards.

And with the appearance of the card, Huang Chang felt a sense of crisis in his heart. At the same time, his pupils shrank, and he recognized the origin of those cards: "Er Xiang Foil?"

"That's right!"

Baili Mingyu nodded and said: "The evolved and transformed nano-robots have more powerful strength and faster and more complex combination capabilities, and can even build a powerful force like Erxiang Foil that is enough to kill saints at the click of a finger. Technological weapons. In addition, these nano-robots can also be turned into warheads when I snipe the enemy, so that I can operate more space when I snipe the enemy.”

"This ability is convenient..."

After listening to Baili Mingyu's words, Huang Chang nodded, then patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You are right, the most important thing now is to overcome the difficulties in front of you and save Zero and Huang Daoheng. , and then smash Pangu's conspiracy, and after all this is over, I will find a way to restore you completely."

"It doesn't matter if you don't recover, it's actually quite handsome."

Baili Mingyu smiled indifferently, and then continued to fiddle with his transformed mechanical body. I saw him open the palm of his right hand, and the nano-robots in his palm continued to be constructed into various weapons, and then disassembled again. , looks really cool.

"Tsk, you guys are more handsome than the other, it makes me feel itchy too."

Seeing that Baili Mingyu and others have successfully completed the wish and got a transformation, Ji Zelei, who had been waiting for a long time, was also itchy, rubbed his palms, and walked to the wishing machine excitedly, saying: "Next, it's my turn. , everyone, keep your eyes open, the moment to witness the miracle has come!"

The next moment, Ji Zelei took a deep breath, directly activated the wishing machine, and started to make a wish.

Unlike other people's very purposeful wishes, the goal of Ji Zelei's wish is much simpler, that is, to make himself stronger and more combative as much as possible!

You must know that although his defense is strong, and he even has an almost undead body, his offensive ability is relatively weak, otherwise he would not have been nudged and insulted many times, so at this moment he vowed to make himself change. be more powerful!

Next time, if he almost encounters that woman, he must defeat that woman with his own power, and let that woman know that he will not be pressed by that woman forever... Well, all kinds of meanings are pressed under him!


And as Ji Zelei began to make a wish full of confidence and resentment, a dazzling brilliance broke out on the wishing machine again.

PS: The first larger chapter is here, alright, continue to code, and the 4D is still updated today.

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