Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

: 3834 Shouldn't have left foot first! 【Second chapter update】

No one thought such a thing would happen!

Even if Da Yu knew from Zhuge Youlong's past chat that he had a group of extremely powerful partners, and also knew that the strength of Huang Chang and others should not be underestimated, he still did not expect Huang Chang and others to be so powerful. , such... arrogance!

That's right, it's arrogance!

In the face of the most powerful and powerful Sun God Palace in the prehistoric world, they did not hesitate to kill the divine generals sent by them, and even slaughtered them like slaughtering livestock and made them into ingredients!

In addition, whether it is the terrifying power and defense displayed by the Fallen, or the axe that the Fallen easily chops off the iron head, or the second personality bans the iron soul, the means of slashing it with a thousand swords are far away. Far beyond Dayu's expectations, he truly realized the horror of this group of people!

More importantly, the one who is said to be the strongest in this group has not yet shot!

This group of Xiaolong's partners...is really too powerful!

After realizing the power of Huang Chang and others, a complex look appeared in Dayu's eyes.

In addition to shock, there is also a glimmer of hope and deep worry!

No one wants to overthrow the rule and enslavement of the gods more than him, but also no one understands the power and fear of the gods better than him. It also made him deeply worried.

This is because Huang Chang and others are simply declaring war on the Sun God Palace and even the entire Protoss. Although their strength is strong, facing the same tyrannical and numerous gods... Can they win?

Or rather, it's us, it's humans...can it win?


"court death!"

"No reason!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Just when Dayu's heart was extremely complicated, there were bursts of violent shouts in the Sun God Palace, and then nine extremely huge figures with the same amazing atmosphere descended from the sky.

The comers are the nine other divine generals except Si Tie!

These nine gods all possessed the power of the saint realm just like Si Tie, and at this moment, seeing that Si Tie was being slaughtered as livestock, in addition to being furious, they also had a kind of fear of the death of a rabbit and a fox. So they are all showing up at the moment!

But there is a tragedy of iron and iron ahead. Although they appeared at the moment, they did not rush forward for the first time. Obviously, they were shocked by the previous depravity and the means of the second personality!


At this moment, a cold and serious voice suddenly sounded, and the Sun God Palace finally fell to the ground. The blazing flame and high temperature instantly melted the earth, and set off a rolling heat wave that swept away in all directions, causing the entire The sky and the earth were roaring, and a thousand miles around became a world of flames, and endless creatures died as a result.


Seeing this scene, Dayu gritted his teeth and clenched his fist subconsciously!

This is God!

These guys don't take the lives of human beings and other creatures as their lives at all. Just like at this moment, when the Sun God Palace landed, it was a thousand miles away. At the same time, the climate within ten thousand miles would be severely affected, and countless creatures and humans would die because of this. , but in the eyes of these gods, it is so insignificant!

These gods lack basic respect for life, especially people!

In their opinion, human beings are just playthings created by the two great gods Nuwa and Fuxi in their spare time, just clay puppets. Before the two gods retreated to silence, they were still afraid, but as Fuxi and Nuwa did not retreat, They also became unscrupulous, and many gods even took pleasure in slaughtering humans.

After all, playing with these intelligent and emotional humans can undoubtedly bring more fun to their long lives than slaughtering those beasts who only know how to run away!

But no matter how angry Dayu was, he still didn't dare to take action at this moment, just like he didn't dare to stop the Sun God Palace from falling!

Because the Sun God Palace represents divine power, represents the gods, and he represents human beings. If he takes action, it means that the war between human beings and the gods will start!

He has too many things on his back to bear such consequences!

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

At the same time, in the Sun God Palace on the ground, the huge golden gate painted with gods and a golden crow of three clans finally opened slowly, and then a handsome young man wearing a golden feather robe slowly walked out.

This man's strength is obviously stronger than those of the gods, and he exudes a fiery and powerful energy, as if the sun came into the world, and as he walked out of the palace gate, the flames around him also burned even more. blaze up.

Not only that, but the real fire of the sun in Huang Chang's body is also just around the corner.

"East Emperor Taiyi?"

"No, not so weak..."

Looking at the young man and feeling the fiery and powerful power in his body, Huang Chang squinted his eyes slightly, and a cold glow flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Human Sovereign, are you killing my **** general today to declare war with my Sun God Palace, or even the entire God Race?"

The man walked out of the palace, as if his burning eyes swept across Huang Chang and others, then stopped on Dayu's body, and said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, then I will even wipe out all of you humans, wait. No wonder I waited for the two great gods, Nuwa and Fuxi, to leave the customs!"

"Seventh Prince, please calm down, this matter is a misunderstanding!"

Hearing the man's words, Dayu's face changed, then he took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "I'm waiting for the attack on the God of Iron, because I'm attacking first, and I can only fight back in order to protect myself... "

When he said this, Dayu still blushed a little. He Tie was indeed the first to shoot, but for self-protection he had no choice but to fight back or something... Have you ever seen someone who had no choice but to fight back and cut people into pieces of beef?

But at this moment, he can only say that, otherwise, if the Diri Shrine is really allowed to find a reason to start a war and lead the gods to fight with humans, then with the current strength of humans, they will definitely not be the opponents of the gods.

Even with Huang Chang and others, I'm afraid it won't work...

"Good one for self-protection!"

"What an articulate emperor!"

Hearing Da Yu's words, the faces of the gods became even more ugly, and the man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "It's not because you have killed the gods and provoked the gods. majesty?"

Speaking of this, the man's eyes became more and more cold: "Gods created humans and sheltered humans for thousands of years. Is this how humans repay the gods?"

This so-called seventh prince actually didn't put human beings in his eyes. Even though Dayu, Huang Chang and others had already shown extremely powerful strength, he still had the confidence that he could eat these human beings.

The reason why he said so much is just to find a reason to annihilate human beings. After all, human beings were created by the two great gods Fuxi and Nuwa, and the two gods have been protecting human beings, although Nuwa and Fuxi have been because of Some special reasons cannot be closed, but if they have no reason to exterminate human beings, then once they wait for Nuwa and Fuxi to exit, then it will be difficult for them to explain to these two powerful gods!

"The human race was indeed born because of the two great gods Nuwa and Fuxi. The human race will never forget this kindness."

"As for cooking and killing Xiangliu..."

Dayu said with a solemn expression: "This is purely a matter of Xiangliu Jiuyou. He relies on divine power for disaster and humans for food. Since he can eat people, why can't people eat him?"

"Murderers are killed and cannibals be eaten. That's fair and reasonable, isn't it?"

After all, Dayu has a responsibility. He did not put all the responsibility on Huang Chang and others, but took it on himself.


Hearing Da Yu's words, the so-called seventh prince's face became more and more gloomy, and then he sneered, wanting to say something.

Now that his face has been torn, he must find a reason to start a complete war with mankind today, and wipe this race that should not have been born from the prehistoric world.

Otherwise, with the growth rate of human beings, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will become the confidants of the gods as the enlightened beast said!

As for Xiang Liu and Shi Tie, this is just a fuse. Even if there is no such thing as Xiang Liu and Shi Tie, sooner or later, they will find a reason to start a war with humans.

Even if Xiangliu eats people and Wuzhiqi creates floods, this is only caused by their secret push.

"Where's the miscellaneous hairy bird, chatting non-stop, it's annoying."

But before the seventh prince could say anything next, an impatient voice suddenly sounded, and then a blazing murderous intent and a fierce sense of crisis instantly emerged from his heart.

Feeling this intense sense of crisis, the Seventh Prince's expression changed, the flames all over his body suddenly rose, and the endless flames rose into the sky, as if to burn everything.

In the midst of the flames, his body also skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge, majestic, and flaming three-legged Golden Crow!

The sense of crisis in his heart was so strong that he showed his body without hesitation and faced this danger with the strongest attitude!

But at this moment, a palm suddenly appeared in front of him!

It is plain and plain, looks fair and slender, and even has some good-looking palms. At this moment, in front of the seventh prince who has transformed into the Golden Crow of the three clans, it seems that he has transformed into a whole world. The prince only felt as if the whole world was collapsing and compressing, and it was overturning towards him, and even this side of the world seemed to be closing quickly, squashing him!


The indescribable sense of terrifying oppression and severe crisis made the seventh prince scream, and then the flames on his body burned more and more violently, and the whole person rose into the sky, trying to escape from that palm.

But that palm seems to be boundless, like the whole world, and no matter how fast his speed is, how fast can he pass a world?

I saw that no matter how the Seventh Prince struggled, how he flapped his wings, or even fled wildly in the scorching sun, he could never escape the shroud of that palm!

In this way, under the desperate gaze of the Seventh Prince, the "heaven and earth" in front of him also collapsed, completely covering him, and then an indescribable force enveloped him, making his eyes black and completely unconscious. .

At the same time, under the horrified gazes of Da Yu and the others, and all the gods, Huang Chang slowly retracted his right hand and opened his palm. In the palm of his hand, there was a small and cute one, whose feathers were as dazzling as gold and the sun. The bird was tilting his head and fell into a faint.

This is the seventh son of [Heavenly Emperor] Donghuang Taiyi, the seventh prince just now!

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Huang Chang are also full of horror, because in their eyes, Huang Chang just stretched out a hand and grabbed the seventh prince without any fireworks, and the seventh prince seemed to be watching When it comes to the most terrifying thing in the world, it directly turns into the body and wants to escape.

But no matter how the Seventh Prince fluttered his wings and burst into flames, he still couldn't escape from Huang Chang's slowly extending right palm. At the same time, his body was also shrinking rapidly, and finally turned into a bird that was held in Huang Chang's hand, and that's it. Fainting past, life and death do not know!

This kind of ability to capture the Golden Crow with one hand is really terrifying and unbelievable.

"What a good bird, but unfortunately its mouth is a little broken. It seems that more training is needed."

At the same time, looking at the three-legged Golden Crow who fainted in his hand, Huang Chang smiled faintly, then looked at the silent Sun God Palace, and said with a smile: "Since you want a reason, then I will give you a reason, after all I am a reasonable person, and I like to convince people with virtue.”

"Kill Xiangliu because he cannibalizes people, so it's his own fault."

"I killed Shi Tie because he had a lot of meat, and my brother was greedy."

Speaking of this, he turned to the three-legged Golden Crow, who fainted in the Sun God Palace, and smiled even more wantonly: "As for this little thing... When he left the palace just now, he shouldn't have stepped on his left foot first!"

After a word, the world is silent!

PS: The second and larger chapter is here, please support, alright!

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