Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 3734: Deadly game! 【Second Update】

In the next half hour, Huang Chang suffered the biggest nightmare in his life.

I have to say that being able to sing so badly is a skill.

You must know that with Huang Chang's strength, especially the powerful spiritual power that has experienced the baptism of the Phoenix Power and the Anti-Life Formula, even a saint-level spiritual attack may not be able to pose much threat to him.

But at this moment, he was teetering in front of such a strange baby's singing, like a helpless lone boat in a storm.

In the process, Huang Chang also tried various methods to resist this terrible singing, but the result was useless.

Whether it is closing the hearing, shielding oneself with spiritual power, or even using the mantra of Linzijue in the mind, at this moment, it is impossible to resist this terrifying singing coming straight into the mind!

And although this kind of singing didn't cause him any actual harm, it made him more and more unbearable. On the other hand, the little baby on the opposite side sang more and more vigorously, as if he could sing forever.

If it goes on like this, even Huang Chang doubts how long he can last!

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and tried to interrupt the doll's singing by speaking!

But it was equally useless. At this moment, he was not only imprisoned on this exquisite dining chair, but also seemed to have been banned from speaking by some force. He could only let the doll's singing become more and more shrill. Getting crazy.

Fortunately, the mysterious ragdoll seemed to notice Huang Chang's struggle, and finally stopped singing, then tilted his head, looked at Huang Chang and asked, "You seem a little unhappy, what's the matter, it's Alice. Isn't the singing good?"

While asking, there was a kind of black awn in the eyes made of buttons of this doll, which seemed to contain endless murderous intent and death intent, which made Huang Chang instantly feel that the omen of death was coming, and there was a strong feeling in his heart. A gloomy and deadly sense of crisis.

This is a sending proposition!

At the same time, he also suddenly found himself able to speak.

So he took a deep breath and said quickly: "It's not like that. Singing is a means of venting your emotions. Your emotions are well vented... To a certain extent, this is already a good singing voice."


"Is Alice's singing really so good?"

"I knew it!"

Hearing Huang Chang's words, the little ragdoll jumped high, let out an excited and sharp laughter, and then directly rotated, the sharp top-shaped lower body made him rotate at an amazing speed, even as if teleporting In front of Huang Chang, he laughed excitedly: "You appreciate Alice's singing, Alice likes you, Alice invites you to eat bear biscuits..."

The voice fell, and she actually handed the biscuits that the little bear doll had turned to Huang Chang directly.


Looking at the bear biscuit handed in front of him, Huang Chang was silent for a moment.

How dare he eat this kind of thing indiscriminately?

And doesn't it mean that no one can touch his bear biscuits? Now how do you say send it?

But directly refusing might anger this moody crazy doll, so he squeezed out a smile and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not hungry yet, and bear biscuits are so important to you, I can't take people's favor …”

"Yeah, Alice's cute bear biscuits."

Hearing Huang Chang's words, the ragdoll nodded and said, "You are really a good person, and you appreciate Alice's singing, and you don't want to **** the bear biscuits from Alice..."

"Alice wants to be your best friend!"

Afterwards, the doll didn't even wait for Huang Chang's willingness to take out a set of exquisite tea sets, poured a cup of fragrant black tea and delivered it to Huang Chang, saying: "Alice invites a good friend to drink tea..."

After finishing speaking, the ragdoll looked at Huang Chang expectantly, and urged, "Drink it quickly, Alice's tea is delicious."

"Thank you!"

Looking at this crazy doll's expectation, Huang Chang knew that if he rejected this doll again, he might anger the other party. Now the situation is stronger than others, and in desperation, he could only smile reluctantly, then picked up the teacup and sipped it. A sip of tea with a fragrant aroma.

In the next moment, something unbelievable happened to Huang Chang!

A simple sip of tea into the stomach, but it is an instant burst of unparalleled powerful vitality!

And this life force is not only powerful, pure, but also extremely gentle, and even seems to nourish all things. At this moment, under the nourishment of this kind of power, Huang Chang can clearly feel that his body is gradually becoming stronger, even with The bloodlines of the five lines of the Holy Spirit in the body have been greatly refined and purified, and they have become stronger!

Not only that, but what is even more unbelievable is that this spiritual power not only acts on Huang Chang's body, but also has a great moisturizing effect on his spirit!

You must know that although he has made his own spiritual power extremely powerful through the frantic scouring of wool, the fusion of the power of the phoenix, and the baptism of the anti-life equation, this method of rushing for success and relying too much on external forces has also made him extremely powerful. While his mental power is strong, it is not so harmonious, and even a little difficult to control, with more power than subtlety.

But at this moment, the power of this cup of tea seems to moisten things silently, moisturizing his spiritual power, calming down his restless and powerful spiritual power, and something subtle but extremely important happened. The change!


Feeling the various changes in the body and spirit, Rao is as deep as Huang Chang, and at this moment, there is an incredible surprise on his face.

"How about it, is Alice's tea delicious?"

Looking at Huang Chang's surprised appearance, the doll laughed proudly: "This is carefully made by Alice, and those who don't like Alice's singing are made into sugar and the raw material for this tea by Alice. now..."


Hearing the ragdoll's words, Huang Chang's complexion, who had just drank another sip and drank the tea, also changed slightly.

Good guy, does this tea have such a history?

But before he could react, the ragdoll had already put away the tea set, and said excitedly: "After listening to Alice's song and drinking Alice's tea, you are now Alice's good friend. now..."

"We can have fun..."

"But what shall we do next?"

As he spoke, the rag doll held his chin and fell into contemplation, and Huang Chang did not dare to disturb him, but carefully observed the surroundings, frowning slightly.

Why is there such a big commotion but there is still no response from the arena?

Also, who is the owner of this crazy ragdoll?

What kind of powerful existence is he qualified to be the owner of this doll?

"Alice knows what to play!"

At this moment, the crazy ragdoll suddenly seemed to have thought of something, jumped up and shouted excitedly: "Let's play cards together?"

"Alice is so good at playing this!"

Speaking of this, the ragdoll stuffed the huge blood-stained kitchen knife in his pocket, and then took out a stack of playing cards, and grinned at Huang Chang: "Now Alice tells her good friends about Alice Poker. The way the cards are played…”

"That's Alice playing the card, and a good friend taking the trick..."

"If your good friend survives, then you win!"

"But apart from the master and them, no one has ever won Alice, they are all dead..."

"Good friend, you have to do your best, Alice believes we can have a very good time."


The next moment, amid the dramatic change in Huang Chang's face and the frantic laughter of the crazy ragdoll, it turned over the cards in its hand and started this deadly game!

PS: The second one is more, so please continue to code!

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