Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 3698: The road to the sky, the road to competition! 【Second Update】

After the initial shock, Huang Chang and the second personality made a series of registrations under the guidance of the so-called "customer service staff No. 07453".

The content of the registration is actually very simple, just race and name, and even a pseudonym and nickname can be used for the name. Obviously, this is just a cutscene.

But this is also a process that must be followed, because after this registration, it is equivalent to having an identity in the entire arena and the city where it is located, so that various activities can be carried out, whether it is watching games or gambling, Or participate in competitions.

In addition, in addition to the basic services of the plane arena, that is, the lowest level of competition and viewing are free, all other services are charged, and the higher the level, the higher the fee.

Huang Chang and the second personality originally took a slap from Reid's group. They thought they had gained a lot, but only after taking a look here did they find that this is comparable to a wealthy person for ordinary people. Wealth, placed in this arena, can even barely watch a battle of a [God] level powerhouse, and even if it is a battle between some top [God] level powerhouses, they can even watch the game with this little money. You can't even afford to buy tickets, so at most you can watch a live broadcast.

It's too poor.

But in addition, in the arena of planes, it can be said that money can buy everything. Huang Chang curiously checked it, and there are actually infinite gems, the full version of the anti-life equation, the life equation, Moby Usi chair, full version of Pangu axe and other artifacts can be exchanged.

Of course, the price is expensive.

But the problem is that these things can be called invaluable treasures in many planes, and here, as long as you have money, a lot of money, then you can get it all!

But at the same time, this world also has its own unique currency system. Generally, there are only two ways for people from other planes to get the money here.

The first is to exchange all kinds of natural materials and treasures, but whether it is through official channels or the "black market", the price will be very low, especially the latter has the risk of being hacked. Because black market transactions are not allowed, transactions in public places will be discovered by [Libra], but transactions in private houses may be hacked, so most people would rather sell the arena cheaper than risk it. Trade with people on the black market.

The second is to earn money by yourself, such as in the service industry, or in competitions.

And the fastest way to get money is undoubtedly to play games, which is one of the reasons why the plane arena is so popular.

In addition, Huang Chang and others also carefully understood the competition rules in the arena.

According to the public data, there are a total of 999 levels in the plane arena, of which there are three levels in total.

The first 500 floors are considered to be low-level, with a mixture of dragons and snakes, but most of them are not too strong. It is the level with the largest number of arenas, the most frequent, and the most spectators in the entire arena.

Games at this level can be watched for free, as well as free to participate, and of course, the rewards after winning are not much.

From the 501st floor, it entered the middle layer of the arena.

Unlike the previous situation where multiple battles were held at the same level, the benefits of gladiators who have reached this level in the arena will be greatly improved, and they will even start to have their own private rooms and personal assistants, and will become the level. At the same time, each room will supply some heaven and earth treasures according to different levels, and simulate the most suitable environment for cultivation.

In addition, as long as you can maintain your own ranking, you can also get the perks of the arena every day, and the higher the level, the more perks.

Therefore, hitting 500 floors is the dream of most contestants in the arena, because as long as you can hit 500 floors and stabilize your position, it means you can eat without worry in this city and keep improving yourself. Strength.

But at the same time, this is also a level of great competition, because everyone wants to get a higher level and get better treatment.

This situation will continue from the 501st floor to the 900th floor.

The 900th floor and above is the top level of the entire arena. Those who can stand in this position are all top powerhouses, and the treatment of each floor is unimaginable at the middle and lower levels.

But in the same way, because the powerhouses at this level are extremely powerful, it will become more difficult to ascend, and many people even choose to avoid battles in order to keep their positions.

Therefore, there is a special rule in this layer called [Apply for Battle System].

[Apply for battle system], which means that starting from the 901st floor, the champion of each floor must challenge once within 90 days. Downgrade to the 900th floor, and the original 900th floor competitor will move up in order and become the 901st floor champion.

Because of this, although the battles above the 900th floor are infrequent, they are often seen, and every battle will be extremely intense and exciting.

Again, this continues to the 990th floor!

As for the last nine floors, they are guarded by the strongest nine people in the entire arena. These nine people are all super strong who have been screened out by fighting layer by layer. All of their strength methods are top-notch, and all of them are [God-level]. The existence of , that is, what Huang Chang and the others call a saint-level powerhouse.

This also means that in this arena, there are at least nine saints guarding at the same time, and no one can guarantee that there are no saint-level powerhouses hidden among those fighting masters below the 990th floor.

At least according to the information that has been released so far, a few of the top powerhouses from the 980th to 990th floors are suspected to have broken through, but because they are not sure, they have not attacked the position of the top nine.

And when they reach the position of the peak nine, they don't need to take the initiative to challenge, as long as they sit on the floor where they are, and their treatment will also be far superior to others, and they can even get the guidance of the supreme master, which is also for the saint level. The most tempting reward for the strong!

In addition, it is said that if there is a chance to climb to the top of the 999th floor, then there will be a chance to fight against the Lord of the Dao, the Supreme Lord, so as to peep into the supreme realm in the line of life and death, but this has always been just a legend. Even the most powerful and mysterious [Gemini], who sits on the 999th floor all year round, has never dared to challenge the supreme master, so this has become a legend.

And now, in front of Huang Chang and the others is such a **** and cruel competitive road that can be called the road to the sky!

PS: The second one is more, so please continue to code!

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