Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 3488: Welcome back, Captain America! 【One more】

After arranging the protection of other superheroes, Huang Chang began to revive Captain America.

In his view, although Captain America's personal strength is average, he can't even beat Deadpool in one-on-one, and is more like a "super soldier" without a shield, but at the same time Captain America has abilities that other superheroes don't possess.

That is his character and personality charm.

In this world, as almost the earliest superhero of country M, the captain of country M has a very high status in the hearts of the people of country M, and has almost become a belief and totem. As long as it is used well, it will inevitably make it burst out astonishing. The appealing power provided a lot of help for his next series of actions.

In fact, not only did he see this, but Nick Fury also saw it, so in the Captain America movie and subsequent Marvel series, Captain America has also become a symbol of American superheroes, and even Even the little spider detained in class to receive education to watch was a promotional video shot by Captain America.

At this moment, under his intervention, this once and future "legendary" figure is finally about to wake up in advance.

As for how to recover Captain America, this may be quite difficult for the government of Country M today. After all, many technologies in this era are still very backward, but for Huang Shang, it is just a breeze.

Anyway, technology is not magical enough to make it together.

Whether it is the white magic in "The Book of Emperor Weishan" or the black magic in "The Book of Darkness", there are methods to revive the Frozen.

"Damn it, BOSS, can you stop beeping in my mouth..."

"Your habit of'not following the right way' is not so good..."

At this moment, Deadpool stood up tenaciously with his amazing recovery ability, and began to push again, but the next moment, Huang Chang's cold eyes stopped his words abruptly.

"There is a spell in dark magic called limb transfer..."

"If you keep pushing so hard, believe it or not, I will transfer your little Wade to your mouth!"

Looking at the sand sculpture in front of him coldly, Huang Chang said in a cold voice.

However, after all, he underestimated the sand sculpture of Deadpool?

"Transfer to the mouth, do you still have this skill?"

"Damn, then I'm the same as Alien, Vanessa might like it..."

"Then where will my tongue go, will it go under me? That's not bad..."

After hearing Huang Chang's threat, not only did Deadpool not show any fear, but he was eager to try.


The next moment, Huang Chang was silent and condensed a huge magical power, and looked at Deadpool blankly: "Forget it, I'll kill you, and then use my own power to find someone."

"As for the Avengers, there is no need, destroy it!"

He worried that if he was harassed by this sand sculpture, even his nerves would become abnormal.

"Don't, BOSS, joining the Avengers, sitting in C position is my lifelong dream!"

"By the time Avengers IV, Robert Downey was killed by Russell because of the high pay. It was not the firefist Russell, but the director. You know, after that, I can become the number one player!"

"You know, my box office is so high, and the appeal is very strong!"

"You can't destroy my dream, please!"

However, when he heard what Huang Chang said, Deadpool suddenly became nervous, and then quickly said: "The big deal, the big deal, I be quiet? Boss, you need me, there are so many parallel universes, how can you guarantee that you can be found as soon as possible. Niu and your brother, you can't break the fourth wall like me, but I can see the script directly..."

"Then you just shut up."

"And your appeal is not as strong as you think, don't forget the Green Lantern you shot, box office poison!"

Huang Chang also knew that if she wanted to find Yurou and others in countless parallel universes, she really had to use the power of Deadpool, so after warning Deadpool to keep him quiet for a while, Huang Chang didn't stop. Regardless of going on.

"Damn Canadian, **** Green Lantern, **** DC!"

The Green Lantern seemed to be the biggest taint to Deadpool, and when he heard these words, he was ashamed of an eggplant that Frost beat.

And Huang Chang, who finally regained the silence, also turned his gaze to Steve Rogers, took a deep breath, and began to cast the recovery spell in The Book of Emperor Weishan, and began to revive Captain America.


Soon, bright brilliance appeared out of thin air, and then shrouded on the frozen Captain America.

Under the shroud of that light, the ice on the surface of Captain America's body began to quickly melt or even vaporize, and the cold body became warm again, and the heartbeat that had almost stopped gradually became stronger.

I have to say that the medicine that Captain America injected back then was indeed very powerful, and his will was also very firm. If it were replaced by someone else after being frozen for so long, either physical death or disintegration of the will, but he seemed to be just After a long sleep, the whole person began to recover quickly.

It is indeed the protagonist template of the previous generation.

But just at this moment, a salted pig hand was placed on Captain America’s chest, and then Deadpool’s exclamation sounded again: "Oh my God, it’s really strong, boss, you can help me get one too. Do you care about a shot with that medicine? I also have such a big chest."

"Speaking of which, have you watched "Out of Control Player", there is a muscle version of me in it, it's super hot."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that your world has suffered the end, no one has made a movie in that timeline, hey...Poor guy, I haven't even seen such a good movie, it's a good movie comparable to "Ace Bodyguard" ."

"By the way, in "Ace Bodyguard", I still partnered with Marinated Egg...but the Marinated Eggs in there are much cuter than Nick Fury. I like his cheap look..."

While placing his hand on Captain America's chest, Deadpool chattered endlessly, but he didn't realize that Captain America had suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

Before he fell asleep, Captain America was still in the midst of a world war. As one of the most elite soldiers, he had superb vigilance and responsiveness, so he had reacted almost immediately when he woke up, and then grabbed the button. The salted pig's hand on his chest twisted his backhand and directly pressed Deadpool down, then jumped up, looked around vigilantly, and said solemnly, "Where is this place, who are you?"

The last picture in his memory was flying an airplane, taking the Cosmos Cube and falling into the Arctic ice ocean. He thought he was bound to die, but he didn’t expect to wake up and find that he had come to a completely strange place. He was full of vigilance.

"Don't be nervous, we saved you."

Seeing Captain America’s vigilant look, Huang Chang smiled slightly, then did not know where he took out a certificate, threw it to Captain America, and said: "My name is Huang Chang, a level 9 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I work directly for the director. ."

"Welcome back, Captain America!"

PS: The first one is to offer, continue to code words, there will be later, okay!

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