Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 1047: Life and death talisman! (Second more)

The small town of Annick is not far from the sea. At the speed of Huang Chang, it only takes an hour to reach the sea at the most.

However, based on the map that Chaqi left him, and some information and suggestions behind the map, it is not easy to go to sea in this area of ​​England. If you rush to the sea, even if it is as strong as a yellow dress. I am afraid that I will encounter many troubles and dangers.

Because here the sea is not without its owner!

According to Chaqi, the sea area near England is divided by many forces, and the strongest is naturally the sea **** Poseidon and his seven great sea tribes.

In the West, Poseidon is almost the sole ruler of the ocean, and the seven great sea tribes under his command are extremely powerful and the well-deserved hegemon in the ocean.

But the ocean is so big after all, even if it is as strong as Poseidon, it is impossible to control every place, so as long as some forces or gods in the ocean surrender and give worship to him, then Poseidon will allow them to exist.

But if he refuses to accept, then Poseidon will kill or suppress him, or seal him in a mortal body with evil taste, and let him suffer the pain of losing his power.

It is said that the goddess of the ocean in the Caribbean was deprived of power by Poseidon and sealed in the body of a mortal because of her disobedience to Poseidon.

However, Poseidon rarely takes action after all, so there are also various terrifying creatures and sea races born in this ocean, plus those powerful pirates who control magical ships, and racial powerhouses on various islands. In short, the ocean is full of opportunities, wealth, but also dangers.

Therefore, if you want to go to sea, Huang Shang should find a ship that believes in Poseidon, is allowed to sail by the Seven Great Sea tribes, and is marked with a mark. Although this cannot guarantee absolute safety, it can at least avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

So Huang Chang's first stop is to go to the gathering place at the estuary!

Unlike the inland gathering places, the gathering places at the estuary are extremely prosperous!

Because this is the only way to the sea, and the sea contains endless food and opportunities, there are also a large number of desperadoes and strong men who are trying to find resources overseas, and they have extremely strong strength.

In addition, this place has also been protected by Poseidon and the Seven Great Sea tribes by paying some price, so that all kinds of dangerous creatures in the ocean will not attack this place, and even help them clean up the surrounding zombies and aliens, making this place change. To be safer.

So this is also the most prosperous, safest, and most insecure place in Britain.

The safest thing is that there is almost no attack from zombies, aliens and various mutant creatures.

It’s not safe because it’s a paradise for desperadoes, a **** for the weak, and a typical impossible place. Thefts, robberies and even murders here are endless, and as long as they do not violate the rules set by the city lord, there is no damage. Things in the city, or destroyed, can pay a sufficient price, then no one will care about you.

Of course, even so, there are still a large number of ordinary people gathered here. After all, compared with the gathering place that will be destroyed at any time outside, although they will be bullied and insulted here, they can at least live!

In many cases, people are like cockroaches. As long as they can live, they can endure in almost any environment.

"Okay, don't pretend to be faint!"

However, just as he was about to arrive at the estuary gathering place, he suddenly landed on a desolate mountain, and then threw the muscular unicorn, weighing several tons, onto the ground, and said lightly. : "I know you woke up when you were at Chaqi's, but you didn't break through you. Now we are going to the gathering place. It is time for us to have a good talk."


As Huang Chang’s voice fell, the unicorn that seemed to have fallen asleep jumped up, and a blazing blue light flashed across his body, cutting through the void, appearing hundreds of meters away, and finally accelerating again. Flee towards the distance at the fastest speed.

"After you talk about it, you don't want to listen. If that's the case, let's make you suffer first."

Facing the unicorn's escape, Huang Chang had long expected it, so he didn't show any surprise. He just shook his head, sighed lightly, and gave a hint of strength.


The next moment, the unicorn that had escaped thousands of meters away in an instant was also struck by lightning. His whole body trembled suddenly, let out a scream, fell heavily to the ground, and convulsed violently.

This unicorn seemed to have been tortured violently at this moment, and the torture seemed to continue to intensify, making him scream more and more screaming and trembling more and more violently.

"This Talisman of Life and Death is really as domineering as the one recorded in "Yin and Yang Life and Death"..."

Seeing this scene, Huang Chang's pupils also shrank slightly.

That's right, he had already moved his hands and feet on this guy when he was in a coma before the unicorn, and instigated a spell called life and death.

Although the charm of this life and death talisman is not the kind of hidden weapon used by the Tianshan child's grandmother in "Tianlong Babu", it is more powerful than ever. It is one of the magical powers he practiced with Thunder Fire Storm before. This secret technique can mix the power of life and death into a talisman of life and death and penetrate into the enemy's body. When needed, just a single thought can make the life and death power of the enemy burst out, making the enemy bitten by ten thousand ants. only.

The only pity is that the time he has practiced this method is still very short, and this method is far more mysterious and difficult to learn than Thunder Fire Storm, so he has just started this trick, and can only penetrate into the target body with a lower cultivation base. , And the other party cannot resist too much, otherwise it is easy to fail.

It is precisely because of this that this cultivation base has not yet broken through the realm of legend, and the previously unconscious unicorn has become the first "victim" under Huang Chang's life and death talisman.

It just seemed at this moment that the power of this life and death talisman was much stronger than Huang Chang had imagined. The strength of this unicorn is considered to be the best below the legendary realm. Regardless of his speed and space ability, his tearing ability allows him to kill the super python and giant that are controlled by the evil **** and possess the quasi-legendary realm. Dryad, at the same time, is extremely resistant to various evil forces, but even so, it instantly loses the ability to resist under the effect of the life and death talisman, which shows how terrifying this life and death talisman is!

Thinking of this, Huang Chang's eyes also flashed a ray of light.

Since the life and death talisman is so easy to use, it will be much more convenient for him to act in England next.

Afterwards, Huang Chang's mouth curled up, and step by step he walked towards the unicorn who was still struggling and screaming.


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