Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 95 Are you all acting?

"Okay! Call someone in and let them prepare. You will leave when it gets dark today!"

After the one-eyed dragon, also known as Lone Wolf, agreed to Li Yichen's request, Li Yichen said to Lone Wolf.


The lone wolf was stunned:

"I can't leave or you won't be able to enter the laboratory!"

"No! You must leave tonight. In addition, before leaving, you must find an excuse to enter the laboratory at dusk, walk around casually, and pretend to unintentionally inquire about some secrets. I believe that those This guy will be very 'cooperative' with you!"

Li Yichen smiled mysteriously at Lone Wolf.

"Okay! What do I have to do?"

Lone Wolf had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't ask any more questions and nodded directly!

"It's very simple. Just take this and stick it in an inconspicuous position near the main entrance of the laboratory. Then put on this eye mask. You don't need to do anything else. But when you move to the laboratory, remember to be a little slower. Look everywhere, don’t miss any corner!”

Li Yichen took out a soap-sized metal block and an eyepatch that was exactly the same as the one Lone Wolf was wearing now and said.


Lone Wolf nodded, and then asked:

"Are you leaving too?"

"of course not!"

Li Yichen shook his head:

"After you lead the messenger away, I want to go to the laboratory to have a look! By the way, take this walkie-talkie. I have adjusted the channel. After entering the two-kilometer range of our base, use the walkie-talkie to call Xiao Mao and ask him Turn on level one combat readiness, and you don’t have to worry about the rest!”

"Messenger? He will follow us?"

Lone Wolf's expression changed instantly.

"Yeah! But don't worry, they are going to catch big fish for a long time, so they won't kill you 'baits' first, so you are safe. I asked you to go to the laboratory before leaving, and it is also because of this, so They will deliberately leak some information to you so that you can bring it to me."

Li Yichen said:

"Also, remember, when you go to the capital of hell, don't save Clark. Let him sleep there for a little longer. I will take him back when I go back!"

Lone Wolf suddenly took off his blindfold, revealing his other eye. Then he looked at Li Yichen seriously, and after a while he let out a heavy breath:

"Okay! I believe you!!"

Li Yichen had never seen Lone Wolf's intact eye, but he already knew it when he listened to the story just now, so he was not surprised. He looked at Lone Wolf's eye and suddenly smiled:

"After this matter is over, why don't you change your name as a lone wolf? You will no longer walk alone. A law enforcement team will be formed, and you will have a group of subordinates. Why not... call yourself Wolf King!"

"Bastard? That's a bad name!"

Hearing the name Wolf King, Lone Wolf was silent for a few seconds, and then he showed a rare sense of humor, shook his head and said:

"No matter how many people I bring, I am only responsible for you, so... let's call him a lone wolf!"


Li Yichen thought to himself, is there any difference between a lone wolf and a lone wolf? But seeing the look in One-Eyed Dragon's eyes, he suddenly understood what Lone Wolf meant, so he nodded:

"Okay! The lone wolf isn't bad either! At least it's scary!"

After putting on the blindfold given by Li Yichen, Lone Wolf - no, he should be called Lone Wolf now. Lone Wolf left here, went outside and called a few people back and started to pack things.

Because Lone Wolf had warned him in advance, those guys did not chat with "Clark" who seemed unhappy in the chair, but were busy making preparations to leave!

At the same time, in the small building in the inner city, Huang Jinfu was reporting to the two envoys:

"Sir Messenger, after Cyclops and Clark entered the house, after a long time, they came out alone and called a few people in. I asked a few survivors to sneak over and take a look. They seemed to be packing their things! Do you want me to take them with you? Someone to catch them?”

"Are you an idiot? Of course not!"

The Thin Messenger immediately started scolding:

"Remember, ask your people to be careful and only keep an eye on them. Not only are they not allowed to touch them, but they cannot see them! Even if they leave collectively, you only need to tell me. If you dare to do anything without permission, Action, I will send you to the laboratory!"

"Yes! Got it!"

Hearing about the laboratory, Huang Jinfu shuddered involuntarily and answered hurriedly.

"How's it going? Am I right? That kid is really going to run away! Just watch, after they leave, the fish will take the bait in a few days!"

After warning Huang Jinfu, the thin messenger couldn't help but look at the fat messenger and asked with a sinister smile, his eyes looking very proud.

"Tch! Those few bastards are not enough for me to slap! Do you need to go to such a big trouble? How about just leading people to attack their base?"

The fat messenger was still drinking and said disdainfully.

"What do you know? Last time I followed that rebellious guy from Cyclops, I saw their base with my own eyes. It was so big. I remember the last report from the Dead Army Valley was seven months ago, right? At that time, There is no such base in the Death Army Valley!"

The Thin Messenger said with disdain:

"To be able to build such a magnificent base in such a short period of time, the organization behind it is not necessarily much weaker than our Kingdom of Heaven. We must not force ourselves until we find out the situation of the base!"

After thinking about it, the Thin Messenger still seemed uneasy, and couldn't help but give another warning:

"By the way, I told you to remember. When that kid brings his people over to attack us, you can kill the others as you like, but this Li Yichen must be captured alive. I will take out all the secrets of that organization from him!"

"Okay! Got it! But I can't stop killing people. If that kid accidentally bumps into my fist, don't blame me if he dies!"

The fat messenger muttered.

"Hmph! I don't blame you, but if we didn't get enough information through torture because of killing that kid, hum! I don't know if the organization will blame you!"

The thin messenger frowned and said, then he ignored the fat messenger's reaction and stood up and walked out:

"Before the Cyclops leaves, he may enter the laboratory again. I'm going to go there and tell those guys what to do. The brains of these lunatics are not much better than zombies. Don't let it show off then!"

"Bah! What the hell? If it weren't for the elder's designation, do you really think I would come out with you? You're just a bastard who will run away!"

After the thin messenger left, the fat messenger couldn't help but spat and said viciously, and then looked at Huang Jinfu:

"Damn! I asked you to watch them, why don't you get out? Are you waiting here to buy you a drink?"

Huang Jinfu was very depressed. Damn, you got angry at him and came to me? What the hell does it have to do with me? A sidekick like you who doesn't even have a name, who won't live for a hundred chapters, how dare you be so arrogant?

However, he could only think about these words in his mind, but did not dare to say them out. Even before his thoughts were fully formed, he had already followed the fat messenger's order, opened the door and left...

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