
As if resonating with heaven and earth, a black arc lit up from the front of the queue of shadows of death. It seemed strange to use the word "lit" when talking about black, but this black arc was indeed emitting black light.

This black line gives people a flat feeling, only the thickness of chopsticks. It feels like it because it does not seem to be an entity, because it does not look real, as if it is some kind of projection.

It looks a bit like a space crack, but there is no space turbulence visible from it. It is just a black line, with the same arc as the queue of death shadows, wrapped in an indescribable desolation. , advancing towards the outside of the castle.

Its propulsion speed was not very fast, probably at the speed of an ordinary person running, and it smoothly and persistently cut into the lizard-man army...

"What's this?"

Li Qingfeng and the soldiers of the Blade Legion were stunned for an instant. From this black light, they actually felt an extremely real aura of death, and the lizard warriors that the black light passed by were all still, as if This light has the ability to stop time.

The light did not last long, only about twenty seconds, so its distance was only about two hundred meters, and then it disappeared in an extremely strange way...

The entire battlefield became quite silent. The lizard men behind did not see the light because of the obstruction of their companions in front, but they felt the breath of death and were frightened. They all stood there and stared inexplicably. ahead.

Feeling this strange silence, Li Qingfeng and the Blade Warriors also stared blankly at the battlefield until Xiaohu made a sound:

"Pull...pull us up!"


Li Qingfeng immediately lowered his head to look at Xiaohu and found that all the members of the Shadow of Death were pale and seemed extremely weak. He was shocked and was about to shout when he suddenly heard a "Plop!" coming from his ears. sound!

After raising his head, Li Qingfeng opened his mouth wide. The lizard men under the city wall fell to the ground one after another. Each lizard man was divided into two parts. The place where they were separated was where the black light had passed through them before. The position they passed - they were all cut in half! !

Starting from the edge of the castle wall, the lizardmen fell one after another like dominoes, and quickly spread outward, even faster than the previous movement of black light.

This spread did not stop until the point where the light disappeared. Within two hundred meters from the castle wall, except for the shadow of death, all the lizardmen died, and this area became a veritable place of death.

All the dead lizardmen were cut in half because the height of the black light released by the shadow of death was there, but these lizardmen did not struggle at all after falling to the ground.

Even an ordinary human being can survive for a while after being cut in half. It is precisely because of this that it was called torture and was canceled. The vitality of these lizard people is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Times. Ordinarily, if they were cut in half, they should be able to survive longer. Even if it was just an ordinary cut in half, and if they were treated in time, they should still be able to survive without losing their lives.

It is a pity that they were killed by the ring of death. The moment the black light passed over their bodies, they had completely lost their life!

"Quick! Bring them up and send them to the castle!"

It took a long time for Li Qingfeng to react, and he shouted loudly. Then he jumped off the city wall, picked up Xiaohu, then turned over and jumped back into the castle.

Seeing Li Qingfeng's actions, the Blade Legion immediately reacted. They all jumped off the city wall, picked up all the Death Shadow members who could not even move due to exhaustion of energy, and carried them back to the castle.

"Xiao Kai, you lead a team of people to guard them. No matter what happens outside, don't leave! This is an order, remember?"

Putting Xiaohu down, Li Qingfeng turned around and saw another Blade Warrior coming in with a Death Shadow in his arms. He immediately grabbed him and said with a serious face:

"They have completed what they should do. The next war belongs to us. Before our entire army is annihilated, they cannot suffer any more harm. Do you understand??"


The Blade Warrior responded loudly. Now of course they all know that the previous light was activated by the shadow of death, and now Xiaohu and the others are naturally unable to even climb the city wall because of their weakness after activating the superpower.

Although they don't know how big the sequelae of this ability will be, at least for now, they must protect them.

Although the light just now did not last long and only advanced two hundred meters among the lizard army, the number of deaths in the lizard army was absolutely terrifying.

After all, they were desperately attacking the castle before, so the land of death was crowded with lizard warriors.

Especially those shield soldiers, they are also within the area where the black line is advancing. Those shields that can withstand bullets have no effect at all in front of the light, and are directly divided into two along with their masters.

Such a terrifying power shocked even the Blade Warriors and even Li Qingfeng. They were on the same side as the Shadow of Death who issued such a terrifying attack. They were all like this, but what about the lizardmen who were hostile to them?

At least, Li Qingfeng is quite lucky now. Fortunately, Xiaohu and the others are from the Capital of Hell. Otherwise, seeing this kind of death, I am afraid that his blade will immediately lose its fighting spirit and collapse directly.

On the battlefield, death is actually not terrible, because as long as you step on the battlefield, no one can guarantee whether you will survive until the next battle.

However, this kind of completely irresistible killing is definitely not acceptable to anyone, except for those unconscious zombies who may not be affected. As long as they are intelligent life, after seeing such a mass, and silent, but After the irresistible death, he could no longer maintain his courage.

Back outside the castle, Li Qingfeng looked at the lizardmen. As he expected, the lizardman army at this time did not move forward at all. Only a few lizardmen who looked like small bosses came to the death area. On the edge, looking at the lizard men who had been chopped in half.

"Captain, what kind of powers do those little guys use?"

A Blade Legion soldier asked softly next to Li Qingfeng.

"how could I know?"

Li Qingfeng looked at the purgatory-like battlefield below, smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"I only know that fortunately we are their comrades, not enemies!"

"Yeah! Yes! Fortunately!"

The warrior also murmured, and then looked at the lizard man army.

It took a full two hours before the lizard-men army made another move. A group of lizard-men came from behind, looked over, looked down at the corpses, and then gathered together to talk about something. Finally, they pulled back again.

Immediately afterwards, groups of lizardmen began to clean up the corpses, because the ground was full of mutilated lizardmen. If the lizardmen continued to attack on this kind of battlefield, I am afraid that the morale of those lizardmen would be completely lost.

It took the lizards about two hours to clean up the corpse. When they started cleaning up, the Blade Warrior once asked Li Qingfeng if he wanted to start attacking.

After all, the area of ​​​​the Death Land is only two hundred meters away from the city wall, which is completely within the range of firearms, and now the shield soldiers can no longer be seen. Without the cover of the shield, even if the lizard people find archers to fight They shoot at each other, and they have nothing to fear.

"There's still almost half the time!"

Li Qingfeng looked at the time on the terminal:

"They will still need an hour or two to clear the battlefield. In other words, even if they start attacking immediately after clearing the battlefield, we only need to hold on here for about three hours!"

"Now that we don't have the help of those little guys, we have to rely on ourselves. Are you confident that we can hold on for these three hours?"


The Blade Warriors shouted in unison.

The death ring of the shadow of death shocked everyone, including the Blade Warriors, but it also stimulated their fighting spirit. Although they had suffered heavy casualties before, the remaining people were still capable of fighting!

Especially now that they have had a certain period of rest, and their numbers are much greater than the Shadow of Death. Could it be that without the help of those children, they would not be able to defend this place?

A hint of ferocity appeared on every Blade Warrior's face. We are adults, will we lose to children? Let those big geckos come! !

"Okay! Then let them clean the battlefield quietly. When they are ready, we will charge them head-on and fight them back! Now quickly organize the equipment, replace bullets where needed, and treat injuries where needed , in a moment, we still have a big battle to fight! This is the first battle in our capital of hell in the heavenly domain, and we can’t let all the limelight be stolen by those little guys who haven’t even grown their hair!!”

Li Qingfeng laughed and said boldly.

In fact, he didn't intend to disturb those lizard warriors cleaning the battlefield, not because he wanted to force the lizard men to attack. After all, he had been the leader of a base. Li Qingfeng's mind was not that simple. Yes, this is war. It would be so heartless not to take advantage of it.

Li Qingfeng made the decision not to disturb the lizard people to recover the body after weighing it for a long time! !

He also thought about launching a long-range attack while the Lizardmen were clearing the battlefield. Anyway, there were plenty of bullets, but the problem was that the Lizardmen would definitely mobilize archers to shoot at them. The distance of two hundred meters was the effectiveness of firearms. The shooting range can also be easily reached by throwing a bow and arrow!

In this case, they basically can't take too much advantage, there is no need, and now he doesn't care at all and allows the lizard people to clean up the battlefield. This is actually showing an attitude to the lizard people...

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