"Come again!"

Li Yichen began to compress the energy in his body again, and then triggered another space explosion. However, this time he did not make the scope of the explosion so large, but reduced the scope by half.

In this case, he only needs half of the energy in his body to achieve the effect just now. Then, before the space fluctuations subside, he can release the remaining energy, which may completely tear this unique space apart. .

Although it is very dangerous to do so, because if the space is completely torn apart, the space above Wucheng may completely collapse. Not only will all the creatures in Wucheng be torn apart by the turbulent flow of space, but even Li Yichen himself may be destroyed. Inhaled into the turbulent flow of space.

However, Li Yichen was now betting that he certainly didn't want the people below to die, but whether it was a space trial or a lightning element trial, they were all in a specially created space.

Therefore, Li Yichen felt that the space he was in now should also be this kind of space. In other words, the people below did not really exist. They were just created by the time rules that intercepted the time point of the original Battle of Wucheng. It’s just this space that comes out.

Therefore, by tearing this space into pieces, he should be able to pass this time trial, and Chang Guchuan and the others will definitely not disappear suddenly because of his actions.

After all, when Li Yichen came, it had been a long time since the Battle of Wucheng. Now Wanshan and Chang Guchuan below, as well as the soldiers of the Redemption Blade, later helped him establish the capital of hell.

If they would die here, their past experiences would be wrong. Although the rules of time are advanced, they also need to abide by the rules of heaven and earth.

After the space explosion started, Li Yichen kept staring at the broken spaces. Just when the cracks in the spaces reached their maximum, Li Yichen suddenly poured the remaining compressed energy in his body into the cracks in space, and detonated it again...

This time, because there were already many space cracks, the resulting space explosion was even more terrifying. The dark sky was almost covered with space cracks, and Li Yichen could clearly feel the space turbulence coming from the cracks.

Moreover, this time the space fluctuation lasted for nearly ten minutes, but... after the space fluctuation subsided, the result still made Li Yichen feel a sense of despair.

Even such a violent space explosion did not shatter the space. When everything returned to calm, nothing changed in front of Li Yichen.

The battle in Wucheng below was still going on, the night sky above was still peaceful, and the energy in Li Yichen's body was still full.


Li Yichen looked down, raised his hand, and countless thunderbolts appeared from his hands and poured towards the ground. Now there was no horizon and no arrows. He could not activate the thunder and light purgatory, but the thunder and lightning elements could still be freely used.

The lethality of these thunder and lightning elements is equally terrifying. After all, Li Yichen has reached A-level life, and the zombies and warriors below do not even have a C-level life. If these thunder elements can exert their power normally, they will be in contact with those thunders. It was instantly turned into coke.

However, just as Li Yichen expected, the dense thunder did not interfere with the battle below. They did not see it at all, and the thunder could not hurt them, or even block their sight.

"Go to your uncle's time trial. I can't even touch it. How can I pass it?"

Li Yichen was furious and waved his hands continuously. Countless rays of thunder continued to pour out of his body and poured downwards. It didn't stop until he exhausted all the thunder and lightning elements in his body.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Li Yichen panted heavily. This was the first time since he got the system that he was so depressed. Even when facing Archimonde, although he was not as strong as the opponent, at least he still had the strength to fight.

But now, no matter what he does, he can't affect this world, and if he doesn't find a way to pass this trial, Li Yichen may be trapped in this special space forever.

Li Yichen even felt that in this situation, it was better for him to go back to the first scene. Although it was another's own experience, and he had no current memory of that scene, at least in that scene There is something to do in it.

And at that time, he had already vaguely felt that something was wrong. As time goes by, he will definitely be able to remember more, and maybe he will complete this unlucky time trial faster.

"The Trial of Time... Time!"

Li Yichen murmured, and then he was suddenly stunned. Because of his crazy burst just now, he squandered all the thunder and lightning elements in his body. According to previous experience, the consumed thunder and lightning elements should be replenished immediately.

But now, all the thunder on the ground has disappeared, but there are still only space rules and life energy in his body, without a trace of thunder and lightning elements.

"What's happening here?"

Li Yichen quickly felt his body carefully. In any case, there was finally a new change. This might be an opportunity for him to complete the trial.

"Is it... because of the level of rules?"

After carefully feeling the energy in his body, Li Yichen discovered that although the thunder and lightning elements had not recovered at all, there was a new element in his body, and it was accumulating little by little.

Li Yichen is a strong person in both lightning and space systems. Therefore, in addition to life energy, he can also store space rules and thunder and lightning energy in his body. Of course, other strong people cannot do this, so no matter what type of strong person he is, his body There is only life energy, and other types of energy cannot appear.

But Li Yichen didn't understand this, and the system didn't tell him carefully. He thought other strong people were like him.

But now, there is an energy in his body that he has never possessed before, and Li Yichen himself does not recognize this energy, but... he feels that this new element should be the rule of time!

Thunder and lightning are actually the rules of heaven and earth, just like metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. They are even more advanced than the five elements, but they are not as advanced as time and space, life, and death, so they can only be called elements.

What Li Yichen is thinking now is that after his lightning rules were exhausted, they were not replenished. Instead, the time rules appeared. Could this be because the lightning element level was not enough, so after disappearing alone, it was replaced by a new one? The rules of time are blocked outside your body?

If this is a time trial space, there is no thunder and lightning element, but Li Yichen has consumed all the space rules and thunder elements in his body several times before, and they have all recovered instantly.

But this time, Li Yichen only consumed the thunder and lightning elements. As a result, the thunder and lightning elements were no longer replenished, but were replaced by the rules of time!

"That's right! The test of the time rules here is, or in other words, the test of the time and space rules. So, to pass the test, you may have to look for the rules of time and space. Before, I only had the rules of space and no rules of time, so, Only then will you be unable to touch everything in this world.”

Li Yichen thought to himself:

"Now, since the time rule has appeared, then...if we merge these two rules, there should be a way to pass this trial, right?"

Li Yichen didn't know if what he was thinking was right, but since the time rules appeared in his body, he had to at least try it.

However, the time rules in Li Yichen's body are too rare now, and Li Yichen doesn't know how to use time powers, so he sat down cross-legged and began to work hard to absorb the time rules.

Perhaps it was because this was a time trial space, so after Li Yichen calmed down and began to absorb it, the speed of time rule accumulation skyrocketed. It took a total of three days, and the reserve of time rules was basically the same as that of space rules.

During this period, the battle in Wucheng had naturally ended long ago. Everything was the same as in Li Yichen's memory. Li Yichen in this world took Chang Guchuan Wanshan and others to bury the bodies of the fallen soldiers and then left...

Although he was absorbing the rules of space, Li Yichen was still watching all this in the air, sighing secretly in his heart, and watched them go away, and their figures gradually disappeared.

If it weren't for the purpose of absorbing the rules of time, Li Yichen would even want to follow him, because in the past, he would have met a lone wolf, but the most important thing now is to complete the trial, so Li Yichen didn't move! Continue to absorb the rules of time in place.

However, what Li Yichen didn't expect was that after Li Yichen and the others left in this world, nothing happened during the day, but at night, another person rode a motorcycle towards Wucheng.

When that person first appeared, Li Yichen looked over. What surprised him was that this person was actually himself - the Li Yichen of this world.

Li Yichen remembered clearly that after the Battle of Wucheng, he did not return to Wucheng. At least on the second night of the Battle of Wucheng, he definitely did not come back. Could it be that... the historical trajectory of this world is different from his own? exactly the same?

Just as Li Yichen watched himself riding a motorcycle into Wucheng below, he suddenly looked shocked, because... Wucheng below actually returned to the way it was before fighting the zombie wave last night...

All the exposed traps have been restored, and the tombstones in front of the traps where the corpses of the soldiers were buried have also disappeared. At least in Li Yichen's view, Wucheng now is no different from what it was before the zombie wave came last night.

"Could it be...a time loop? Will what happened last night happen again?"

Seeing himself busy in the black city, Li Yichen murmured, and he vaguely guessed a possibility...

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