Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 808 Characteristics of the Undead

When they arrived at Huaicheng and Qiancheng, Varimasas and Li Yichen also flew around the cities a few times. However, these two cities were completely different from Night City because they were empty. No undead, no orcs, no creatures of any kind to be seen.

"What's happening here?"

The two searched the city carefully several times, but failed to find any life. Li Yichen couldn't help but frown and asked:

"Over there in Night City, although I didn't count carefully, there are definitely not 350,000 corpses of your people. Where are the other soldiers?"

"have no idea!"

Varimathras shook his head. He came here actually to find the remaining Orc soldiers, because there were indeed only about 100,000 Orc soldier corpses in Night City, not all the Orc soldiers. One third of that!

"Will they... attack the capital of hell?"

Varimathras suddenly thought:

"The purpose of the night city is to make us orcs hate you humans even more, and the other soldiers who attacked the capital of hell in the past will make you hate us orcs. In this way, whenever we meet in the future, we will probably Let’s start a war immediately, and we won’t be in any mood to listen to the other side’s explanation!”

When Li Yichen heard this, he immediately connected the communication in the capital of hell. The person who received the communication was still Wan Shan.

"Xiaoyi! What's going on?"

Wan Shan's tone seemed very relaxed!

"Lao Wan, is there anything unusual at our base?"

Li Yichen glanced at Varimathras and asked into the communicator.

"Abnormal? No!"

Wan Shan seemed a little confused.

"Are there no orcs or undead found around the base?"

Li Yichen asked again.


Wan Shan answered very happily!

"okay, I get it!"

Li Yichen put down the communicator, looked at Varimathras and shook his head, but did not speak, because there was no need to tell him. The communicator was on speakerphone, and Varimathras could hear Wan Shan's words clearly.

"I was originally thinking that Archimonde knows our strength very well, so he shouldn't send orc soldiers to attack the capital of hell!"

Li Yichen looked at Varimathras, who was frowning deeply.


Valimasa suddenly looked up at Li Yichen.

"Let's go back to Night City first! I'll explain this to you later!"

Li Yichen didn't answer immediately, he directly pulled up the helicopter and flew towards Night City!

"How is it? How many people are there?"

Varimathras asked impatiently as soon as he arrived in Night City.

"Almost a hundred thousand!"

The answer from the orc elites was similar to their estimate, which was around 100,000.

"Everyone come up!"

Li Yichen looked at Varimathras and said.

Varimathras looked at the corpses on the ground and then at Li Yichen:

"I'm going to bury them!"

"You four can't do this, come up first!"

Li Yichen said again.

"You two stay, you two, follow me!"

Varimathras left two orc elites behind, and then he took the other two on the plane. After all, the corpses of so many orcs here were his people. Even if they were all dead, he had to keep them. Two guards!

"Where to go?"

Seeing the direction Li Yichen was driving the helicopter, Varimathras couldn't help but ask.

"Go to the capital of hell!"

Li Yichen said.

Varimathras was stunned, but he didn't object. He just stared outside in confusion!

In this day, it can be said that the blow to Varimathras was quite severe. Not only was the king of the beast clan gone, but even more than half of their clansmen died. The missing ones were missing. The original fifty Of the ten thousand orc army, there are now only less than fifty thousand left.

Although these 50,000 orcs can be said to be the most elite among the orcs, what can only 50,000 people do?

In particular, although Varimathras has always been in control of the orc army, he has always obeyed the orders of the Beast King Dapura and has basically never made up his own mind. In this situation, he is already the highest-status being in the orc tribe. Now, all decisions need to be made by him.

Varimathras didn't even know how to tell his tribe that their king had died long ago and that his body was controlled by the vampires, let alone arranging the future path of the orcs.

Turning to look at Li Yichen, Varimathras hesitated to speak. He wanted Li Yichen to give him some advice, because humans seemed to have better minds, but there were two orcs next to him, so Varimathras Then he held back again.

Soon, Li Yichen drove the helicopter back to the Capital of Hell. Because the arrangements had been made long ago, and the route Li Yichen took was chosen in advance, from the helicopter, there was no one in the Capital of Hell who had just experienced the war. signs.

"Take a look at my base first, and then I will ask my people to look for the undead and the rest of your tribe! By the way, let's discuss what we should do next!"

Parking the helicopter at the central base, Li Yichen said to Varimasas, and then got off the helicopter.

Wan Shan and the others were not waiting below. The people coming and going, except saying hello to Li Yichen, did not do any other special actions, which seemed very normal.

Varimathras got off the helicopter with his two men and walked along, looking left and right. When Li Yichen docked the helicopter, he deliberately did not stop on the rooftop, but in front of the central base. In this way, some defenses Facilities will allow Varimathras to see more clearly.

"These are missiles, our defense weapons!"

Seeing Varimathras looking at the missiles ready for launch on the missile launcher, Li Yichen explained from the side:

"This is why I said before, Archimonde should not let your army attack us. We humans are a technological race. As long as you enter our territory, you will be discovered by us!"

"If you want to attack us, you must have an absolutely strong person, such as you or Archimonde. They will break into our base first and create chaos, and then your army will take advantage of the chaos to attack. Only in this way can we Maybe take my hell capital!”

"But... among the 350,000 troops, there shouldn't be anyone strong enough to influence the situation of the battle, right? In that case, no matter how many people there are, it will be useless! They can only die in vain. Archimonde should not do such a stupid thing It’s something!”

"Maybe he just wants to consume us?"

Varimathras said sadly.


Li Yichen immediately shook his head, then looked at Varimathras and said:

"If they want to consume you, they will not let your soldiers come to us to die. They have better ways to arrange them - have you forgotten the characteristics of the undead?"

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