Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 74 Discovery of Earthlings


Li Yichen looked at the words and couldn't help but swallowed.

The language of this world is similar to that on Earth, a bit like the local dialect of the country where he lives, so he will be able to master the prophecies of this world proficiently after coming here for a few months, but the writing is a bit far behind. And there’s no need to write anything in the last days? So Li Yichen didn't study.

Although he can't write and doesn't know the language of this world, Li Yichen at least knows that the three words "Arsenal" are definitely not the language of this world. Could it be that...the alien invasion thousands of years ago that Wan Shan mentioned was the people of Earth? ?


Li Yichen murmured, let alone thousands of years ago, even when he encountered the accident, people on earth did not have the ability to break out of the solar system, let alone launch a cosmic expedition, and they had never heard of it?

Looking at the door under the three words, Li Yichen realized that the door was actually damaged. It was full of bullet marks and there was a large hole with a diameter of almost one meter.

I bent down and looked through the big hole. It was a mess inside, as if it had experienced an extremely cruel war.

Carefully getting into the hole, Li Yichen found that it was a large space. The space was very messy, with traces of hot weapons everywhere. There were also numerous bones and scattered firearms on the ground.

Picking up a gun at random, Li Yichen found that it was similar to the rifle he first found in the Valley of the Dead, but it was also severely rusted and could no longer be used.

Putting away the gun, Li Yichen bent down and picked up a skull with bullet holes. Unfortunately, the people here were no different from the people on Earth. He had no idea whether this skull came from Earth. , not even the garbage classification system can tell him this.

After leaving the skull behind, Li Yichen continued to search the ammunition depot and recycled all the non-corpse garbage passing by into the system. He may have accidentally received a lot of garbage with gunpowder, so in the mall The number of bullets actually began to increase rapidly.

However, Li Yichen was not very happy, but felt a little heavy. Is the legend Wan Shan said true? Have alien invaders really visited this planet?

The Chinese text outside the door made Li Yichen feel an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Could it be that the earth really sent troops to invade here? This is extremely unlikely, but if that's not the case, what's going on with the three words on the door?

And why is the language here so similar to Earth? It's impossible for two planets that are... he doesn't know how far apart to give birth to such similar civilizations, right?

Because of the doubts in his heart, Li Yichen searched carefully, but except for guns and ammunition, he didn't seem to find anything useful. Soon, he reached the end of the ammunition depot.

At the end of the ammunition depot, there was a small door. The door was also broken. A skeleton fell on the ground next to the door, and half of the skull was missing.

Li Yichen stepped into the room and found that it was an office-like room. The layout of the room was similar to that of rooms on Earth. There were sofas, desks and chairs, and even a bookshelf.

It's just that the bookshelf has long since rotted, and the books on it are scattered all over the floor, and behind the desk, there is a skeleton sitting.

The skeleton was dressed in a neat general uniform with a military cap on his head. His head was lying on the desk in front of him, his arms were hanging down, there was a bullet hole in his temple, and the table near his head was covered with dark brown blood.

Li Yichen carefully walked around and found a pistol and a bullet casing on the ground beside him.

There was a piece of paper under the skull with words on it. Li Yichen took a slow breath, then held his breath and looked over...

Invaders...resist...humankind's continuation...doomsday...destruction...underground...the Ark plan...failed!

The paper was pressed under the skull, and many places were spattered with blood, cutting off the entire text. All Li Yichen could barely see were these words, and they were all intermittent and not connected at all. Some even only had one. word.

Is this... an Earthling?

Li Yichen was shocked and carefully stretched out his hand to pull out the piece of paper. Unexpectedly, just as his hand touched the table, the entire desk collapsed with a loud bang. Smoke and dust suddenly enveloped the entire room. Li Yichen immediately Retreat toward the outside.

After staying outside for a long time, the smoke slowly settled. Just as Li Yichen was about to enter, there was a sudden noise from outside, and then Wan Shan's voice sounded:

"Xiaoyi! Are you in there?"

"Yes! Come in! Be careful not to touch anything. The things inside have been there for too long and will fall apart if you touch them!"

Li Yichen shouted loudly, then bent down and entered the room just now. The desk had turned into a pile of rubbish. It was estimated that in the system's classification, all of it should be considered non-recyclable rubbish. However, with a quick glance, Li Yichen actually found that the desk next to him was A secret door appeared on the wall.

This secret door was previously blocked by the bookshelf, but when the desk collapsed just now, the bookshelf failed to hold on, so the secret door was exposed.

Li Yichen went over and fumbled around, and accidentally opened the secret door. What appeared in front of him was a room filled with countless large iron boxes.

Li Yichen opened a box at random and found that it was full of bullets. If he opened another box, it would still be like this, what would be the next one? A box of grenades!

Looking at the hundreds of boxes in this room, Li Yichen took a long breath: This is a real ammunition depot, it's all filled with bullets, artillery shells, rockets, grenades and even explosives and other ammunition!

Hearing the footsteps coming from outside, Li Yichen immediately took action, running around the room punching and kicking, and swept away the room before Chang Guchuan could poke his head in.

"The instructor is here?"

Chang Guchuan, who came in with his head stretched out, shined a searchlight on Li Yichen and shouted. Then everyone came in, looked around the empty room, and asked a little strangely:

"Instructor, where is...where is this place?"

"It should be the camp of the Resistance Army back then, right?"

Wan Shan walked in, looked around the room and said.


Li Yichen's heart moved.


Wan Shan nodded:

"It was when the aliens invaded. It is said that there was a non-governmental organization composed of people from various countries at that time, which was dedicated to fighting those invaders. They called themselves the resistance army!"

"You said they are resistance forces?"

Li Yichen's heart moved and he asked quickly:

"Isn't it possible that this place is the base established by the invaders?"

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