Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 711 I have no choice but to leave

"Hey! Wulin, what are you doing?"

Seeing Wu Lin's actions, the guard next to him immediately grabbed him and asked.

"Let's see how the brothers inside are doing. What if they are still alive?"

Wu Lin turned around and looked at his companions!

"Are you crazy? The mecha is like this, how can the people inside be okay?"

His companion shook his head and said:

"I think you'd better not touch it. I think this mecha is a bit weird. It was destroyed too quickly. Let's wait for the rescue team to come over and check the situation! Besides, the order from above is very clear, let us stay where we are! You didn’t let us save anyone!”

"All right!"

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Lin nodded, then withdrew his hand and stood beside the mecha with his companions, carefully guarding the surroundings.

At this time, Li Yichen was already slowly moving towards the Goblin King's Hall under the refraction of space, and he was still not far away from the two goblin guards.

Just now, Li Yichen directly used his lightning power to create the illusion that the goblin mecha was malfunctioning, and then immediately asked the system to block the surrounding monitoring signals. At the same time, while two guards came over to check, all his attention was on the machine. The moment he put on his armor, he teleported directly and appeared behind them!

Then, Li Yichen activated spatial refraction at the fastest speed to make his body disappear. Because the mecha exploded right in front of him, the two goblin guards did not notice that there was a human behind him.

After entering the state of spatial refraction, Li Yichen discovered that his walking speed was not much slower, at least much faster than what Xiaohu said. Of course, it would definitely be slower than normal walking, but it was still possible. Within the acceptable range!

Because there was no mecha and he was in stealth mode, Li Yichen didn't have any scruples this time and walked directly towards the Goblin King's Hall. After turning the corner, Li Yichen saw several groups of goblin guards, but they were all standing in the passage. There were no obstacles on either side of Li Yichen, so Li Yichen walked past them with his head held high.

"Haha! This feels really good!"

This was Li Yichen's first attempt at sneaking. Looking at the goblins who turned a blind eye to him, Li Yichen suddenly felt that it was very funny. When he passed by two goblin guards, he stretched out his hand and waved it in front of one of the guards - Xiaohu It was said that he couldn't do fast movements in this state, but Li Yichen found that he could!

"Huh? Where's the wind coming from?"

The goblin didn't see Li Yichen's hand, but he felt the change in the air flow, so he frowned and asked, while turning his head and looking to both sides.

Li Yichen was suddenly shocked, knowing that he had been negligent, so he quickly retracted his hand and walked aside gently!

"Where does the wind come from?"

Another goblin also looked around and said impatiently because he didn't find anything.


Unexpectedly, this goblin was actually very serious:

"Didn't the brother in front of me just say that a mecha broke down and exploded at their place? Don't you think it's a little strange?"

"That's true! Most of the malfunctioning mechas have faulty wiring. At most, they can't move. How could they explode? And the escape hatch didn't even pop up!"

Hearing what this goblin said, the other goblin was stunned, then nodded.

"Besides, there seems to be something wrong with the surveillance. I think something is wrong here. We are underground and no one is walking around. How can there be wind? No! I want to report it!"

The previous goblin said, then picked up the communicator and prepared to call.

"Wait a minute!"

The goblin opposite saw this and quickly reached out to stop him:

"Wu Qing! Don't use the communicator to shout! Our communicators are all public channels. Once you shout, everyone will know that something is going on. If nothing is found by then, the superiors will definitely give you a severe scolding. of!"

"What should we do?"

Wu Qing frowned and looked at the goblin opposite.

"Isn't the captain just in front? Just go and ask him! Then if the captain tells you what to do, just do it. In this way, if something goes wrong, your credit will not be lost. If nothing goes wrong, you won't be able to escape. No one will yell at you!”

The goblin opposite gave him an idea, and it pointed in the direction Li Yichen was going.

"Okay! Then just watch and I'll go find the captain!"

Wu Qing nodded, and then walked towards the Goblin King's Hall - their captain was on duty at the entrance of the hall!

Seeing that there was no danger, Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief, and then prepared to follow the goblin. However, because the goblin was more alert, Li Yichen did not dare to walk too fast, for fear of making some noise and not letting him find out. alright.

Originally walking slowly and not daring to speed up, Li Yichen naturally couldn't keep up with the goblin named Wu Qing. When he was about to approach the goblin king's hall, he found that Wu Qing was already standing at the door of the goblin king's hall, seemingly on duty. .

This black-green captain is also very cautious. He is the captain after all. If he is a careless person, he probably won't give him the task of guarding the Goblin King's hall.

Therefore, after hearing Wu Qing's report, the captain immediately entered the hall and reported to the superiors. As for Wu Qing, he temporarily replaced the captain and stood with another goblin on the left and right sides of the hall, acting as a guard.

Li Yichen slowly came to the Goblin King's Hall and sighed in his heart. He originally wanted to go in when the hall was open, but because in this situation, he couldn't use teleportation, so he had to go in through the door!

But now it seems that he has to wait. Although he didn't know what happened before, seeing Wu Qing standing on the other side of the hall, Li Yichen also guessed that a goblin should have entered the hall, so he should definitely come out after a while. Let's see if we can take advantage of this opportunity to sneak into the Goblin King's hall.

Li Yichen's current goal is to find the Goblin King, because only this old guy should know some information about the Arbiter Plane. As long as the Goblin King appears in his sight, Li Yichen can immediately teleport and catch him directly Goblin King.

With the Goblin King in hand, and since he was just asking some questions, Li Yichen was not afraid that the Goblin King would not hit him. He could not expose himself now. The main reason was that he was afraid that once the situation was discovered, the Goblin King would hide directly, making it difficult for him to find him!

Because Li Yichen had also entered this hall, he knew how to open the door of this hall, so he chose the most advantageous position and started waiting.

Li Yichen didn't wait long. In about four or five minutes, the door of the main hall was opened under Li Yichen's gaze...

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