Although the Redemption Legion was almost dominated by Chang Guchuan before, and Li Yichen's orders were issued directly to him, there was never a real explanation. But now, Li Yichen's words have basically made it clear that the future Redemption Legion will , Chang Guchuan is the leader.

The other members didn't have any opinions at all. Originally, they just listened to Chang Guchuan's words and acted. Now, it's no different from before, especially after having a group leader. They originally just gave up a name and made small efforts to save themselves. The legion is equivalent to a regular army establishment that is legitimate and truly belongs to the base.

Chang Guchuan was now kicked in the air and on the ground. He originally thought he was going to be kicked out of the base, but he didn't expect to become the leader now. He couldn't help but look confused, but he immediately reacted and saluted Li Yichen at attention. , responded loudly:

"Yes! Thank you, instructor!"

"Thank you! Did you see them?"

Li Yichen snorted coldly, pointed at the children and said:

"Although they later realized they were wrong, they had concealed their age before, so... you arrange for ten people to follow them outside and supervise them to kill zombies!"

"Huh? They... went outside to kill?"

Chang Guchuan couldn't help but be startled, and then saw Li Yichen's dark face, and he immediately stood at attention:


"Xiaohu! Come here!"

Li Yichen waved to Xiaohu again, and Xiaohu quickly ran over and said with some shame:

"Sorry, instructor!"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that this little guy apologized because the boy before had accused him of being unfair. He also doubted himself at that moment.

"Xiaohu, there is no need to apologize. It is normal to have doubts. However, you can only question others after you can be fair yourself. Otherwise, you are not qualified! Do you understand?"


Xiaohu nodded.

"Okay! It's up to you to take care of these little guys. You take them outside to kill zombies. Just teach them how I taught you. Just teach them the methods. For the rest, they have to rely on themselves. ”

"no problem!"

Xiaohu nodded, then hesitated, looked at his military thorn, and then at Li Yichen, with pleading in his eyes, but he did not speak.

Li Yichen shook his head, then took off his backpack, took out a bunch of military spurs from the bag, and threw it on the ground:

"Okay! Let each of them come and get one, but this military spur must be exchanged for the corpses of ten zombies. If ten zombies are not killed before tonight's rest, the military spur will be taken back, and only today. If you want it again tomorrow, it will be a handful of one hundred zombies, do you understand?"


The ones who answered this time were the little guys. Xiaohu's military spurs had long made them envious, but now he could actually have one? Everyone became excited instantly, and even the fear they had when they heard Li Yichen said that he wanted them to go outside to kill zombies was abandoned.

"Also! You are children, so I will give you another discount today. After killing ten zombies and repaying the debt of the military assassin, you can go to the base to receive a strengthening injection for every ten zombies you kill. You can choose the attributes yourself, it’s also limited to today, and tomorrow the price will be restored to one hundred zombies!”

Li Yichen said again, then turned to look at the other survivors who had not dispersed:

"You don't have a discount, but you can also use zombie corpses in exchange for strengthening injections to strengthen your physique. The price is one hundred zombies, but remember, you must use the zombie corpses you killed in exchange. If anyone steals other people's trophies or enhanced injections, they will be killed as soon as they are discovered! Don't blame me for not warning you then!"

Then he pointed to the carriages and said:

"The ones here don't count. This is for you to practice your courage. If you feel that you have almost done it, go out and kill zombies. If you don't kill enough today, you can register and continue killing tomorrow. If you make up a hundred, you can redeem it. As long as If you are willing to work hard and work hard, you will all have the opportunity to become an enhancer! If you want to, you can go to the building to get weapons."

"Strengthening injection? Is it the kind of strengthening injection that was given to us before?"

one survivor asked in disbelief.

"That's right! That's the one, but the one I gave you was a gift from me, because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to hold on here, so that one is an endurance injection. When you change it yourself, you can choose the type yourself. The ones for strength, agility and endurance are all Yes, and all of them are one hundred zombies for one!"

Li Yichen replied affirmatively.

"Ah! Great! Can I become an enhancer?"

"Is this true? I...I'm going to kill zombies!"

"I want to go too. Although there is danger, where is the safe place in the apocalypse? Only by becoming stronger can we live longer!"

"Wrong! Only when our base becomes stronger can we live longer. In other bases, can you exchange zombie corpses for strengthening liquid? It's just a joke!"

"Yes, yes! Fortunately, I didn't leave with Huang Jinfu!"

"Bah! Don't mention him. Most of the people who followed him have turned into zombies. When I was killing zombies there before, I saw a lot of people I knew. It was so miserable!"

"That's what they deserve. They want to leave. Who can blame them?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get out quickly!"

"Just going out like this? Go get the weapons first!"

"Yes, yes! Let's go together!"

"Go, go, go!"

The survivors left talking in succession, and their faces looked very excited. Enhancers have always been beyond their reach. Unexpectedly, there are only eight enhancers in Wanshan Base, but they are enough to support a five thousand A multiplayer base? This is enough to prove the status of the strengthener in the last days.

Now, they themselves have the opportunity to become Enhancers, and they suddenly feel that there is nothing wrong with killing zombies outside! This is how people are, when faced with enough temptation, they may ignore no matter how big the danger is, as long as the temptation is big enough! Otherwise, why do people still keep making that mistake that started three years ago and carries the maximum penalty of death?

"You're really good! You drove away a few people, and the base became even more lively!"

After everyone dispersed, Wan Shan, Li Dong, and other former Wanshan base administrators gathered around. Wan Shan looked at the excited survivors and said.

"Still a long way to go!"

Li Yichen shook his head and said:

"Most of these people are just here because it is safe and has enough benefits. Once there is a crisis here, they may become a ball of sand again! To truly generate cohesion, we also need... a victory! !”

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