Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 55 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

It was the people from Wanshan Base who came. Although they had enough vehicles due to the visit of Tiger Shark Base, the ten trucks alone were enough to accommodate all the people, but in order to train these guys, Li Yichen requested that in addition to Except for women, children, old and young, everyone else has to run here. After all, they have been injected with endurance injections. As long as they don't run crazy all the way, they will definitely be able to persist here.

With Chang Guchuan and the others leading the way, they came directly to the entrance of the new base. Looking at the wall and the style of the building inside, everyone was almost sure that this was their new home.

"I'll go! It would be a shame for this guy... not to be a contractor! How the hell did he do this?"

Looking at the ten-meter-high wall in front of him, the huge area of ​​the wall, and the building complex in the center that was twice as tall as the wall, Li Dong was shocked. He had just been here, and he knew very well that Mao was here before. No.

"Haha! If he is a contractor, he will charge us money! But fortunately, housing prices in the apocalypse are not high!"

Wan Shan patted Li Dong on the shoulder and said meaningfully:

"As for how he did it, everyone has a secret. As long as we know that he is one of ours, that is enough, isn't it?"

Li Dong was stunned for a moment, then laughed:

"Hahahaha! That's right! We're one of our own. Fortunately, this guy is one of our own! Otherwise... let alone this base, it's a question of whether we would still be alive now!"

"I don't think this is a problem!"

Chang Guchuan interjected from the side:

"We must have died!"


The members of the Redemption Army nodded in agreement.

"Holy shit! Two walls?"

After entering the first gate, everyone discovered that there was an inner wall more than a hundred meters ahead. Because the height was almost the same, it could not be seen from the outside.

"Everyone, welcome home!"

Li Yichen stood at the gate of the second wall, stretched out his arms and shouted to everyone.

"go home?"

Most people stopped and turned their heads to look around. Many people's eyes began to get wet. After running around in the apocalypse for many years, they had never regarded a certain place as their home.

The older ones are better, they have at least experienced the peaceful and prosperous times, but those in their twenties and thirties have been struggling to survive in the apocalypse since they were born, and have never experienced the feeling of home at all.

"That's right! Home!"

Li Yichen nodded: "This will be our home from now on. Even if we have to move, it should still be in the Valley of the Dead, and I guarantee that this building will always be [Biquge www.sbiquge.info] This shape.”

"Why build two walls?"

Wan Shan asked softly.

"It's safe!"

Li Yichen pointed to the open space between the two walls:

"This is used as a plantation, so you don't have to worry about zombie attacks when planting, and look!"

Li Yichen pointed to the passage between the two walls:

"Between these two walls, there are a total of fifty such passages. We can use these passages to go to and from the inner and outer walls at any time. There are also mechanisms on the inner walls that can control the passages. In special circumstances, the passages can be withdrawn. The two walls The connection was disconnected.”

"Fuck! That's awesome! I think those super bases are not as strong as the defenses we have here."

Wan Shan took a breath and said: "When you promised to give me a base, I knew you were serious, but I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

"Do you think this is the base I promised you?"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan with a half-smile.

"Is not it?"

Wan Shan was stunned! "That's right! But...this is only part of it!"

Li Yichen suddenly waved his hand and motioned for Wan Shan to follow him up the city wall. After everyone climbed up the steps on the inside of the wall to the five-meter-wide wall, Li Yichen pointed at the Valley of the Dead Soldiers and said:

"When our base occupies the entire Valley of the Dead Army and the two exits become the gates of our base, my promise to you will be truly completed.


Hearing Li Yichen's words, whether it was Wan Shan, Li Dong, or the guys from the Redemption Legion, they all took a breath of air, but immediately, everyone's expressions became extremely excited, and their eyes were full of longing.

"Everyone! Come on! Change the world, starting from this valley!"

Li Yichen suddenly laughed!

"Okay! But there is one thing you must agree to!"

Wan Shan said suddenly.

"What's up?"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan strangely.

"Our base can no longer be called Wanshan! We need to change it to a noble name!"

Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen and said: "When I established the base before, I didn't have much ambition at all. I just wanted to protect myself while taking in as many survivors as possible, and trying to make them feel like they were living in a peaceful and prosperous age. !”

"But you have seen the result. If it weren't for you, Wanshan Base would no longer exist. Whether it was the Ghost Eye Corpse Wave the day before yesterday or the Tiger Shark Base today, we would not be able to fight against it."

"My concept of managing the base is similar to that of Er Mao and Li Dong. You are right. We are too kind. We are not as ruthless as you. Don't worry! This is not to scold you. Only your character is suitable for this end of the world, so... I can do this with the base. Help you manage it, and I also want to change it, but the name must be changed."

Wan Shan took a deep breath, looked at Li Dong, and sighed:

"The name Wanshan Base will always remind me of the past, and of Ermao. The name of the base was originally suggested by Ermao. I didn't take it seriously and agreed. If it were still the name, I don't think I could change it. .”

"This... you guys discuss it!"

Li Yichen thought for a while and said:

"I'm not too familiar with names. The names of these guys' legions are all their own ideas!"

Li Yichen pointed at Chang Guchuan, and then said: "And the name is actually just a symbol. Whether our base will eventually become famous all over the world depends not on the resounding name, but on ourselves. Just like those celebrities, their The reason why the names are domineering, such as Xiang Yu, Bai Qi, Ying Zheng, etc., their names are very common, but because of their lives, these names are famous all over the world."

"Who are you talking about...?"

Wan Shan and others were confused. These names were very common. How could they be domineering? "

"Uh! I was just making an analogy!"

Li Yichen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Damn, he forgot that this is not the earth. "Okay! Xiaomao is up there. Remember to send someone up to watch him. In addition, you guys should also give this building a name. The first floor is for public facilities such as the canteen and warehouse. As for the venue, the second to eighth floors are the dormitories, the ninth and tenth floors are up to you to arrange, and the eleventh floor is reserved for me."

Li Yichen jumped off the wall and shouted: "I'll leave this to you first. Chang Guchuan, you continue to organize people to clean up the zombies around me. I'll go back over there to finish it off!"

When Wan Shan and others came over, everyone only brought weapons and food. Other sundries, including zombie corpses and giant zombies, were still left in the base over there. Although Wan Shan himself found it strange, he heard that It was Li Yichen's order, so I didn't ask any more questions.

"Why is this guy always so busy that he never touches the ground?"

Looking at Li Yichen's back, Li Dong shook his head.

"With great power comes great responsibility. Let's go! We have... a lot to do!"

Wan Shan sighed and walked off the wall...

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