Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 538 Is it really empty?


The Goblin King saw that Li Yichen was only showing the "space equipment" to him and had no intention of letting it go, so he didn't reach out and just took a closer look.

What Li Yichen took out was his own pendant. This pendant looked very special, and it had also caused Li Yichen to have that kind of strange dream, so he thought that he could get away with it by taking this out, as long as he didn't check it. That's it.

"My friend! You know, we goblins have researched various technologies, but technology that can integrate space or time has always been a topic we are studying, but we still have no clue."

The Goblin King looked at the pendant and said with some itching:

"Look, can we check this thing? It might be of great help to our research!"

"I'm very sorry! Your Majesty Sirimaha, this was given to me by a very special person for safekeeping. It does not belong to me. If you really want to check it, you must wait until I go back to ask him for permission!"

Li Yichen said politely.

"Oh! Okay then! We'll check again after you ask the original owner for permission!"

What Li Yichen didn't expect was that after hearing Li Yichen's words, the Goblin King actually gave up. He raised his head and looked at Li Yichen and said:

"My friend, since you have this space equipment, let's set off. I will take you directly to our material storage warehouse, but... is your space big enough?"

"it should be OK!"

Li Yichen nodded and said, "If you want to give me your base, I can even pretend to do it!" I'm afraid you won't!

"Then let's go! Or do you need something to eat?"

The King of Goblins.

"No, it's important to complete our cooperation first. There will be plenty of opportunities to eat in the future! It would be best if we arrive at the Star of Samsara and the two of us invite His Majesty!"

Li Yichen smiled.

"Hahaha! I'm looking forward to that day!"

The Goblin King laughed, and then left the banquet hall with Li Yichen and George and walked towards a wide corridor.

"Look! This is our equipment warehouse, and the other room is our alchemy potion warehouse. My friend, you can get some of both!"

When they came to a huge door, the two mechas pushed the door open at the signal of Goblin King Sirimaha. Then, the Goblin King looked up at Li Yichen and made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! But... how much can I take?"

After Li Yichen walked in, he looked around and asked.

This is also a huge space, with countless boxes neatly stacked, and the entire warehouse looks very neat! It seems that the goblins are still a relatively strict race.

"Hahahaha! My friends, you only use these to help us weaken other races, so I can't be stingy!"

The Goblin King laughed and said:

"You are fighting on the front line. Because of the rules, we can't participate in the battle in person, so we can only do logistics in the back. So... don't be polite. You can take as much as you can. In addition, you can also take this Take it, here are the operating instructions for all our equipment, and the mecha pilots are also in it!"

"In addition, there are alchemy potions in the warehouse over there. You can take as many as you want! There are instructions for the effects of the potions in the box! All alchemy potions can be drank directly. Of course, some are offensive potions, so you can't drink them. Got it!"

"That's it! Then...can I take a look at the alchemy potion first? So I can arrange the space!"

Li Yichen scratched his hair and asked.


The Goblin King smiled, then turned around and waved, and the two mechas ran to open the warehouse opposite. Li Yichen turned around and came to the warehouse of the medicine.

This warehouse has the same specifications as the warehouse opposite, both are quite large, but the boxes inside are obviously much less than those opposite, and the boxes are not that big, and they are not stacked high.

"Your Majesty Sirimaha, can I really take as much as I can?"

Li Yichen looked at the placement of the boxes in the pharmacy warehouse, then returned to the equipment warehouse. Standing in front of a row of large boxes, he turned to look at the Goblin King and asked.

"That's right! You can take whatever you want! Take as much as you can!"

The Goblin King nodded:

"You are working hard in front, how can I be stingy? I said, your safety is the most important, so don't be polite, even if my warehouse is emptied, we can still build it again! We goblins The production speed is very fast!"

"Okay! Thank you so much, Goblin King!!"

Li Yichen smiled and nodded to the Goblin King, and then moved quickly...

"Okay, Your Majesty! I've finished it! Thanks to Your Majesty for your generosity, with these gifts from you, I will be able to suppress all other trial races, don't worry!!"

A minute later, Li Yichen returned to Goblin King Sirimaha and said with a grateful face.

"This...this...you're welcome!"

The Goblin King looked at the empty warehouse in shock and stammered.

As the king of goblins, Sirimaha certainly knows how rare space equipment is. The goblins have studied it for many epochs without success, and now they have found one in Li Yichen.

However, according to the Goblin King's guess, no matter how big this space equipment is, it can't be much bigger. It is estimated that even a mecha can fit in it, so he generously let Li Yichen take it with confidence!

But who knew that this bastard could be so honest and actually emptied two warehouses in front of him, in just one minute! I said it doesn't matter if you empty it out, so you really emptied it out for me? Do you know what kind words are?

Sirimaha watched helplessly as Li Yichen ran as fast as if he was being chased by a dog. After a long circle around the warehouse, the boxes were gone, and not even the more than a thousand mechas were left.

Then this greedy guy actually ran to the opposite warehouse and emptied all the potions at the same speed. Is your space equipment called a black hole?

Looking at the warehouse that even mice were unwilling to enter, Sirimaha's heart was bleeding and his intestines were green with regret, but... the guy who had just emptied his old man actually stood in front of him with a smile and thanked him. You, what do you want the Goblin King to do?

There are so many mecha warriors watching around. As their king, can I regret letting this guy take out things again? cannot! King, keep your word! It is impossible for the Goblin King to act like a capricious villain in front of his subordinates.

"Haha! You still have to be polite!"

Li Yichen heard the Goblin King's answer and said with a smile:

"These are probably enough for us to use for a while. When we don't have any more, I'll come back and ask the Goblin King for support!"

"This... we'll discuss it later!"

The Goblin King didn't dare to make any promises this time. He didn't even dare to look at the empty warehouse anymore. He turned around and left. Li Yichen quickly followed, leaving George who was still confused...

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