Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 47 Xiaomao’s decision

Looking at the dead Ermao, there was silence in the base. Only some suppressed cries could be heard faintly. Li Dong gently placed Xiaomao next to Ermao.

Xiaomao, who had lost too much blood, looked extremely pale. He stared at Ermao blankly, motionless.

Li Yichen pulled out the military thorn with force. Xiao Mao's eyes slowly turned to the military thorn, and then fell on Li Yichen's face. His eyes were filled with prayers.

"You...want me to do it to you just like I did just now?"

After looking at the military thorn in his hand and then at Xiao Mao, Li Yichen asked.


Xiaomao nodded vigorously.


Li Yichen nodded:

"Killing two brothers in a row in one day is something I've never done before, but it shouldn't be difficult!"

"Let me do it!"

At this time, Wan Shan suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Yichen's hand holding the military thorn, looked at him and said:

"You can't always let one person do this kind of thing!"

"I come!"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan and insisted, then looked at Xiao Mao:

"And, we probably don't need to!"

Taking out an injection from his body, Li Yichen lifted it up to Xiao Mao's eyes:

"I know what you are thinking, but...I have another choice here! You can consider it!"

Looking into Xiaomao's eyes, Li Yichen shook the injection in his hand:

"This is a strengthening liquid that I...obtained accidentally a long time ago. I have never dared to use it because although its effect is strong, it has a side effect that scares me!"

The injection in Li Yichen's hand was naturally the intelligence-enhancing enzyme injection from the "brain" - Jizhi Injection. He originally thought that he would never redeem it in his life, but Xiaomao's situation made him think that maybe He can try.

Such a Xiaomao will never survive. First of all, he will lose hope in life. He will become a piece of meat and have to be helped by others to eat, drink, and defecate. Moreover, the only brother who is around him is also dead. In peaceful times, it would be difficult for such people to have the faith to survive, let alone in this apocalyptic world.

Therefore, Li Yichen felt that Xiao Mao's situation was already at its worst, so there was nothing to worry about. Of course, it was up to Xiao Mao to decide whether to inject this injection.

After telling Xiao Mao about the effects of Ji Zhi Injection and the possible changes in life forms, Li Yichen quietly waited for Xiao Mao's decision. The reason why he just let Xiao Mao watch his brother's death with his own eyes was because he felt that that scene should be able to At this time, help Xiaomao make a decision.

After looking at Er Mao's body and then at the injection, Xiao Mao suddenly showed a determined look in his eyes and nodded vigorously at Li Yichen.


Li Yichen nodded, then stood up, turned to Li Dong and said:

"You know the Death Army Valley, right? Chang Guchuan and the others are training there right now. You drive a truck outside to pick them up!"

Although there are still a large group of zombies outside, Li Dong is a strengthener, so it is still no problem to rush out and drive away.

Li Dong nodded immediately, looked at Wan Shan again, then turned and left.


Li Yichen suddenly stopped him again, looked at the people around him, and said:

"Tell Chang Guchuan and the others to use up all the rewards I gave them on their way back and leave nothing behind! As for how to distribute it, let them decide for themselves!"

Li Dong was a little confused, but he nodded before turning and leaving.

When leaving the Dead Army Valley, Li Yichen felt that it might take him a few licks before he could return to the Dead Army Valley, so he left a large number of enhanced enzyme injections with Chang Guchuan and the others for them to exchange for themselves. Anyway, he would have to recycle the corpses after he returned. Yes, I’m sorry they don’t dare to lie.

But now, Li Yichen needed them to quickly improve their strength, so the original plan had to make some changes.

In fact, after Li Yichen met the people from the Tiger Shark Base on the road, he knew that they would come here, but he thought that since he showed his strength so strongly, they should not come so soon.

When he came back this time, Li Yichen was also worried about the base, so he thought of coming back to guard the base for a few days. After solving the problem at the Tiger Shark Base, he would go over to train those guys, but who knew that something had happened to the base when he came back.

Now, the two bases have formed an undying hatred. Even if Tiger Shark Base no longer comes to trouble them, Li Yichen will take them to Tiger Shark Base to settle accounts. Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the training plan and relocation plan. .

After watching Li Dong leave, Li Yichen nodded to Wan Shan, then grabbed Xiao Mao and entered the Fifth Ring Building, finding a room on the fourth floor and entering.

Just after entering the room, Li Yichen suddenly heard a wailing sound from below, and someone was crying:

"I don't want to die!"

Li Yichen curiously came to the window and looked down, and found more than twenty male survivors standing together, most of them howling loudly.

Li Yichen sighed secretly, knowing that these people must have been scratched or bitten in the previous battle. Not to mention that it has been proven that his blood is ineffective on other people. Even if it is useful, I am afraid his blood is not enough for so many people. Yes, their fate is already determined.

When he came to the bed, he placed Xiaomao directly on the bed with only wooden boards. Li Yichen took out the Jizhi Injection and confirmed with Xiaomao again:

"Let me remind you one last time. After injecting this injection, your life form will change, and you may even turn into a monster! Have you made your decision?"

Xiao Mao nodded, and then looked at Tianya behind Li Yichen. Li Yichen nodded. He understood what Xiao Mao meant, so he said no more and inserted the injection into Xiao Mao's chest at the heart position. He gently injected all the injection...

After the injection, Li Yichen watched from the side, but Xiao Mao seemed to have no change. Except that his pale face became a little rosy, there was nothing abnormal.

After thinking about it, Li Yichen took out another endurance injection and injected it into Xiaomao again. This time, he did not ask Xiaomao again, because it was already certain that there would be no side effects except increasing one's endurance.

After the endurance injection, Xiao Mao still had no reaction and just looked at Li Yichen quietly. His limbs had been amputated and the wounds had not been treated. It was actually a miracle that he could survive until now.

Li Yichen did not dare to leave and stayed by Xiaomao's side. After about seven or eight minutes, veins suddenly popped up on Xiaomao's head, his breathing became rapid, and his body twisted uneasily. Li Yichen was about to reach out, but found that Xiaomao's body froze. , and then became silent...

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