Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 452 The Transformation of the Freedom Alliance


Chen Tianyu came to Wan Shan and stretched out his hand.

Wan Shan lowered his head, looked at Chen Tianyu's hand, stretched out his hand and held it:

"It's not necessary! Just try your best! This is a war between humans and aliens. If we still hide our selfishness at this time, then we will not be called human race!"

"Human race?"

Chen Tianyu opened his eyes wide and looked at Wan Shan!

"That's right! The human race! The six trial races! We already know almost all of them! They are the Zerg race, the undead race, the orc race...and so on! Then we, of course, are the human race! We are all human beings!! They are all us enemy!"

Wan Shan looked at Chen Tianyu seriously:

"I know that we have many conflicts ourselves, but at this time, as long as you are human and as long as you are willing to fight side by side with us, then... I may be willing to hand my back to you!!"

"It's a deal!"

Chen Tianyu looked at Wan Shan seriously and suddenly reached out to shake his hand! With a smile on his face:

"I dare not say anything about other people! But...the people of my Shengshi Villa! You can safely leave your back to me! Deal with the aliens! We...will do our best!!"

"me too!"

At this time, Chang Tianyuan, the Doomsday Scavenger, also rushed up and said to Wan Shan:

"I dare not say anything else! But the ones who pay off our debts the fastest should be us, the apocalyptic scavengers. I'm not just talking about it. Just watch how fast we kill zombies!"

"Everyone! I think! We should determine our responsibilities!"

At this time, Li Yichen suddenly spoke.

"What's your responsibility? Just go up and kill them! Are you like those cowards? Just avoid them?"

Meng Jiang from the Freedom Alliance said harshly!

"No no no!"

Li Yichen shook his head:

"If... you are all cowards and don't plan to join the war, then I will definitely have some plans, but I am sure that I will never give up on the Far North Continent. Even if we are the only one in the capital of hell, we will persevere to the end. , until... our entire army is annihilated!"

"What do you mean by this? Are you saying that we are cowards? We don't dare?"

Meng Jiang frowned and asked with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"of course not!"

Li Yichen shook his head gently:

"What I mean is...if you all join, then we will choose the things we are responsible for according to our respective strengths!"

"What's the meaning?"

At this time, even Chen Tianyu didn't quite understand:

"Since we are going to war with the six major races, then each of our forces is the main force, how can we choose our own things?"

"It's very simple!"

Li Yichen suddenly smiled:

"We are humans! The biggest difference from other creatures is... we are intelligent!"

Li Yichen tapped his temple and smiled mysteriously:

"You already know the names of the six major trial races, Zerg, Undead, Orc, Demon, Blood, Goblin... Do you think these names are comparable to our human race?"

Li Yichen looked disdainful:

"Fuck! They're just a bunch of rubbish! How dare you treat us as indigenous people? Do you think we really have no power to resist? Damn it! I gotta get serious, do you believe that I can let them annihilate all my troops?"

Li Yichen cursed, but many of the leaders below liked this! Come on, this is the end of the world, what kind of expert professor can you expect the leaders of these forces to be? Is he quite a civilized character?

"Xiao Li! What are you going to do?"

Meng Jiang was the first to ask.

"It will take three years for the trial passage to be opened normally! In other words...it will take at least three years for their strong men to enter our world! Three years...damn it! Do they think we will stay where we are?"

Li Yichen suddenly smiled strangely:

"We humans! In fact, our biggest weakness is killing each other! As long as there are no enemies, we will definitely fight among ourselves. This is the same no matter which world we are in! But now... we have enemies! There are six of them. If aliens want to conquer our world, should we still have a civil war?"

"Fuck! Whoever wants a civil war now, I will be the first to kill him!!"

Meng Jiang shouted loudly.


Li Yichen smiled and said:

"We no longer have a civil war. We are focused on the outside world and want to kill those alien races. Do you think they will be able to compete with us? We are human beings!! The highest level of creatures! Are you our enemy? Who in this world can do that? ?”


Chen Tianyu came to Li Yichen, stretched out his hand, shook hands with him, looked at him calmly and said:

"Brother! I'm just saying this to you! In the war between our Shengshi Farm and the aliens, you are the only one to obey!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Meng Jiang laughed:

"Old Chen! In fact, I have always had a problem with you. I think you are just a birdie! But what you said today really speaks to my heart!"

Rushing over and putting one hand on Chen Tianyu's shoulder and the other on Li Yichen's shoulder, Meng Jianghao smiled and said:

"We in the Free Alliance don't have many strong people, but there are absolutely no cowards! In a short time! As long as that brain can actually redeem that kind of injection! I can make 10,000 new humans in an instant! !”


Guo Jinbao was stunned and looked at Meng Jiang:

"You...the Free Alliance has always disliked strengthening fluids, saying that it would change your human bloodline? You didn't even want it when we sold it at a discount!"

"Life or death! Who cares so much?"

Meng Jiang looked at Guo Jinbao and said:

"Boss Guo! In the past, the only enemies in our world were zombies! We didn't want to be polluted by them, but now? Orcs, undead, and even insects can come to interfere with us! Although I am the deputy leader , but I can also make the decision for our Freedom Alliance!!"

Meng Jiang turned to look at Li Yichen:

"If the world is gone! What's the point of maintaining our bloodline? No matter what! This world is ours, and whoever wants to occupy it, I will bite him! I'll bite him to death!"

"Okay! As long as your brothers agree! Let's bite them together!"

Li Yichen looked at Meng Jiang and said with a smile.

"What about you? Are you planning to fight alongside us?"

After Li Yichen finished speaking, he turned to look at the other two representatives representing the eight major forces. Now, the Freedom Alliance and Shengshi Villa had clearly stated their attitudes. As for the remaining two, Li Yichen naturally wanted to ask clearly!

Among the nine major forces, the Explorers Association has been merged into the Capital of Hell. The Guardian Alliance and the Survivor Alliance have been excluded. Not to mention the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the mortal enemy of the Capital of Hell. The Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce should not be involved. What a problem, the Hunter Association seems to be leaning towards them, so now... it seems that the only ones left are the apocalyptic scavengers...

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