Of course, Li Yichen didn't know about the existence of mutants, let alone that those guys thought he was a member of the Kingdom of Heaven. But after discovering the two "zombiees", Li Yichen was ready for the battle.

Li Yichen was now fully armed, with a body armor over his combat uniform and a tactical helmet on his head. Looking at his equipment, Li Yichen felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, when I was patrolling around, I found signs of suspected human activities. Otherwise, at least I would not have gone out of my way to exchange body armor and helmets from the mall - these things are only useful during human civil wars, at least. This is what Li Yichen thought before seeing the two zombies.

Standing alone in the small house at the central entrance of the platform, looking at the wide platform, Li Yichen suddenly felt that he had been a little neglectful. He should have exchanged some simulated dummies in the mall before, disguised them, and lay them down at the crenel. Holding a gun and pretending to be a real person, if those zombies are really smart enough, they might just leave because there are so many people here.

"Really, even if you exchange some more clothes and make some scarecrows!"

Li Yichen muttered with regret, people in the apocalypse are not very particular about hygiene, so even if he knew that there might be a week without the system, Li Yichen just kept an extra set of combat uniforms, because he was afraid that if he didn't have time, I prepared this suit in advance when I went out hunting and scratched it. It was not for replacement.

If this battle suit is disguised as a person, just one more person, it may not work. But just using wood or straw to make a person's shape lying there, Li Yichen feels a little unreliable.

Zombies who can use binoculars and sniper rifles will never be able to distinguish between wood and people. If he really does this, he will only be laughed at by the zombies. He doesn't want the zombies to think that he is stupider than them.

(Zombie: We don’t have a role in these chapters, so don’t mention us all the time, okay? It’s your uncle’s fault!!)

Cautiously staying on the platform until dark, Li Yichen did not wait for the expected attack. At night, he felt more relaxed. It was not that he thought zombies would not attack at night. Those stupid guys might not be able to tell the difference between day and night. The difference from the night is just that at night, the eagle eye can play its greatest role. The ugly eyes of zombies do not have night vision.

(Zombie:...don’t want to talk!)

When darkness enveloped the entire world, Li Yichen finally noticed movement in the jungle, so he slowly opened the bolt of the sniper rifle and loaded the bullet.

Li Yichen's sniper rifle does not have a scope. The eagle eye that has evolved the trajectory ability can even directly let Li Yichen see the bullet impact point of his sniper rifle. This is more effective than any scope, and not only does it not reflect light , also has night vision capabilities.

When he saw a dozen people walking through the jungle and approaching him, Li Yichen sighed softly - these guys were obviously coming for him.

And until now, Li Yichen can't tell whether these guys are humans or zombies. Are they zombies? The movements of these guys were quite agile, and Li Yichen even saw some tactical moves from their progress.

But to say that they are human beings...

Look at the one with one eye, the one with a left arm thicker than the thigh, look at their skin color, and what are those guys? They look more terrifying than zombies, and are no longer even in the category of humans. Maybe zombies will be frightened and run away when they see them.

After confirming that these guys were coming for his camp, and no matter how he looked at it, these strange guys didn't look friendly, so Li Yichen didn't hesitate at all and directly chose to attack.

When exchanging a sniper rifle, Li Yichen's imaginary enemy was a mutant beast with strong defenses, so the sniper rifle bullets he exchanged were all armor-piercing bullets with strong penetrating capabilities.

One Eye led a dozen mutants in that stronghold and was almost approaching the base he had discovered before. Although Li Yichen's temporary camp was very small, One Eye stubbornly believed that this was the Kingdom of Heaven preparing to enter this mountain range. The advanced base established!

One-Eye, who has a deep hatred for the Kingdom of Heaven, is acting more cautiously now. He does not want to alarm anyone in the fortress, because it is easier to capture him alive, and he has personally participated in several massacres of the Kingdom of Heaven expedition team. Regarding the Kingdom of Heaven, he Have a deep understanding of the strength of soldiers.

In his opinion, the scope of this fortress can only be stationed with about a hundred people at most. Although he only brought a dozen people, he carried out a sneak attack at night, and the people he brought were all Enhancers with peak strength. , taking this fortress is not a problem at all, he is even sure to solve the entire battle within an hour.

About five hundred meters away from the fortress, One Eye stopped. The light tonight was pretty good. Even at this distance, he could see the fortress with his telescope.

But what makes One Eye a little strange is that there is no light in the entire fortress. Isn't this a bit like the style of the Kingdom of Heaven?

With the wealth of Heavenly Kingdom, this fortress must have a generator, and Heavenly Kingdom should not be short of fuel. In a place full of mutant beasts, they don't even use searchlights?

"One-eyed! Something's wrong?"

Xueya seemed to have the same feeling, so he came to One Eye and asked softly:

"I just remembered now that the clothes that guy was wearing during the day didn't seem to be from the Kingdom of Heaven, right?"

"No matter which force they belong to, as long as they are humans who enter this mountain range, they will all die. As for which force they belong to, we will know later."

One Eye put down the telescope, replied softly, and then waved his hand to indicate to continue moving forward!

"Wait a minute One-Eye! How about... wait until the leopard comes tomorrow, and we can do some reconnaissance and then decide?"

Xueya was a little worried. He always seemed to have a sense of crisis in his heart, so he advised.

"If you're scared, then go back. I can take down such a small base by myself!"

One-eye did not intend to give up, and said with a cold snort.

"Okay! Everyone, be careful! This base feels a bit evil to me!"

Seeing that One Eye could not be persuaded, Xueya could only say angrily.

When they arrived just over two hundred meters away from the castle, One Eye waved again, stopping everyone in their tracks, then raised the sniper rifle in his hand and observed the fortress with the scope.

"One-eye, I can't find anyone, they don't even have sentries!"

Bloody Fang also raised the telescope and said while looking at the fortress in the darkness.


As soon as he finished speaking, a dull gunshot tore through the silence of the night and reached everyone's ears...

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