Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 226 Goodbye Li Qingfeng

"Home planet?"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Xiaotian, his eyes flashing with light. Is he talking about the earth? The guide should refer to Li Fangzhou, that bitch who talks nonsense, and the home planet most likely refers to the earth. After all, Li Fangzhou is from the earth.

But what makes Li Yichen a little depressed is that he is not sure whether his earth is Li Fangzhou's earth. At least he feels that his earth cannot have the technology of Li Fangzhou's earth, let alone the earth he came from. In terms of interstellar navigation, humans simply do not have the ability to fly out of the solar system. The only alien planet they have visited is the moon.

He remembered that when he read novels, he talked about the multidimensional universe. Could this be another universe? Well, I have gone too far in time travel, and I want to go back...

Shaking his head vigorously, Li Yichen forced himself not to think about these things anymore. Returning home was still far away for him now. What he had to do now was to survive in this world and then find Li Fangzhou. The substitutes left behind by other continents figure out whether this bastard is from his own earth.

"Well! The mother star! It's also called the source star!"

Lin Xiaotian nodded and said:

"It is said that there is the birthplace of human beings. Our planet now is just a colonial planet for human beings. Of course, I have only heard about this, and...the people summoned by the guide back then all have their own ideas now. Everyone interpreted the Guide’s words according to their own understanding, so there were a lot of disagreements!”

"Is this the origin of the nine major forces?"

Li Yichen asked.


Lin Xiaotian shook his head:

"The descendants of the people summoned by the Guide back then are all in the Kingdom of Heaven. As for the other eight major forces, they are just a joke. If the Kingdom of Heaven hadn't been in internal strife, they would have had no chance to rise!"

Turning to look at Li Yichen seriously, Lin Xiaotian continued:

"Even now, as long as the Kingdom of Heaven can take it seriously, temporarily put aside the conflicts between the major families, and destroy the eight major forces, it will be easy."

"Alas! It's just that... this is impossible. Even the other eight major forces have shadows of the families of the Kingdom of Heaven. That's why the current nine major forces can coexist peacefully - at least that's what it looks like on the surface!"

"The Kingdom of Heaven is so powerful? Then...there are no traces of other forces in the Far North Continent. It should not be simply because the Far North Continent has no resources, right?"

Li Yichen's heart moved and he asked tentatively.

"How come there are no resources?"

Lin Xiaotian smiled mockingly:

"That's because the leader back then said that the most important part of the Ark Plan is in the Far North Continent, so the Kingdom of Heaven does not allow other forces to enter, but... that was only in the past, and now those forces also feel that there seems to be something here The incredible treasures have all sent people to the Far North Continent, but they have never shown the banner of their own power, and only appeared as an ordinary survivor base. In addition, some families are supporting behind them, so..."


Li Yichen nodded, then looked in the direction of the secret laboratory:

"You're not going to take me back now, are you? Then... what are you going to tell your superiors?"


Lin Xiaotian looked at Li Yichen, and a cruel smile suddenly appeared on his face:

"The living need to explain, the dead... don't need to explain anything!"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then understood Lin Xiaotian's thoughts and couldn't help but take a deep breath, but he did not express any objection.

"Almost all the military power in the laboratory has been destroyed by you, but... there are actually many defense methods in the laboratory. You kid is lucky. You sneaked in by accident, and you were inexplicable. The ones got out!"

Lin Xiaotian drove the helicopter and said to Li Yichen beside him. At this time, Li Yichen had turned into the helicopter pilot, but he couldn't fly a helicopter, so he had to let Lin Xiaotian come.

"I'll first ask the other three helicopters to see what's going on with them. Don't say anything for a while. When I say take action, just start killing people. This shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

Lin Xiaotian looked at Li Yichen and saw Li Yichen nodding, so he connected the communications of the other three helicopters and started calling. However, after calling several times, he did not get any response.

"what happened?"

Lin Xiaotian frowned and looked at Li Yichen:

"Is your companion very powerful?"

"Shi Lei?"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head:

"I don't know! I only saw him when I came to your laboratory. Because he helped me, I took him out. Strictly speaking, he is not my companion!"

"Then go and take a look first!"

Lin Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, then flew the helicopter in a circle over the laboratory and called the people below:

"The murderer has been caught, but there seems to be something wrong with the other three helicopters. I'm going to take a look, so be careful!"

When Lin Xiaotian drove the helicopter and flew north for a while, he actually found a convoy appearing below. When the convoy saw their helicopter, it immediately dispersed and prepared to attack.

"Don't attack, they are from Fengcheng Base, our own people! Land quickly!"

Li Yichen saw Li Qingfeng and Shi Lei in the convoy at a glance, and shouted quickly. Lin Xiaotian looked at Li Yichen and began to descend the helicopter.

Li Qingfeng saw that the helicopter did not seem to have any intention of attacking them, so he asked the convoy to stand by while he drove towards the helicopter.

"Put your hands up!"

When they arrived at the landing location of the helicopter, Li Qingfeng and several people in the car all jumped out of the car and pointed their guns at Li Yichen and Lin Xiaotian who got out of the car [Biquge www.biqugetv.co].

"They don't seem very friendly!"

Lin Xiaotian said with a smile that with his strength, these thermal weapons were no threat at all, so he naturally wouldn't care.

"Silly man! What's wrong with you? Don't you recognize me?"

Li Yichen gritted his teeth and looked at Li Qingfeng. When Li Qingfeng heard Li Yichen's voice, he was suddenly startled and looked at him in confusion:

"Collecting rags? How did you become like this?"

Only then did Li Yichen remember that he was now wearing the driver's mask created by the system. He quickly took off the mask and waved to Li Qingfeng:

"If I want to enter their laboratory, I have to change my face. Otherwise, will they let me in? Why are you here? Has the zombie tide receded? Where are the three helicopters?"

"It's really you!"

Seeing Li Yichen's true appearance, Li Qingfeng finally let down his guard completely, waved his hand behind him, and strode forward...

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